
bà wáng
  • overlord;despot;Xiang Yu, the Conqueror;tyrant;title assumed by a powerful prince in ancient China;autocrat
霸王 [bà wáng]
  • (1) [title assumed by a powerful prince in ancient China]∶古时指霸和王,也用来尊称霸主,特指西楚霸王项羽

  • (2) [autocrat;despot;overlord;tyrant]∶比喻非常蛮横的人

霸王[bà wáng]
  1. 你好!首先祝你身体健康!霸王果是海南岛的热带水果。

    Hello ! Wish you are healthy above all ! Fruit of Xiang Yu the conqueror is the intertropical fruit of Hainan island .

  2. 我成了这个办公室霸王欺侮的对象。

    I fell victim to the office bully

  3. 一个开霸王车的司机几乎要把我挤出马路了。

    A road hog nearly ran me off the road .

  4. 后来,美国蒙大拿州又发现了另一个这样的霸王龙集体死亡遗址。

    Another such mass death site was later found in Montana .

  5. 用霸王中药洗发水,洗完头发后有药味吗

    Do use despot traditional Chinese medicine shampoo a drug after finishing redressing hair ?

  6. 然而,来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家可能发现了有关这种可怕动物的一个新理论。霸王龙是群居动物的理论最早是在20年前提出的。

    The theory that tyrannosaurs were social animals was first suggested 20 years ago .

  7. 这次,在美国犹他州南部发现的遗址再次表明,霸王龙是在同一地点死亡的。

    This one in southern Utah again shows that tyrannosaurs died in the same place .

  8. 当时,加拿大阿尔伯塔省某处发现了十几只霸王龙的遗骸。

    That was when a dozen of the creatures were found at a site in Alberta , Canada .

  9. 来自美国阿肯色大学的一组古生物学家在分析了骨骼和化石后说,这表明这些霸王龙曾聚集在一起捕食其它动物,至少在生存艰难、资源日益减少的日子里是这样的。

    Analysing the bones and rocks , a team of palaeontologists from the University of Arkansas say it suggests the tyrannosaurs came together to prey1 on other animals , at least when times got tougher and resources were dwindling2 .

  10. 这些结论再次证实霸王龙可能并非离群索居的食肉动物,而是像狼一样成群结队地捕食,简直想不到霸王龙还可以比我们原本想象得更可怕。

    These conclusions add to mounting3 evidence that they may not so much have been lone4 predators5 , but hunted in packs like wolves , which makes them , as hard to imagine as that may seem , even more terrifying .

  11. 《秦时明月》的故事背景设定在了秦朝,讲述了从秦始皇嬴政统一六国到西楚霸王项羽崛起,攻占都城咸阳的故事。

    The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin , Ying Zheng , conquered the other six kingdoms , to the rise of the king of Western Chu , Xiang Yu , who captured the capital city , Xianyang .

  12. 我们收藏了《街头霸王II》,因为武术是好的。

    We have Street Fighter II , because martial arts are good .

  13. 丰田大霸王汽车ABS故障代码的读取及检修

    Reading Fault Code and Inspection of ABS on TOYOTA PREVIA

  14. 我们的漫威项目就是一款战斗游戏,由你的超级英雄对战其他超级英雄,有点像《街头霸王2》(StreetFighter2)的风格。

    Our Marvel game will be a fighting game : your superhero against another superhero , kind of Street Fighter 2 style .

  15. 曾经与霸王共事的很多斯坦福mba学生都不觉得有何遗憾。

    Many of those Stanford MBA students who worked with bullies had no regrets about doing so .

  16. 干旱对不同抗旱性冬小麦旗叶光合及主茎干物质转运的影响Na~+与多浆旱生植物霸王抗旱性研究

    Effects of drought on photosynthesis of flag leaf and dry matter remobilization of main stem in different varieties of winter wheat

  17. 在1951年3月23日的傍晚,正前往英国的一架美国空军道格拉斯C-124环球霸王II在海上迫降。

    On the late afternoon of March 23 , 1951 , a US Air Force Douglas C-124 Globemaster II on its way to England ditched into the ocean .

