
  • 网络malunion;Malunited Fractures
  1. 其中针道感染8例,皮肤过敏1例,骨折畸形愈合2例;

    Among them , pin tract infection were occurred in 8 cases , skin allergy 1 case , malunion 2 cases .

  2. 方法采用AO小斜T形解剖钢板内固定治疗陈旧性colles骨折畸形愈合16例。

    Methods Sixteen cases of old colles fractures malunion were treated with AO lean t-shaped anatomical plate fixation .

  3. T形解剖钢板内固定治疗陈旧性Colles骨折畸形愈合

    The T-shaped Anatomical Plate Fixation of Old Colles Factures Malformation

  4. Colles骨折畸形愈合的外科治疗

    Surgical treatment of abnormal healing of Colles fracture

  5. 结论应用T形解剖钢板内固定是治疗陈旧性colles骨折畸形愈合患者较好的方法。

    Conclusion To use t-shaped anatomical plate fixation of old colles fractures malformation is a good therapic method .

  6. 手法治疗骨折畸形愈合70例临床体会

    Experience on applying maneuver to treating 70 cases of fracture malunion

  7. 应用髓内钉固定法预防锁骨骨折畸形愈合

    Prophylaxis of deforming union of the clavicular fractures with intramedullary needle fixation

  8. 中西医结合治疗肱骨近端骨折畸形愈合

    Chinese traditional medicine combined with western medicine treatment for proximal humerus malunited fracture

  9. 跟骨关节内骨折畸形愈合的手术治疗

    The operative treatments of intra-articular calcaneal fractures with malunion

  10. 经皮尺骨髓内针固定治疗儿童前臂骨折畸形愈合

    Percutaneous ulnar intramedullary nail fixation for treatment of malunion in forearm fracture of child

  11. 无皮肤坏死、深部感染、骨髓炎、骨不连和骨折畸形愈合发生。

    No skin necrosis , deep part infection , osteomyelitis , nonunion or deformity were observed .

  12. 通过运用人体体表损伤法医学鉴定软件,进行各种体表损伤和瘢痕面积、长度、骨折畸形愈合角度和关节活动度等测算。

    A software to measure the area , length and angle of injured body surface is introduced .

  13. 闭合折骨法治疗外伤性股骨干骨折畸形愈合56例临床分析

    Closed Bone-breaking Therapy for Malunion of Traumatic Fracture of Femoral Shaft : An Analysis of 56 Cases

  14. 跟骨骨折畸形愈合,手术治疗是目前能够确实解决一些问题的惟一方法。

    Operation is the only therapeutic method to solve some problems in treating malunion after fracture of calcaneus .

  15. 目的总结股骨干及胫腓骨骨折畸形愈合骨不连接临床特征及治疗经验。

    Objective To summarize the clinical features and treatment experience of fracture deformity recovery nonunion of femoral shaft and tibio-fibula .

  16. [目的]评价闭合折骨法治疗外伤性股骨干骨折畸形愈合的疗效。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the therapeutic effect of closed bone-breaking therapy for malunion of traumatic fracture of femoral shaft .

  17. 本文介绍了在股骨干骨折畸形愈合的治疗中应用不同的截骨方法矫正不同类型的股骨干畸形,再以股骨骨拆复位固定器给予固定的独特的治疗方法。

    Various methods of osteotomy in correction of different kinds of malunion of the femoral shaft and fixed with extrnal fixator were applied .

  18. 目的探讨跟骨关节内骨折畸形愈合手术治疗方法及各种方法的优、缺点。

    Objective To discuss three methods to treat intra-articular calcaneal fractures with malunion , and to investigate the indications and significances of the operative treatment .

  19. 平均随访13个月。2例股骨颈疲劳骨折畸形愈合,1例股骨颈疲劳骨折延迟愈合,1例股骨干疲劳骨折出现膝关节僵直。

    The mean follow - up period was 13 months , and 2 fractures were mat-union , 1 fracture were delayed - union . 1 fracture had a stiff knee .

  20. 在踝足部方面:我科创出外侧手术小切口结合多关节植骨治疗跟骨陈旧骨折畸形愈合,效果甚佳;

    On the aspect of ankle and feet : our department creates lateral surgical small incision combined with multi-joint bone graft to treat old fracture malunion of calcaneus with good results ;

  21. [方法]采用手法闭合折骨配合夹板固定、牵引、中医中药和功能锻炼治疗外伤性股骨干骨折畸形愈合56例,6个月后初步评定疗效,1年后进行随访。

    [ Methods ] Fifty-six patients with malunion of traumatic fracture of femoral shaft were treated with closed bone-breaking therapy combined with splint fixation , traction , Chinese herbal medicine and dirigation .

  22. 术后并发症主要包括肩关节不稳定1例,肩关节创伤性关节炎2例,异位骨化1例,肩关节外展受限、肌力减弱2例,肩峰骨折畸形愈合致肱骨头肩峰撞击征1例。

    The postoperative complications included shoulder joint instability in one case , traumatic arthritis of the shoulder joint in two , heterotopic ossification in one , and weakened abduction or myodynamia in two .

  23. 临床研究表明髓内钉固定同加压钢板治疗相比也有其独特的优越性:骨折畸形愈合发生少、改善功能、可早期恢复工作、住院时间短、骨折短缩畸形少、骨折愈合快。

    Clinical studies showed that intramedullary nail fixed compared with compression plates therapy has its unique advantages : less fracture malunion happened , function Improved , early recovery work , less hospital stay , and less fracture union time .

  24. 许多经典的创伤问题,例如骨折的畸形愈合和不愈合,需要你设计独特的解决方法。

    Many old trauma problems such as mal unions and non unions require a unique solution that you need to invent .

  25. 全部患者恢复行走功能,所有保守治疗患者骨盆骨折均畸形愈合,但有6例存在骶髂关节部位酸痛,3例有双下肢麻木,2例行走跛行;

    Among 10 patients who were treated conservatively , all patients had deformity of pelvis , 6 cases felt pain of sacro-iliac joint . 3 cases were insensible on lower limbs , 2 cases had a claudication .

  26. 1例为骨折术后畸形愈合。

    Case was a malunion after ORIF 1 year ago .

  27. 贴附植骨仍然适用于少数新鲜骨折、骨折畸形愈合、不愈合以及截骨的病例。

    The onlay graft is still applicable to a limited group of fresh , malunited , and ununited fractures and after osteotomies .

  28. 结果随访本组病例,无一例出现骨折不愈合及畸形愈合,无术后感染及锁钉折断弯曲。

    Results Follow-up showed none happened to fracture disunion or malunion and none occurred to postoperative infection or bending of lock pin .

  29. 无内固定松动、骨折移位、骨折畸形愈合、骨折不愈合或其他神经、血管损伤等并发症。

    There were no complications of flexible internal fixation , displacement fracture , malunion , nonunion or other nerves as well as vessels .

  30. 术后并发症:A组骨折术后均愈合良好;B组有1例发生骨折畸形愈合。

    The postoperative complications : group A fracture healing are good ; Group B have one case of fracture healing deformity .