
  • 网络principle of separation;Separation Principles;Figure-Ground Segregation;Principle of Separation of Concerns
  1. 这一理论源于心理学,图形-背景分离原则是空间组织的一个基本认知原则。

    This principle of figure-ground segregation is one of the basic cognitive principles according to which space is organized .

  2. 然后描述了一个工作流授权模型,并结合职责分离原则(SoD),提出了具有动态SoD限制的授权模型。

    Then the workflow authorization model was described . As well the authorization model was presented by integrating with separation of duties ( SoD ) .

  3. 这一角色存在于经典RUP内,但其扩展职责和职责分离原则要求并激发了附加的发布经理(ReleaseManager)补充角色。

    This role exists in classic RUP , but the expansion of its responsibilities requires and the separation of duties principle motivates the addition of the complementary role of Release Manager .

  4. 然后进一步考虑密码子在编码时的CG选择性分离原则、GT配对原则,以进一步将芯片表面探针的数量减少至4.25%。

    At the same time , such codon usage principles as C G separation and G T base pairing were also considered . As a result , the number of probes was decreased to 4.25 % .

  5. RBAC-GP实现了职责分离原则和权限最小化原则,能有效防止权限滥用;

    RBAC-GP realizes the principle of separation of duty and the principle of minimum privileges , so it can prevent from abusing privileges .

  6. 赔偿义务机关与审查赔偿机关相分离原则;

    Principle of separating compensation obligation organ and review compensation organ ;

  7. 电信软件设计中的分层、分离原则的研究

    The Principles of Layering and Separation in the Telecommunication Software Design

  8. 因为这么做违反了政教分离原则。

    Because it violates the separation of church and state .

  9. 分离原则:把策略与机制分离;把接口与引擎分离。

    Rule of Separation : Separate policy from mechanism ; separate interfaces from engines .

  10. 确认赔偿与追究错案责任相分离原则;

    Principle of identifying the separation of compensation and investigation into the misjudged case responsibility ;

  11. 在捕获元模型时应用关注事项分离原则(将模型组件化)。

    Apply the separation of concerns principles while capturing the metamodel ( componentize your models ) .

  12. 论刑事诉讼中控审分离原则的理论与实践

    On Theory and Practice about the Principle of the Separation of Accusation and Judgement in Criminal Action

  13. 角色互斥实现访问控制模型职责分离原则

    The Implement of the Principle of Separation of Duties in Access Control Model Based on Exclusive Role

  14. 论六朝志怪小说婚恋故事的分离原则

    The Separation Principle for Marriage and Love in Tales of Mystery and the Supernatural in the Six Dynasties

  15. 我国刑事诉讼控审分离原则的现状与完善

    On current situation and reaching perfection of the separation principle between charge and interrogation in criminal procedure in China

  16. 刑事二审功能嬗变与控审分离原则的契合

    Functional Evolution of Criminal Procedure of Second Instance and Its Conformability to the Principle of Division between Accusation and Trail

  17. 在冷战期间,日本反复使用对华政经分离原则。

    During the Cold War , China , Japan , repeated use of " political and economic separation " principle .

  18. 根据聚类中心分离原则提出了三个新的模糊聚类模型。

    In this paper , three novel fuzzy clustering models are proposed based on the principle of cluster center separation .

  19. 提出了实现精确定位的状态一致原则和功能分离原则。

    Meanwhile , the unanimous principle and function separating principle are put forward in order to realize the precise setting .

  20. 政教分离原则这一独特的政体制度是公民宗教形成的前提条件。

    Separation of church and state which is the distinctive form of government system is the premise condition forming civil religion .

  21. 多源系统混合前兆场的分离原则、分离方法和强震时间预报讨论

    A discussion on the principle and method of separating mixture precursors of multiple sources and prediction of strong earthquake occurrence time

  22. 首先根据时标分离原则,采用动态逆方法设计快回路和慢回路控制器;

    Firstly , with two-time-scale , a design of a fast loop controller and a slow loop one is given using the dynamic inversion method .

  23. 文章从图形/背景理论的基本思想出发,探讨图形/背景分离原则如何通过英语简单句和复合句来体现语言的空间结构和时间事件结构。

    Starting from the fundamental ideas of figure / ground theory , this paper explores how this cognitive structure is realized in simple and complex sentences .

  24. 第二是企业的法人所有权与经营权。所有权与经营权相分离原则;

    The second layer is the juridical person properly of the enterprise and the marketing rights . the principle of separation between ownership and management ship ;

  25. 进行教学作文评价时应遵循赏识鼓励原则、分层施评原则、分数与评语相分离原则以及学生主体原则;

    When making teaching composition judgment , teachers should follow such principles as appreciation , classification , the separation between marks and comments , as well as student-orientation .

  26. 本文引入分离原则,提出准收缩论。准收缩论不但保留了传统收缩论的直觉,还可解决困扰传统收缩论的一些问题。

    We introduce separation principle and suggest quasi-deflationism , which not only can preserve the intuition of traditional deflationism , but also can solve some problems against it .

  27. 认知语言学家将心理学领域的图形-背景分离原则用于语言结构的研究,代之以射体-界标理论。

    Cognitive linguists put the principle of figure / ground segregation in the psychological field into the research of language structure and use trajector / landmark theory instead .

  28. 物权行为的分离原则和抽象原则是这一理论的两大基石,对物权行为理论的质疑,也主要体现为对这两大原则的论争。

    The separation principle and abstract one of Property Act are the two foundation stones of the theory and questioning on it also centers on the controversy of the two principles .

  29. 因此,我相信,此刻是对政教分离原则的重要考验,可能是我们此生中可见证的最重要考验。

    For that reason , I believe that this is an important test of the separation of church and state as we may see in our lifetimes , as important a test .

  30. 刑事诉讼控审分离原则要求控诉职能与审判职能在形式上与实质上彻底分开。

    The separation principle between charge and interrogation in criminal procedure demands that the function of charge and the function of interrogation should be separated both in the form and in essence .