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máo bèi
  • indumentum;fleece
毛被[máo bèi]
  1. 绵羊的毛被剪下做成羊毛。

    A sheep 's fleece is clipped off for wool .

  2. toen.脚趾为了清理割草机,我把它翻了过来。可是不小心踩到了开关,结果肚子上的毛被剃光了。

    Flipped weed wacker over to unclog it , stepped on trigger , ended up weed wacking my belly hair off .

  3. 羊的毛被雨水冲洗得干干净净。

    The sheep 's wool was washed clean by the rain .

  4. 我们的毛被用来制作像你穿的那种毛衣。

    Our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours .

  5. 云南秋海棠属叶表皮及毛被的扫描电镜观察

    Observation of Leaf Epidermis and Its Hair of Begonia from Yunnan

  6. 毛被松散、灵活、有光泽,成革收缩温度在80℃以上。

    The Ts of finished leather is over 80 ℃ .

  7. 背面用灰白色的毛被,叶片基部楔形;花冠红色苯胺染料玫瑰色。

    Leaf blade base cuneate , abaxial surface with gray-white indumentum ; corolla magenta-rose .

  8. 头部,颈部或躯干被毛被修剪过的犬在展示比赛中会处于不利地位。

    Shaving or barbering of the head , neck or body coat must be severely penalized .

  9. 本文根据漆树的毛被特征对漆树的分类和演化进行了探讨。

    On the basis of the indumentum characteristics , the classification and evolution of Toxicodendron vernicifluum were discussed .

  10. 一个月后,它回来了,一条腿上的毛被剃掉了,而且很明显接受过兽医的治疗。

    A month later , he returned with a shaved leg and had obviously been to the vet .

  11. 一些报告暗示毛被袭击了在去北京的他的私人列车上。

    One of these reports suggested that en route to Beijing in his private train , Mao was physically attacked ;

  12. 训练有素的放牧人从火里取出烧好的烙铁,当身上的毛被卷曲的烙铁烧焦,皮肉被烫糊时,牛犊发出一片呜咽声。

    Well-trained cattlemen pull a hot iron from the fire , and calves mewl as curved steel singes hair and burns flesh .

  13. 病株花柄和幼嫩果柄的超薄切片中也观察到这种细菌。7.花序梗、花梗的长、直径、毛被、具苞片和小苞片的情况;

    They were also observed in thin sections of pedicels and tender fruit stalks of diseased apples . 7 . Peduncles , pedicels and bracts ;

  14. 他发现爱弥儿的那匹牝马精疲力尽,身上的毛被汗水沾成一撮一撮的,马笼头也断了,它在马房门口啃嚼着零散干草。

    He came upon emil 's mane , jaded and lather-stained , her bridle broken , chewing the scattered tufts of hay outside the stable door .

  15. 她的咖啡桌上有一支点燃的有香味的蜡烛,她正在看电影,猫从蜡烛旁边走过时毛被点着了。

    She had had a scented candle burning on the coffee table while she watched a movie and the cat had walked over it , setting his fur on fire .

  16. 毛被印花通常有羊剪绒皮、家兔皮、獭兔皮、黄狼皮、水貂皮及其褥子印花。皮板印花一般指毛革两用皮印花。

    The fur side print is suitabe for sheep shearling , domestic rabbit , beaver rabbit , yellow weasel , mink and bedding sack furs , and leather side print is fit in with double face .

  17. 试验表明:该捕获剂对游离甲醛捕获率约为30%,优于传统工艺中硫酸铵的捕获效果,且对毛被无副作用,使皮板丰满性略有提高。

    It shows that the capture rate of free-formaldehyde is about 30 % by synthetical formaldehyde capture agent with higher fullness and no side effect , which is better than the traditional technical capture effect by vitriolic-ammonium .

  18. 试验结果表明,利用本工艺生产的獭兔皮毛皮成品质轻、板薄、柔软,具有良好的可塑性,毛被松散、灵活、有光泽,收缩温度在80℃以上。

    Beaver rabbit skin fur was manufactured using the technique with these virtues , including light weight , thin skin , tenderness , loose hair-covering , brightness and so on , and its shrinkage temperature was over 80 ℃ .

  19. 功能丰富的刚毛质被毛是这个品种显著的特点。

    The functional wiry coat is the breed 's most distinctive feature .

  20. 未剪短的头发;狗耳朵上的毛没被剪过的;高的未修剪的草地。

    Uncropped hair ; a dog with uncropped ears ; tall uncropped grass .

  21. 在他们的实验中,斑马鱼身上活的毛细胞被染色。

    In this experiment , zebrafish are exposed to a dye that highlights living hair cells .

  22. 脚部被毛可以被修剪,零乱的毛发可以修饰整理,但被毛的自然外貌或轮廓不应因修剪或剪短而改变。

    Feet may be trimmed and stray hairs neatened , but the natural appearance of coat or outline should not be altered by cutting or clipping .

  23. 生产粗梳毛纱时,将纤维喂入梳毛机。在梳毛机上,毛块被开松分离,纤维之间的纠缠被松解。

    To make woolen yarns the fibers are fed to the carding machine where the fiber assemblage is opened or separated , tangles are removed . Fibers are straightened to some degree and impurities are removed .

  24. 看着这只动物如此认真地梳理自己的毛,我们被逗乐了。

    We were amused to see how assiduously the animal groomed its fur .

  25. 长卷毛狗曾被用作猎鸭时叼回猎物的猎犬,但是美国KennelClub却不承认它们为猎犬,因为它们现在大多数作为宠物饲养。

    Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting , but the American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets .

  26. 这种毛玻璃屏障被当地人称作“摩门教屏障”。

    These walls , often made of frosted glass , are known locally as " Zion curtains " .

  27. 毛式长袍被西装所取代。但“华尔街流行的商用公文箱”不被看好。

    Mao tunics quickly gave way to Western suits , but Wall Street-style briefcases never really caught on .

  28. 在安第斯山脉作为驮用或产毛动物;被认为的原驼的驯养变种。

    Used in the Andes as a beast of burden and source of wool ; considered a domesticated variety of the guanaco .

  29. 在伦敦中心的霍尔本站里,地铁司机没有察觉到乘客围脖的毛织围巾被卡住,并启动了皮卡迪利线地铁。

    The train driver was unaware that the woollen knitted scarf the passenger was wearing around her neck was trapped and started to move the Piccadilly line train at Holborn station in central London .

  30. 被毛:粗糙的被毛,直,有发育良好的底绒毛。

    COAT : Coarse hair , straight with a well developed undercoat .