
  • 网络Osteotome;Boning Knife;Cleaver;Bone sword;Boneblade
  1. B组为非骨刀减压组。

    Group B : decompress not using bone knife ( 94 cases ) .

  2. B组左侧先用涡轮钻(对照组)拔除,右侧则用超声骨刀配合涡轮钻(实验组)拔除。

    For group B , used the turbine drill ( control group ) for the left side and the ultrasonic osteotome with the turbine drill ( experimental group ) for the right side .

  3. 目的:在建立先天性髋脱位(CDH)的计算机三维交互模型的基础上,建立三维骨刀模型,模拟截骨。

    Objective : Creation of the computer model osteotom for surgical simulation about osteotomy on model of CDH .

  4. 在超声骨刀配合涡轮钻法拔除下颌低位水平阻生智齿手术后,疼痛及局部肿胀症状的延续和缓解时间方面明显优于对照组(p0.05)。

    After the surgery using the ultrasonic osteotome with the turbine drill , the duration of remission of the symptoms of pain and local swelling was significantly better than the control group ( p0.05 ) . 3 .

  5. 微骨刀近端配有可拆卸的螺帽,其远端为4枚锋利的钢钉,孔距为4mm,其连线呈正方形,孔隙深4mm,可深达松质骨内。

    There was a detachable nut at the proximate end of the knife and four sharp steel nails at the distal end with pore distance of 4 mm , and a square line ; the pore was 4 mm in depth , which could reach cancellous bone .

  6. 超声骨刀在闭合式上颌窦底提升牙种植术的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Piezoelectric Osteotomy in Osteotome Sinus Floor Elevation Technique

  7. 无骨刀损伤神经根和硬脊膜病例。

    There were no cases of the nerve root and du-ral sac damaged .

  8. 先天性髋脱位骨刀模型的研究

    The study on the model osteotom for CDH

  9. 结果:利用超声骨刀切骨,切割高度精确,并且上颌骨没有发生任何振动损伤。

    RESULTS : Ultrasonic microvibrations allow accurate bone cutting without oscillating injuries to the soft tissue .

  10. 经后路用骨刀行脊髓前减压术治疗外伤性截瘫25例报告

    Decompression of anterior spinal cord from posterior and osteotome for traumatic paraplegia : a report of 25 cases

  11. 目的:探讨超声骨刀在闭合式上颌窦底提升种植术应用效果和技术特点。

    Objective : The aim of this report was to introduce the technique of osteotome maxillary sinus floor elevation for implantation by piezoelectric osteotomy .

  12. 实验组在缺损局部应用特制骨刀造成微骨折,对照组缺损局部不予特殊处理。

    The experimental group received microfracture made in the surface of defects by self-made bone knife , and the control group was not given any treatment .

  13. 这些人每天全天都使用一把刀,他们不使用重的刀(除非是一把斩骨刀)。

    These people use a knife all day every day * they will not put up with a heavy piece ( unless it 's a chopper ) .

  14. 常用的治疗塌陷骨折的办法是平台下小开窗,骨刀或者刮匙撬拨复位,骨折面下植骨。

    Commonly used approach to the treatment of compressed fracture is small windows below platform , bone knife or curet poking reset , bone graft under the fractures surface .

  15. 但超声骨刀配合涡轮钻拔除下颌阻生智齿可以发挥各自优点,更好地降低术后并发症达到微创操作的目的。

    Using ultrasonic osteotome with a turbo drill for removal of mandibular impacted wisdom teeth can play their respective advantages , reduce postoperative complications more effectively to achieve minimally invasive procedure .

  16. 在拔除下颌低位水平阻生智齿的手术中,超声骨刀比涡轮钻能更精确的去骨,最大程度的保留健康骨质。

    In the surgery of removing the low site mandibular horizontally impacted wisdom tooth , ultrasonic osteotome can remove bone more precisely , achieving the maximum retention of healthy bone . 3 .

  17. 此外,由于超声骨刀的独特换能原理,可以有效地避免损伤下齿槽神经导致下唇麻木等术后并发症的发生。

    In addition , because the unique transducer principle of ultrasonic osteotome , postoperative complications such as lower lip numbness caused by injury to the inferior alveolar nerve can be effectively avoided . 2 .

  18. 术中应用意大利Mectron的超声骨刀代替摇摆据进行切开,微型钛板/钛网固定,随访6~12个月,评价术后功能和美观效果。

    After repositioning , the bone segments were rigidly fixed with micro Ti-plate , Ti-mesh . All the patients were followed up for 6 to 12 months , and the functional and esthetic results were evaluated .

  19. 超声骨刀在临床上水平低位阻生智齿的拔除过程中具有优势,但单独使用效率较低,尤其在分牙方面。而对于切骨操作可以达到最佳效费比。

    Ultrasonic osteotome has its advantage in the extraction of low horizontally impacted wisdom teeth , but is less efficient when used alone especially in tooth-separating , while for the operation of osteotomy , it can achieve the best cost-effective .

  20. 结论:MED系统配合骨钻和骨刀可完成绝大多数腰骶神经根卡压征的彻底减压术,且效果满意。

    Conclusion : The MED System with manual drill and osteotom specially made may complete most of decompression of nerve root entrapment syndrome of lumbo sacral spine and its result is satisfied .

  21. 恶性骨肿瘤超声聚焦刀与介入联合治疗后影像学检查的初步研究

    Malignant Bone Tumors Post Combined Therapy of HIFU and Intervention : A Preliminary Study on the Imaging Findings

  22. 氟骨症性胸椎管狭窄症后路减压手术中骨刀和非骨刀减压方式的对比研究

    Comparison of posterior decompression using bone knife or not for treatment of thoracic spinal stenosis of fluorosis of bone

  23. 摘要目的比较氟骨症性胸椎管狭窄症后路减压手术中,应用骨刀和非骨刀两种减压方式。

    Objective to compare the advantage and defect of two decompression techniques using bone knife or not for treatment of thoracic spinal stenosis of skeletal fluorosis .

  24. 目的比较氟骨症性胸椎管狭窄症后路减压手术中,应用骨刀和非骨刀两种减压方式。经后路用骨刀行脊髓前减压术治疗外伤性截瘫25例报告

    Objective To compare the advantage and defect of two decompression techniques using bone knife or not for treatment of thoracic spinal stenosis of skeletal fluorosis . Decompression of anterior spinal cord from posterior and osteotome for traumatic paraplegia : a report of 25 cases