
  1. 我认为对孩子们来讲有可以相互理解沟通的兄弟姐妹很重要。

    I think it is important for children to have brothers and sisters they can relate to

  2. 民主建立在善意和相互理解的基础上。

    Democracy is based on good will and mutual understanding .

  3. 音乐让我了解到,教学有关分享和尊重、眼泪和微笑、已知和未知,以及最重要的相互理解。

    The music allowed me to learn that teaching is about sharing and respect , tears and smiles , the knowing and the unknown and , most of all , an understanding of each other .

  4. 我们要增进相互理解,巩固互信纽带。

    We need to enhance mutual understanding to reinforce the bond of mutual trust .

  5. 我刚来美国时,因为文化差异,咱俩在很多事情上不能相互理解,Wedefinitelywerenotonthesamewavelength。

    Being on the same wavelength with someone else can also refer to a mutual understanding between people .

  6. 归根到底,师生之间的相互理解、认同是最难得的,使用blog根本的目的就是促进师生之间和教师之间的交流。

    After all , the mutual understanding and admitting is the most rare between teachers and students . The basic purpose of using blog is to promote teachers and students to exchange .

  7. JET中国青年的工作增进了日本同中国的相互理解、交流与合作,在中日两国各地区的国际化进程中,特别是在推动中日两国间教育交流事业的发展中发挥了积极作用。

    The " JET Chinese youth " promote the mutual understanding , exchange and cooperation between Japan and China and play an active role in the development of the two countries ' educational exchange in the internationalization of China and Japan .

  8. 到目前为止,他与自己的合伙人西蒙科克雷尔(SimonCockerell)已成功安排2万多西方游客赴朝鲜旅游(尽管整个行程受到朝鲜政府严格管控),他俩希望这种旅游能对朝鲜有一定了解,并增进朝鲜与外部世界的相互理解。

    He and business partner Simon Cockerell have so far taken more than 20000 western tourists to North Korea on government-supervised tours that they hope will allow a few glimpses of insight and mutual understanding .

  9. 人机交互(HCI)技术是研究人与计算机之间相互理解交流与通信(包括输入和输出),从而帮助人们完成信息管理服务与处理功能的一项技术。

    Human-computer interaction ( HCI ) technology is a study that is mutual understanding and communication ( including input and output ) between people and computer , to help people complete a technology of information management services and processing functions .

  10. 主体双方之间是一种互为主体的平等交流、相互理解的交往对话关系。

    Subjects and objects share an equally-dialoging and mutual-understanding conversational relationship .

  11. 我们只有相互理解才能加强对话交流。

    The way to enhance conversation is by understanding each other .

  12. 拓宽沟通渠道促进相互理解

    To Broaden Channels of Communication and to Promote Mutual Understanding

  13. 相互理解是维持良好关系的关键所在。

    Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship .

  14. 相互理解、通信与协作的能力。师生间要有效沟通和相互理解。

    There is effective communication and mutual understanding between teachers and students .

  15. 有效增进师生相互理解的研究

    Research on Improving the Understanding between Teachers and Students Effectively

  16. 相互理解,才能真心相爱。

    Understand each other , and love heart to heart .

  17. 不可弥缝的不一致(因为不能相互理解而产生)。

    An unbridgeable disparity ( as from a failure of understanding ) .

  18. 沟通使人们相互理解并完成工作。

    Communication can help people understand each other and get work done .

  19. 这些共通性铸就了不同文明间相互理解与对话的基石。

    The commonality among civilizations casts cornerstone of mutual understanding and dialogue .

  20. 相互理解,是中法关系发展的重要基石。

    Mutual understanding is a cornerstone underpinning the growth of China-France relationship .

  21. 相互理解是家庭和谐的前提。

    Mutual understanding is a prerequisite for the wellbeing of a family .

  22. 人与人之间相互理解相互信任的关系。

    Relation of mutual understanding or trust between people .

  23. 公关的首要作用是与公众达成相互理解。

    The primary role of PR is to create understanding with the public .

  24. 相互理解的会话机制及其语用逻辑

    Mutual Understanding : Its Conversational Mechanism and Illocutionary Logic

  25. 这很可能促进两国间的交流和相互理解。

    This will probably help improve communication and understanding in the two countries'relations .

  26. 用幽默来架起相互理解的桥梁,放声大笑。

    Use humor to build bridges and laugh .

  27. 健康体育教学能增进师生间和学生间的相互理解、增强亲近感与情绪共鸣。

    Healthy gym teaching can enhance the understanding and intimity between teachers and students .

  28. 第三部分,影响师生相互理解的因素分析。

    Part III : Analyzing factors which influence the understanding between teachers and students .

  29. 所以如果他们生活在一起,相互理解,会是很极好的一对。

    So if they live together in understanding this will be an excellent duo .

  30. 这样在不同的国家的人们就能更好地相互理解。

    Then people in different countries will be able to understand each other better .