
  • 网络Hegemonic stability theory;theory of hegemonic stability
  1. 霸权稳定论的演变与中国的战略选择

    Hegemonic Stability Theory Evolution and China 's Strategic Choice

  2. 霸权稳定论一经提出就受到了褒贬不一的评价,有关它的激烈争论发人思考。

    Since coming out , the Hegemonic Stability Theory has experienced different evaluations .

  3. 霸权稳定论和美国的新霸权主义

    Theory of Hegemonic Stability and the United States ' new Hegemonism

  4. 霸权稳定论美国霸权发展的理论基础

    Hegemonic Stability Theory-the Basis of the Theory for the Development of American Hegemony

  5. 这一部分中,笔者从理论、历史和现实的角度质疑了霸权稳定论的部分观点、揭示了其内在缺陷。

    In part two , the author puts animadverts on the Hegemonic Stability Theory .

  6. 建立在“天赋使命”基础上的霸权稳定论为美国价值观的输出提供了理论基础。

    The theory of hegemonic stability based on the American mission supplies theoretical basis for the exportation of American values .

  7. 不同战略类别下战略人力资源管理的权变应用霸权稳定论的演变与中国的战略选择

    Contingency of Strategic Human Resource Management in Different Strategy Genres ; Hegemonic Stability Theory Evolution and China 's Strategic Choice

  8. 从霸权稳定论到安全共同体&东北亚安全合作架构新走向

    From the Theory of Hegemonic Stability to a Security Community : A New Trend in the Framework of Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia

  9. 霸权稳定论、相互依存论和世界体系论是代表当代国际政治经济学的主要理论。

    Theory of Hegemonic Stability , Theory of Interdependence and Theory of Global Systemization are the key theories representing contemporary international political economy .

  10. 霸权稳定论、功能主义论、建构主义理论等众多理论流派对安全合作均提出了自己的理论设计。

    Hegemonic stability theory , functionalism theory , constructivism theory and many schools of security cooperation have all put forward their own theory design .

  11. 本文首先从霸权稳定论内容的几个主要方面出发,第一部分讨论了霸权稳定论的理论沿革及内容,并对霸权稳定论的主要观点进行了简单的分析。

    ` first this article analyze the several main respects of the theory of hegemony stability , then simple analyse the main points of the theory .

  12. 再者概括有关机制化合作的主流理论逻辑,即制度需求论、认知主义论和霸权稳定论为分析范式的国际机制论。

    Next , summarizes the theoretical logics of international mechanism that is the analytical paradigm of the system demand theory , the cognitive socialist theory and hegemonic stability theory .

  13. 霸权稳定论认为多边自由国际经济体系的维持需要一种稳定的国际经济政治秩序,而后者必须由一个霸权国来提供。

    The Hegemonic Stability Theory holds that the maintenance of a multilateral liberal international economic system needs a stable international political economic order , which must be supplied by hegemony .

  14. 本文对霸权稳定论与美元霸权进行评述,并总结归纳了中国应对美元霸权的对策。

    This article carries on the comment on the theory of hegemonic stability and US dollar hegemony , and summarizes the countermeasures which China to be supposed to US dollar hegemony .

  15. 霸权稳定论是其理论根基,新保守主义是其哲学渊源,新自由主义是其重要理论支撑。

    However , it is still of aggression as the old imperialism , for hegemonic stability theory is its groundwork , neo-conservatism is its philosophical origin and neo-liberalism is its theoretic support .

  16. 事实上,霸权稳定论本身具有很大的理论局限性,其指导下的美国对外政策给世界带来了危害,因此我们应该坚决抵制霸权主义和强权政治。

    In fact , the theory of hegemony stability has very great limitation itself , the American foreign policy under its guide has brought harmfulness to world , so we should resist hegemonies and power politics firmly .

  17. 霸权稳定论和制度稳定论都阐述了世界经济秩序得以维持的原因,但它们二者之间关系的研究鲜有论述。

    Both the theory of hegemony stabilization and the theory of institution stabilization have explicated the reasons for the maintenance of the world economic order . However , the relationship between the two theories has seldom been discussed .

  18. 霸权稳定论是20世纪70年代兴起的西方国际政治经济学主流理论之一。非正式暴力的全球化反映了非对称相互依赖的形式,使得20世纪70年代相互依赖的某些教训愈加突出。

    The Hegemonic Stability Theory is one of the main theories in the International Political Economy , which emerged in the 1970s . The globalization of informal violence reflects patterns of asymmetrical interdependence , and reinforces some of the lessons learned about interdependence in the 1970s .

  19. 冷战后,世界政治经济格局发生了重大变化,美国在各方面获得全面优势,其霸权野心迅速膨胀,霸权稳定论再度复兴。

    After the cold war , the great change has taken place in the political and economic pattern of the world and U.S.A. obtained the overall advantage in the different fields . Its hegemony ambition expands rapidly and the theory of hegemony stability is rejuvenated once again .

  20. 霸权与霸权理论是国际政治与国际关系理论重要的研究课题之一,其中霸权稳定论是霸权理论当中一个重要的理论。

    The question of hegemony and hegemonism is an important one for study in the areas of the theories of the international politics and the international relations . The theory of Hegemonic stability is one of the important theory of hegemony theory .