
qiē huàn
  • switch;change;changing-over;cut;blocked-out
切换[qiē huàn]
  1. 矿用监测设备双电源自动切换装置的研制连结装置,换结装置

    Prepare of Monitor Equipment Double-power Supply Automatic Changing-over in Mine

  2. 液压挖掘机工作装置运动与动力综合优化研究矿用监测设备双电源自动切换装置的研制

    Study on Colligate Optimal Kinematics and Dynamics Design of Hydraulic Excavator s Parametric Modeling ; Prepare of Monitor Equipment Double-power Supply Automatic Changing-over in Mine

  3. 按这两个键就可以在屏幕上的文件之间进行切换。

    Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen .

  4. 镜头切换到了台上杰克逊的一位客人。

    There was a cutaway to Jackson 's guest on the podium .

  5. 按此键可切换数据的各种视图。

    This key toggles various views of the data .

  6. 他在两个窗口之间来回切换。

    He toggled between the two windows .

  7. 随着屏幕上图片的切换,记者继续报道。

    As the pictures flashed on the screen , the newsman continued talking .

  8. 他将吉普车切换为四轮驱动模式后涉水爬上了坡。

    He put the jeep in four-wheel drive and splashed up the slope .

  9. 我让摄影师在采访时为我拍摄一些切换镜头。

    I asked the cameraman to give me some cutaways for the interviews .

  10. 他自动切换到访谈模式。

    He switched automatically into interview mode .

  11. 当一组特定的静态图像,例如几何图形,以指定的频率切换,便会产生某种动态图片的效果。

    When a number of certain static images , such as geometric figures , for example , interchange with a specified frequency , it creates something like a motion picture effect .

  12. 按切换键然后打字母‘C’。

    Press ‘ shift ’ and type ‘ C ’ .

  13. 微软最新版本的Edge浏览器支持和IE兼容的网络应用程序,这样用户就不必在不同的浏览器之间切换。

    Microsoft 's latest version of the Edge browser supports web apps built for IE so customers don 't have to keep switching between browsers .

  14. 这时候该乐队的歌曲《触摸》的合唱版响起,场景切换成了日出(也可能是日落)。

    The scene cuts to a sunrise , or possibly a sunset , as a choral version of the group 's song " Touch " plays .

  15. 比如,出租车椅背上的电视可能会自动按照乘客的喜好切换频道,而司机有可能比乘客更早知道在什么时间、什么地点会接到乘客。

    TVs in the back of cabs could automatically change channel based on a user ’ s likes or dislikes , for example , or drivers could anticipate when and where a passenger will need a ride – even before the customer does .

  16. 切换到Data选项卡并观察响应数据。

    Switch to the Data tab and observe the response Data .

  17. 切换至PerformanceTest视角并打开一个测试日志。

    Switch to the Performance Test perspective and open a test log .

  18. 切换至Design视图。

    Switch to the Design view .

  19. 选择面板,并切换到Properties视图。

    Select the panel and switch to the Properties view .

  20. 切换回Test视角。

    Switch back to the Test perspective .

  21. 单击Next以切换到构建引擎页面。

    Press Next to switch to the build engine page .

  22. 如果需要的话,切换到Status页面并突出显示您的作业。

    If needed , switch to the Status page and highlight your job .

  23. 单击Next以切换到确认页面。

    Press Next to switch to the confirmation page .

  24. 点击Yes切换到Web透视图。

    Click Yes to switch to the Web perspective .

  25. 移动IP平滑切换问题的研究

    The Research of The Problem about Mobile IP Smooth Handoff

  26. 全IP无线异构网络融合及其切换研究

    Convergence and Handoff in All - IP Wireless Heterogeneous Networks

  27. 切换到Attributes视图并选择Outputbranches选项卡。

    Change to the Attributes view and select the Output branches tab .

  28. 保存更改并切换回Diagram视图。

    Save the changes and switch back to the Diagram view .

  29. 随机马尔可夫切换系统的H∞模型降阶

    H-infinity model reduction for stochastic systems with Markovian jump parameters and time delay

  30. 应用于直线电机的平滑切换模糊PID控制方法

    Method of Smooth - switch Fuzzy PID for Linear Motor Control