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  1. 刘安的特殊身份,可以解释《九歌》之系列祭歌的复杂性。

    Lius 's special status can account for the complexity of a series of prayer songs in it .

  2. 政治背景介绍了汉朝中央朝廷与诸侯王国的冲突,以及刘安一生悲剧命运形成的原因,为他的谋反案作了辨正。

    The political background introduces the conflict between the central court and leuds , and the reason of Liu-an 's tragic life , further more , the fact whether he rebelled is discussed .

  3. 陆贾、贾谊、刘安都是汉王朝文化重建的积极倡导者和参与者,从他们的著作中,可以看出易学在汉文化重建中所发挥的重要作用。

    Lu Jia , Jia Yi and Liu An were all active initiators and participants in respect of culture reconstructing . From their works , significance of study of Yi in the building job could be easily seen .

  4. 而最早明确论述天地和日月星辰起源和演化的,应推溯至西汉(前206~公元24)时期淮南王刘安等人写成的《淮南子》。

    The book Hu , ai Ahn Zi , written by Liu An and so on during the Western Han Dynasty ( 206BC - AD24 ) , was the earliest to elaborate on the ori-gin and evolvement of the hecwen , earth , and celestial bodies .