
zhōnɡ xiǎo xínɡ qǐ yè
  • small- and medium-size enterprise
  1. 中小型企业规模小,资源不足,抗风险能力弱;

    The small and medium-size enterprise is small in scale , resources are insufficient , and the ability to resisting risk is weak .

  2. 中小型企业应用短信网关开发

    Development of SMS gateway for small and medium-size Enterprise

  3. 伯杰,罗森和德尔(2001)研讨了向中小型企业之间的假贷和银行贷款的本地市场份额的关系。

    Berger , rosen , and udell ( 2001 ) studied the relationship between lending to SMEs and banks'share of the local loan market .

  4. 论中小型企业CAD技术的发展

    Discussion on the Development of CAD Technique of Minor Enterprises

  5. 中小型企业如何选择和应用服装CAD的探讨

    The Discussion on How to Select and Apply the Garment CAD in the Apparel SMES

  6. 用嵌入式Linux为中小型企业架设廉价、透明、安全的防火墙

    Building Cheap , Transparent and Safe Firewall for Middle and small Corporations Using Embedded Linux

  7. 中小型企业MIS的通用用户管理模块设计

    Design of General MIS User Management Module for Middle-Small Company

  8. 另一个是推动中小型企业投放广告(除了LimitedRun之外,可能)。

    The other is a push for ads from small and medium-sized businesses ( but not , perhaps , Limited Run ) .

  9. 基于.NET的ERP系统在中小型企业中的实现与研究

    Realization and Research of ERP System Based on . NET in Small and Medium-sized Enterprise

  10. 中小型企业PDM系统的开发

    The exploitation into the PDM system in the middle or small enterprises

  11. PDM系统在中小型企业的设计及实现

    PDM Applied in the Small and Midium - size Enterprise

  12. 公共数据库在中小型企业CIMS工程中的应用

    The Application of Public Database in CIMS Engineering Middle-small Enterprise

  13. 应用于中小型企业的VPN网关的设计与实现

    The Research and Design of VPN Gateway Applied by Small to Medium Business

  14. 基于ASP模式的中小型企业比价采购系统研制

    Research and implementation of price comparing of purchase system based on ASP for small and medium enterprises

  15. 本文详细描述了一种能适用于中小型企业、部门的OA系统框架的设计和实现过程。

    We have designed and implemented a framework to develop such an OA application .

  16. 中小型企业面向SCM的ERP采购系统的开发与研究

    A Research and Development on ERP 's Purchase Management System Faced to SCM of Medium and Small Enterprise

  17. ERP信息管理系统软件的安全性是中小型企业在实施ERP系统时必须考虑的问题。

    The security of ERP information management system was considered firstly when the small and medium enterprises implemented ERP system .

  18. 基于SNMP的中小型企业网络管理系统的研究

    Study of SNMP-based Small-middle Enterprises Network Management System

  19. SaaS按需订购的模式,受到了中小型企业的追捧。

    On-demand subscription model of SaaS is popular among small and medium Enterprises .

  20. 中小型企业与ISO9000

    Medium and small size enterprises and ISO 9000

  21. 尽管IBMDB2Express-C非常适合中小型企业的需求,但是它没有提供更高版本中的所有可用特性。

    Though highly desirable for small and medium enterprises , IBM DB2 Express-C does not come with all available features in the higher editions .

  22. 中小型企业ISO9000质量信息管理系统

    A Quality Management Information System of Implementing ISO 9000 for Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises

  23. 应用.NET开发平台,对现有ERP系统软件进行重组,以适应广大中小型企业的应用。

    On the flat of . NET , the existing ERP system was restructured to adapt the use of the small and medium-sized enterprises .

  24. 面向对象的中小型企业PDM系统日志管理系统设计

    An operating journal manage system designed for a PDM system of small and medium-sized enterprises by the oriented object method

  25. 实践证明这种模式适合中小型企业的CIMS系统的设计。

    It has been proved in practice that the mode is suitable for the CIMS of small and medium-sized enterprises .

  26. EAM系统在设备维修管理的应用浅论中小型企业设备的维修管理

    Application of EAM ( Enterprise Assets Management ) System in Equipment Maintenance and Management

  27. 对于那些没有经济和技术力量使用传统EDI的中小型企业,基于Internet的EDI可以使这些企业,以较低的成本充分利用EDI资源,发展电子商务。

    To those small enterprises without strong technical and economic power , internet-based could make them take full advantage of EDI to develop thee-commerce .

  28. ASP应用服务模式有助于解决中小型企业信息化的一些困难,是各行各业在实现信息化进程中投资少,见效快,摆脱专业技术困扰的捷径。

    With its advantages of low investment and quick benefit , ASP application service model makes for solving difficulties for small - and medium - sized businesses .

  29. 该系统是根据中小型企业内部对数据库管理的需求,以Windows系统作为开发平台,利用面向对象编程工具语言Delphi开发而成。

    Based on the demand of the interior database management , the system is developed by taking the Windows system as development platform , applying the Delphi software of object-oriented program .

  30. 后台使用MySQL数据库,该数据库小巧,开源,而且免费,是中小型企业的首选。

    Backstage supporter use MySQL database , this database is small , open-source and free , so it is the first choice for SME .