
  • 网络China;landlocked developing countries
  1. 利用PCR和DNA测序技术扩增了15个中国家鹅品种线粒体DNA控制区部分序列(1042bp)。

    The 1 042 bp control region of mitochondrial DNA from 84 geese of 15 domestic goose breeds was sequenced and genetic differentiation was analysed .

  2. 与努比亚野驴、索马里野驴和亚洲野驴的序列构建NJ系统发育树,首次证明我国家驴的母系起源为非洲野驴中的索马里驴和努比亚驴,亚洲野驴不是中国家驴的祖先。

    The NJ tree of Chinese domestic donkeys with Nubian , Somali and Asian wild ass was constructed , which first proved that the maternal origin of Chinese domestic donkeys was from Somali and Nubian of African wild ass but not from Asian wild ass .

  3. 对象为33只中国家犬,体质量10~12kg,犬龄1.5~2岁,由海南省动物中心提供。

    A total of 33 healthy Chinese dogs , weighing 10 to 12 kg and aged 1.5 to 2 years , were obtained from Center for Experimental Animals of Hainan Province .

  4. 全球化进程中国家权力调整的必要性

    The Necessity to Adjust State Power In the Process of Globalization

  5. 在于培养国际解,促进开发中国家的开发,以及强化高等教育。

    Build international understanding while strengthening higher edu-cation in low-income countries .

  6. 我国食品安全危机事件中国家形象的媒体呈现

    The National Image Reported by Media in Chinese Food Safety Crisis

  7. 对当代经济法视野中国家职能的思考

    Consideration for state function from the aspect of modern economic law

  8. 尽管店面卖的咖啡价格很高,开发中国家的栽培者却享受不到。

    Despite its higher prices , growers in developing countries rarely benefit .

  9. 船舶污染案件中国家损失索赔的法律问题

    Legal problems on claiming for losses of state caused by ships ' pollution

  10. 国际习惯主要由物质因素(国家实践)和心理因素(国家态度)组成,本文重点分析了上世纪90年代以来最新划界条约中国家在这两方面的表现。

    International habit was consisted of two factors , material factor and psychological factor .

  11. 高等教育中国家与市场的关系

    The State and the Market in Higher Education

  12. 论当前高等教育成本分担中国家与个人的分担比例

    On the proportion of the state and the individuals sharing the cost of higher education

  13. 第二章主要论述了受贿罪中国家工作人员的主体。

    The second chapter mainly discusses the bribery crime of state functionaries in the body .

  14. 瘢痕疙瘩中国家系的发病特点研究

    Characteristics of occurrence for Chinese familial keloids

  15. 在许多已开发中国家的证券市场里,现金增资扮演著非常重要的地位。

    In many developed countries , seasoned equity offerings have played a very important role .

  16. 于谘商过程中,会员应特别留意开发中国家会员所遭遇之特别问题与利益。

    During consultations Members should give special attention to developing country Members'particular problems and interests .

  17. 本文对我国农村养老保障中国家责任进行论述。

    This text is mainly study on state responsibility in aged security of china rural area .

  18. 关于现代化过程中国家问题的思考

    Reflection on the State in Modernization

  19. 我们必须知道,文盲不只是开发中国家的问题。

    We need to be aware that illiteracy is not a problem only of the developing world .

  20. 会员宜鼓励并促进开发中国家会员积极参与相关的国际组织。

    Members should encourage and facilitate the active participation of developing country Members in the relevant international organisations .

  21. 在运动中国家权力确实是得到了扩张,但同时国家权力也有被异化的一面。

    In the movement , the state power actually got expansion , but it had another aspect of dissimilation .

  22. 这课程有作业和阅读资料,是讨论开发中国家规划的基础。

    This course consists of assignments and readings that form the basis for discussions about planning in developing countries .

  23. 现实社会中国家与社会关系不可避免地会映射到网络社会。

    The relationship between state and society in the real world will inevitably be projected to the internet society .

  24. 第四部分是结论,即利用前述内容界定出公司、企业中国家工作人员的范围。

    The fourth part is conclusion of the article , pointing out the scope of state functionaries in companies and enterprises .

  25. 文化发展转型中国家作用的变化,揭示了市场经济条件下国家结构功能与社会结构功能分离的必然趋势。

    The changes of governmental role in cultural industry development reflected the deviation trend of governmental structural function from social function .

  26. 灾难事件中国家媒体对国家形象的塑造与传播&以中央电视台汶川地震报道为例

    To Mold and Diffuse National Image in Handling Tragedy Events & A Case Study of CCTV Reporting in the Wenchuan Earthquake

  27. 与关注淘汰碳排放对比,投资更换能源大概能够淘汰成长中国家所需遭受的处罚压力。

    Investing in alternative fuels , versus focusing on carbon emission reduction , might reduce the punitive pressure on developing countries .

  28. 试就这两个问题进行分析,为对应国家契约中国家责任的两种产生情况,将国家契约中的国家责任分成国家的违约责任和国际责任。

    The essay analyses the dispute , takes the state responsibility of state contract apart into international liability and responsibility of breach .

  29. 针对我国船舶污染案件中国家损失索赔出现的一些法律问题进行了较详细讨论。

    This paper is concerning about several legal problems occurred in cases of the claim for states losses caused by ships pollution .

  30. 在开发中国家,大片公有林地的租金,每年每公顷不到一美元。

    Huge tracts of public forest in the developing world are being leased for less than $ 1 per hectare a year .