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  • 网络Liu
  1. 刘刚坐在那里弹着吉他,王旭则站在一旁深情歌唱。

    Liu sits playing the guitar , and Wang Xu stands singing .

  2. 刘刚和陈先生在做什么?

    What are Liu Gang and Mr Chen doing ?

  3. 王旭和刘刚觉得这首歌就是像他们这样的弱势群体的真实写照。

    Wang and Liu consider the song a true portrait of vulnerable groups like themselves .

  4. 王旭和刘刚希望能够继续唱歌,但就目前来看他们要在地下通道献唱是不可能了,因为围观人群会十分之壮观。

    Wang and Liu want to continue singing , but underpasses are now out of the questions as the crowds they draw are too big .

  5. 44岁的王旭和29岁的刘刚在上海体育场的舞台与歌曲原唱汪峰一起演绎了《春天里》,场内约有8万名观众见证了这一时刻。

    Wang Xu , 44 , and Liu Gang , 29 , sang " In the Spring " alongside the song ` s star composer Wang Feng , in front of about 80,000 people at the Shanghai Stadium .