
qiē tiáo
  • slitting
切条[qiē tiáo]
  1. 特点:自动化程度高,切条宽度参数准确,操作灵活方便。

    Features : High automation degree , accurate parameter of slitting width , flexible and convenient operation .

  2. 用途:适用于服装、鞋业、皮革、手套等行业材料不同宽度带的切条作业。

    Usage : Suitable for slitting operation at various width for materials in garments , shoes , leather , gloves and other industries .

  3. 采用ac马达调速系统直接控制切割进刀及速度,以达到高品质之切条。

    Using AC motor speed control system directly and cutting feed rate to achieve high quality cut .

  4. 这架食品加工机可将各种蔬菜切丝切条。

    The food processor can shred all kinds of vegetables .

  5. 单板切条机切削机构设计机理的研究

    Research on the design principles of veneer-clipper 's cutting structure

  6. 冬菇、烧鸭肉及火腿切条;

    Cut Chinese mushrooms , roast duck fillet and ham into strips .

  7. 杂菌切条,洗水沥乾备用。

    Cut assorted mushroom in strips , wash and drain .

  8. 一种新型垂直切条机的结构特点和设计构思

    Configuration and design of a new type of guillotine

  9. 把香菇浸泡至软,切条,把豆腐切成厚片。

    Soak the dry black mushrooms or fungus , shred and cut tofu into thick slices .

  10. 这架食品加工机可将各种蔬菜切丝切条。GB/T9061-1988金属切削机床通用技术条件

    The food processor can shred all kinds of vegetables . General specifications for metal-cutting machine tools

  11. 取出鹿肉,切条或方块,码入盘中,浇芡汁,围上烧好的配料。

    Take out deer flesh and cut strip or diamonds then put into tray and filter soup juice around seasonings .

  12. 皮革切条机,采用先进的切条技术,具有操作简便、外形美观、快速切条等优点。

    By using advanced cutting technology , leather strip cutting machine is characterized by convenient operation , beautiful appearance and fast cutting .

  13. 切条结构:调整调节螺杆,使左进料托板上移,确定传动齿轮保持啮合。

    Striping-cutting structure : Adjust the screw to lift the support plate of feed-in , and ensure the good engagement of driven gears .

  14. 茄子洗净切条后,拌少许干淀粉,入锅炸至茄条软糯捞出沥油。

    Wash eggplant and cut it , mixed with a little dry starch , fried eggplant soft waxy to remove the oil Lek .

  15. 采购:果汁,冷冻蔬菜,冷冻水果,干燥蔬菜,水果干;胡萝卜切条机。

    Buy : Juice , Frozen fruits , Frozen vegetables , Dried fruits , Dried vegetables ; Machinery for making stem carrot strip .

  16. 传统的机械切条法(或手工割据)只适用于热轧型钢和钢板焊缝组合的构件中的残余应力测定,并不适用于冷弯薄壁型钢。

    The traditional machine-cut method ( or handwork cutting ) is only the same with hot roll profiled bar , not the cold-firmed thin-wall steel .

  17. 割料结束后,发现切条不均匀,如已调整好调节螺杆,可能是左进料托板不平。

    If the trip cutting is not even , it may be caused by the unbalance of support plate of left feed-in when the screw has been adjusted .

  18. 该机普遍使用在服装,箱包,制鞋(真皮鞋带)等行业所用原材料的切条。

    The machine is widely used for cutting line of raw material that used in industries such as clothes , case and bag , shoe making ( leather shoelace ), etc.

  19. 以牦牛肉为原料,经嫩化、蒸煮入味、切条、干燥等工序和调味料包配方选择及杀菌条件确定,研制出方便牦牛肉条。

    In this paper , the yak beef as raw material , through tendering , braising and cooking , cutting , drying processing , the instant yak beef stick was researched .

  20. 松开从动齿轮轴支座上的两个固定螺钉,垫上所需高度的垫片,以保持左进料托板水平,保证割料后的切条均匀。

    Loosen two fasten bolts on the seat of driven gear shaft , put the pad of required height to keep the balance of support plate , and ensure the even cutting .

  21. 采用切条法对预置同填充层的钛/钢接头纵向残余应力进行了测量,测量结果比计算结果偏小,但趋势保持一致。

    Pre-cutting method is used to measure longitudinal residual stress of Ti / steel joints added the middle layer . The measurement results is smaller than the simulation results , but the trend is consistent .

  22. 由于冬瓜富含碳水化合物、膳食纤维、蛋白质、脂肪及各种维生素和氨基酸,冬瓜切条蒸煮脱水所产生的废水有机物浓度很高,如不经过处理而直接排放,便会造成严重的水体污染。

    Because the melon contains carbohydrates , dietary fibers , proteins , fat and various vitamins and amino acids , the melon dewatering has high organic concentration , if the wastewater drained directly without treatment , it will cause the serious water pollution .

  23. 采用不锈钢布桶,永不生锈,避免沾污布料该机可与CJ-170Z全自动切捆条机配套使用,可使布料的使用率达到最高。

    Adoption of stainless steel cloth bucket , which never rust , avoid contaminating cloth , this machine with CJ-170Z automatic strip cutting machine , the fabric using rate could reach the highest .

  24. 用活栓切一条螺母线。

    Cut a female screw thread with a tap .

  25. 用活栓切一条螺母线。我们履行一切付款条件。

    Cut a female screw thread with a tap . we need all payment terms .

  26. 找一个塑料垃圾箱,覆盖一张黑色的海报板,在末端切几条缝,然后面对阳光照射的窗子悬挂起来。

    Simply take a plastic bin and lined it with a piece of black poster board like this . Cut slits in the ends then hold it against the sunny window .

  27. 他正用力切着一条面包。

    He was sawing energetically at a loaf of bread .

  28. SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳发现,转基因油菜油体肠激酶酶切前后蛋白条带发生了明显改变,说明肠激酶可以对纯化的油体进行有效切割。

    By SDS-PAGE , we found that the protein band of oil body changed significantly after digestion by enterokinase , indicated that enterokinase was effective to cleave purified oil body .

  29. 从提供的丁基胶带上切下一条来安装蜂鸣器。

    Cut an adhesive strip to fit the buzzer from the butyl adhesive tape provided .

  30. 切一小条给我就好了。

    Just cut me a little sliver .