
huī sè shōu rù
  • grey income
  1. 研究说明了制度缺陷W是影响灰色收入发生率α的决定因素,同时得知灰色收入的存在具有不可避免性。

    Study shows that the system defect is the decision of the incidence of grey income influence factors , and at the same time that the existence of the grey income is not avoid sex .

  2. 重点行业的国有制也会产生大量灰色收入。

    State ownership in important sectors also generates large grey income .

  3. 房地产价格越高,灰色收入就越多。

    The higher the property price , the more the grey income .

  4. 旅游从业人员灰色收入的来源和作用分析

    Analysis of the Sources and Effects of Extra Income of Tourism Staff

  5. 论我国现阶段的灰色收入问题

    On the Problem of Grey Income in China at Present

  6. 重新探析我国的灰色收入现象

    Analysis on the Grey Income Phenomenon of China

  7. 在当前的社会生活中,公务员灰色收入已经成为一个人人皆知的事实。

    Now days , the hidden income of the civil service has become a well-known fact .

  8. 我想知道,在南雄做税务公务员有没有灰色收入?

    I would like to know , in Nanxiong do not have a civil tax income of gray ?

  9. 很多富人担忧国内的反贪污运动会波及到自己的灰色收入。

    Some wealthy citizens are spooked about the impact of an anticorruption campaign on their murkily sourced income .

  10. 由于我国灰色收入的数量很大,给社会各个层面带来的影响都是不容忽视的,因而我们必须要给予足够的重视。

    Because of gray income tremendous impact on society , so we have to give them adequate attention .

  11. 公务员灰色收入的广泛性和严重性成为社会关注的焦点。

    And the universality and severity of civil servants ' grey income has become the focus of social attention .

  12. 灰色收入是我国公务员工资与收入差异的主要组成部分。

    Grey income is a main part of the differences between civil servants ' wage and income in China .

  13. 在对灰色收入的内涵和外延进行了详细的界定之后,本文分析了灰色收入的成因及其对经济社会的各个方面的影响。

    Next , this paper analyzes the causes of gray income and its influence in all aspects of the society .

  14. 他们对于即使许多官员拥有很高的灰色收入也没什么人纳税也愤愤不平。

    They are also resentful that few officials pay tax , even though many have big incomes from shady dealings .

  15. 摘要寻租、灰色收入、过度在职消费、内部人控制等现象在我国广泛存在。

    The phenomenon of rent-seeking , pessimistic income , excessively expense in-office , insider control is widespread existence in our country .

  16. 她说,政府监管更严,所以现在公务员取得灰色收入的机会更少了。

    ' Civil servants now have less access to ' gray income ' because of strict government supervision , ' she said .

  17. 中国的房价居高不下,是由于中国存在规模大得出奇的灰色收入&通过收取高于官定水平的价格而积累起来的收益。

    Its high price is due to the presence of extraordinarily large grey income in China – earnings garnered by charging above official prices .

  18. 本文讨论了灰色收入的估算方法,分别提出了对社会灰色收入总量和个人灰色收入进行计算的一般公式,并对学术界关于灰色收入计算的方法进行了一定的探讨。

    This paper discusses the method for estimating the gray income , and raise formula of the total income of the community and individuals .

  19. 公务员灰色收入的概念在理论上和法律上还没有一个明确的界定,但其产生的社会危害相比其他灰色收入更大。

    Whereas , there is no clear definition of what is the hidden income of civil servants , but it does more harm than other hidden income .

  20. 第四部分分析了改革过程中可能出现的难点问题,如灰色收入,医疗人才缺乏等,并提出合理化建议。

    The fourth part analysis the difficult problems in reform process such as the gray income , lack of medical personnel , and put forward reasonable suggestions .

  21. 本文明确引入“灰色收入”作为企业营者收入一部分,定义广义的“职业生涯考虑”,同时,放弃了完全竞争市场的假设。

    We consider gray income as part of the manager 's income and define the generalized " career concern ", and give up the assumption of completely competitive market .

  22. 最后综合以上研究和灰色收入存在的内在机制,结合国内外在此方面的举措和政策,提出相关的政策建议。

    The last comprehensive above research and gray income within the mechanism , both at home and abroad in the initiatives and policies , and puts forward relevant policy Suggestions .

  23. 而且,葛艺豪表示,中国人真实的收入水平(现金收入或灰色收入)高于官方统计数字,这个久已有之的假设在近期的研究中得到了印证。

    Furthermore , he says , the real level of Chinese income , held in cash or hidden from view , is higher than captured in official statistics , a long-held assumption corroborated by recent research .

  24. 坚决打击取缔非法收入,规范灰色收入,逐步形成公开透明、公正合理的收入分配秩序,坚决扭转收入差距扩大的趋势。

    We will firmly crack down on and ban illegal income ; regulate off-the-books income ; gradually form a transparent , fair and rational pattern of income distribution ; and resolutely reverse the widening income gap .

  25. 文章对公务员灰色收入问题进行较为全面的探讨,以期弥补目前关于公务员灰色收入的理论研究在针对性和全面性方面的不足,也为今后深入的专业研究做好基础性工作。

    This paper will give a comparatively overall study to civil servants ' grey income issues in order to make up for the deficiency of pertinence and comprehensiveness in theoretical research on civil servants ' grey income .

  26. 作者在界定奢侈品的消费人群时发现,奢侈品有很大一部分是被位高权重的政府官员以及所谓的问题富豪们用他们非法所得的灰色收入所购买。

    The author on defining the luxury consumer groups found that , a big part of luxury goods is a powerful government officials and the so-called " problems " are rich with their illegal earnings gray income purchased .

  27. 在上述基础上,论文有针对性的提出了相关对策建议:拉大合理的收入差距;完善财政转移支付制度;加大力度治理公务员灰色收入问题;建立健全专门的《公务员工资法》等。

    To this end , we propose some solutions : the income gap widening reasonable ; improve the fiscal transfer payment system ; increase efforts governance gray income of civil servants ; establish and improve the special public official wage law .

  28. 造成这些不合理现象的原因有:经济发展水平导致的公务员收入差距;灰色收入导致的公务员收入差距;行政成本导致的公务员收入差距等。

    The reasons for these unreasonable phenomenon : the public official income gap caused by the level of economic development ; the gray income led to the public official income gap ; administrative costs led to the public official income gap .

  29. 在此情形下,当村干部们面对貌似可以给村庄带来巨大经济利益而实质上也可以给村干部本人带来可观灰色收入的土地时,往往会做出自身利益最大化的选择。

    Be village the staffs to face to look like in this case can bring village a huge economic benefits and can also give substantially village the staff bring considerable gray income of land , usually do a choice that self interest maximizes .

  30. 由权力资本、城乡分割、地方垄断、行业垄断以及灰色收入所造成的机会不平等,是导致居民收入差距过大的基本原因。

    The unequal opportunity caused by power capital , the separation between town and country , the local monopoly , the professional monopoly as well as the ' gray ' income is the basic reason for too large income gap of our residents .