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xiànɡ ɡuó
  • Xiangguo;chief minister of state, premier
相国 [xiàng guó]
  • [prime minister] 古官名。春秋战国时,除楚国外,各国都设相,称为相国、相邦或丞相,为百官之长

  1. 养马的官吏还没来得及回答,相国管仲接过话茬回答说:

    Before the officer had time to reply , prime minister Guan Zhong picked up the topic and answered ,

  2. 晏子是春秋时期齐国有名的相国。

    Yan Zi was a famous prime minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period 。

  3. 楚威王派二位大臣游说庄子,希望他接受楚国相国的职位。

    Chu Weiwang , king of the state of Chu , sent two ministers to come to persuade him accepting the position of Prime Minister .

  4. 古代齐国有个人名叫邹忌,身高八尺,相貌堂堂,曾经做过齐国的相国。

    In ancient times a man named Zou Ji , 8 chi tall and impressive looking , had served as the prime minister of the State of Qi .

  5. 她就从门缝中偷偷地观看:“呵,晏子出来了!”她得到的印象是,晏子身为齐国相国,但是言谈举止显得非常谦虚。

    She peeped from behind the door . " Ah , here comes Yan Zi ! " She got the impression that though he was the prime minister of the State of Qi , he talked and behaved with great modesty1 .

  6. 相国寺,是我国一座著名的佛教寺院,坐落在开封市中心。

    Xiang'Guo'Si which is located in the centre of the city is one of the most famous monasteries in China .

  7. 而段思英继位后,就开始和相国董迦罗争夺权利。

    After Duan Siying succeeded to the throne , he began to scramble for the power and profit with the Prime Minister .

  8. 唐贞元年间,在书生张珙与崔相国女儿莺莺之间相爱成亲的故事中,红娘扮演了一位聪明可爱的媒人角色。

    A love story between a young scholar and the governor 's daughter whose servant girl called The Red Maidacts as the matchmaker .

  9. 相国寺气田的计算实例表明这种增长曲线实际应用的重大价值。

    Through a calculation for Xiangguosi gas field , it is shown that this increase curve is of great useful value in practice .

  10. 她得到的印象是:晏子身为齐国相国,但是言谈举止显得非常谦虚。

    She got the impression that though he was the prime minister of the State of Qi , he talked and behaved with great modesty .

  11. 在这次艺术品拍卖会上,众多曾亮相国内外拍卖市场的珍宝级瓷器、金铜佛像、中国书画等藏品将集中亮相。

    At the auction , some valuable porcelain , gold and bronze Buddha statuses and Chinese paintings , which appeared at some foreign auctions , will be displayed .

  12. 他先来到五台山文殊院出家,因不守佛规,喝酒闹事,方丈又把他介绍到大相国寺看菜园子。

    After breaking the temple rules by drinking , he was sent by the abbot to the Monastery of Great Assistance to State , where he was put in charge of a vegetable garden .

  13. 通过两相分层层流相互作用的流体力学分析,提出了两相流动界面的耦合条件,得到了一组完整描述两相国管分层流的数学方程。

    On the basis of fluid mechanics analysis on the interaction of two-phase stratified laminar flow in pipe , a system of mathematical equations to completely describe the stratified laminar flow in pipe is obtained .

  14. 统帅二十万西凉大军的刺史董卓,乘朝野之乱进军洛阳,废少帝刘辩,立刘协为献帝,自封为相国。

    While the Han court was in chaos Dong Zhuo marched his 200000 battlewise Xiliang troops into the capital of L ü oyang . He forces Liu Bian to quit the throne and made Liu Xie the Emperor Xian and himself the prime minister .

  15. 吕不韦就是一个最好的例子。他凭借自己特殊的教育背景帮助流亡在赵国的秦国公子异人成为太子,后又成为秦王,而吕不韦一一一个备受歧视的商人最终成为秦的相国。

    The best example is the case of Lu Buwei , a wealthy merchant with an exceptional education background who helped to promote Prince Yiren of Qin who was exiled in Zhao to become heir apparent and later king of the state . Lu Buwei , member of the despised class of merchants , became chancellor of Qin .