
  • 网络egology;l'égologie transcendantale;self theory;Egologie
  1. 儒家传统思想中的自我论孔子与中华传统美德

    The Self in Traditional Confucian Ideology Ideas On Confucian and the Traditional Virtues in China

  2. 而对人的个体研究,也就是人格自我论的研究构成了哲学人学的微观基础。

    And the study of personality – self consists of the micro-foundation of philosophical anthropology .

  3. 日本私小说自我论

    Comment about Egos in Japanese Self-fiction

  4. 重建人学与人格自我论研究

    On the Reconstruction of Philosophical Anthropology

  5. 生态美育中的生态自我论意在达成生态意识与自我意识的统一,由自我审美的视野拓展到更加广阔的生态审美的空间,从而形成一种生态自我。

    The theory of ecology-self intends to reach unification between the ecology consciousness and the self-awareness , and develops into even broader space of esthetic appreciation of ecology from self-esthetic field of vision .

  6. 虚幻的自我&论拉康的镜子阶段理论

    Virtual Self & On Lacan 's " the Mirror Stage " Theory

  7. 论先验自我略论科学美学信念

    On Prior-Experience Ego A Compendious Discuss about Scientific Aesthetic Faith

  8. 这就是所谓的“自我决定论”。

    This theory is known as the self-determination theory .

  9. 论马斯洛自我实现论的性质

    On the nature of Maslow 's self actualization theory

  10. 自我决定论是新近发展起来的人类认知动机理论。

    Self-determination theory was human beings ' cognitive motivation theory which is recently developed .

  11. 竞赛运动员的心理反应及自我调节论运动员赛前心理训练

    On Athletes ' Psychological Reaction And Self-Adjustment Athletes ' Pre - Game Psychological Training

  12. 如果你的俱乐部想要充大,那你也是一个恶魔般的自我中心论者。

    If your club tries to big itself up , you are a monstrous egotist .

  13. 人们为消费而消费,在消费中迷失了自我,论为了消费的奴隶,消费出现了异化。

    For consumer consumption , and lose yourself in the consumer , reduced to a consumer slaves .

  14. 在寻父的路上寻找自我&论女性成长小说《饥饿的女儿》

    Self-finding on the Road of Finding Father & On the Female Initiative Novel of Hungry Daughter ;

  15. 最后将权力意志论与马斯洛的自我实论作比较分析,特别是比较了超人和自我实现者的概念。

    Maslow . Especially the dissertation compares the " Superman " with the " Self-Actualization Person " .

  16. 它基于马克思主义的人学基础,以人的本质论、自我塑造论和自由全面发展论为其理论基础。

    It is based on the Marxist human theory , the human essence theory 、 self-shaping theory and the full and free development theory .

  17. 班杜拉社会学习理论以三元交互决定论为理论基础,指出亲历学习和观察学习是人类学习的两种基本形式,同时提出自我调节论、自我效能感等理论主张。

    This article describes the main content of Bandura 's social learning theory , including its theoretical basis , two forms of human study , self-regulation theory and self-efficacy .

  18. 同时,建立在自我实现论基础上的马斯洛的创造性理论,能为当代大学生的创造性培养提供有益启迪。

    Meanwhile , Maslow 's theories on creativity based on " theories of self actualization " may provide us a series of strategies to cultivation of students ' creativity .

  19. 自我决定论是基于人的自我决定需要的一种认知动机理论,其强调自我调节在动机过程中的作用。

    Self-decision theory is according to person of ego decision demand of a kind of cognition the motive theories , it emphasize self-decision in the function in the motive process .

  20. 教师专业化背景下新型教师的自我塑造论教师职业生涯规划&从新手型教师发展到专家型教师

    The self-sculpture and development of new pattern teachers under the background of teachers specialization ; On the Planning of the Career as a Teacher & From the novice teacher to the expert teacher

  21. 我们很少谈论这种天生的,基本的自我中心论,因为它是如此地被社会所排斥,但是深入地说,它对我们所有的人来说都是一样的。

    We rarely talk about this sort of natural , basic self-centredness , because it 's so socially repulsive , but it 's pretty much the same for all of us , deep down .

  22. 尽管如此,无论该含义的自由意志是否存在的争论结果是什么,至少独立于外部限制却依赖于行动者内部动机和目标的、自我决定论的自由意志是存在的。

    Nevertheless , no matter what the above disputing result implies , at least the free will that is independent of outer limitations but dependent on inner motives and goals of agent , self-deterministic does exist . 2 .

  23. 大学生职业生涯规划的自我教育模式论析

    Self-education Mode for Professional Career Planning of University Students

  24. 精神突围与自我拯救&论王小波及其小说

    Spiritual Encirclement Breaking and Self Deliverance ── On Wang Xiaobo and His Novels

  25. 从问题管理到自我管理&论在高校学生管理中应突出以人为本

    On Stressing Humanism in Student Management of Higher Education

  26. 文化建构与自我意识:论奥赛罗在威尼斯社会中的种族他性

    Cultural Construction and Self-consciousness An Analysis of Othello 's Racial Otherness in Venetian Society

  27. 挖掘自我风格&论中国油画的再创造

    Mining Self-style-on the Re-creation of Chinese Oil Paintings

  28. 马库斯的自我社会认知论

    Markus ' Social Cognitive Theory on Self

  29. 试析黑格尔从自我意识的起源论个体性存在的思想

    On Hegel 's Ideology on the Individual Beings from the Origin of Self-Consciousness

  30. 事实上,自我控制需要决定论。

    In fact , determinism is required for self-control .