  18. 多亏了“侏罗纪公园”,有些人认为我们提取保存恐龙DNA是切实可行的,只需在实验室里捣鼓捣鼓,很快就能制造一个迅猛龙或霸王龙。

    Thanks to " Jurassic Park , " some people think we could feasibly extract preserved dino DNA , reconstitute it in a lab and then , presto , manufacture a velociraptor or tyrannosaurus rex .

  19. 而他在国际影坛取得突破,是凭借1974年的一部名为《街头霸王》的电影,该片由新线电影公司出品,于美国上映,因其暴力镜头被列为X级。

    and his international breakout role came in 1974 's : " The Street Fighter , " which was released in the U.S. by New Line Cinema with an X-rating for its violence .

  20. PivotalResearch分析师布莱恩•威泽(BrianWieser)表示,Facebook和谷歌是“霸王”,它们可能很快会将广告从电视手中夺走。

    Facebook and Google " are hegemons " that could soon be taking campaigns away from television , says Brian Wieser , analyst with Pivotal Research .

  21. 现有的测量数据显示,湾鳄具有最强的咬合力,一些科学家推测它们的咬合力都能同已灭绝了的雷克斯霸王龙(Tyrannosaurusrex)相媲美。

    and some scientists suggest that this may rival the extinct dinosaur the Tyrannosaurus rex .

  22. 我们的漫威项目就是一款战斗游戏,由你的超级英雄对战其他超级英雄,有点像《街头霸王2》(StreetFighter2)的风格。

    One of the big ones will be a fighting game . Our Marvel game will be a fighting game : your superhero against another superhero , kind of Street Fighter 2 style .

  23. 幼苗期霸王在干旱胁迫下叶片的保水能力低,MDA含量与PEG浓度之间呈显著性正相关(P<0.05)。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) The holding moisture capacity of Z. xanthoxylum during the seedling stage decreased under drought stress . There is a significant correlation between MDA and PEG concentrations ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 的企业人际关系经理和员工关系主管理查德•罗伯(RichardLobo)说,摊牌会很有帮助,因为多数职场霸王都是懦夫,对正面冲突是避之唯恐不及的。

    ' Talking it out helps a lot as most bullies are cowards and avoid confrontation , 'says Richard Lobo , corporate human relations manager and head of employee relations at Infosys Technologies Ltd.

  25. 在铁人同铁霸王在高速公路上战斗的一场戏里,可以在背景里看见一幢出现Roxxon标志的建筑。

    During the highway battle with Iron Monger , a building can be seen in the background with a Roxxon logo .

  26. 详细介绍日本丰田大霸王(PREVIA)旅行车巡航系统的电源电路、指示灯电路、执行器电路、速度传感器电路以及巡航系统中各个开关电路的故障检测方法。

    The fault inspection ways on the circuits of the cruising system on TOYOTA PREVIA are introduced in details here , such as the circuits of power , indicator light , actuator , speed sensor and each switch .

  27. 我们对霸王龙化石(标本MOR1125)脱矿质后残留的纤维皮质和髓质组织进行了复杂的分析。

    We performed multiple analyses of Tyrannosaurus rex ( specimen MOR1125 ) fibrous cortical and medullary tissues remaining after demineralization .

  28. 在国外,“财阀”(Chaebol)是韩国的骄傲,但在国内,它们却被很多人视为商业界的霸王,人们指责它们压榨供应商,连累小企业破产。

    Chaebol conglomerates , the pride of the nation abroad , are considered by many to be economic bullies at home , blamed for squeezing suppliers and pushing small businesses into bankruptcy .

  29. 这个市场的高端产品是恐龙化石,如霸王龙(Tyrannosaurusrex)&如果完整的话,价格可能会超过400万英镑。不过,也有可能用低得多的价格买到化石。

    At the top of the market are fossils of dinosaurs , such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex - which , if complete , could command a price of more than 4m . But fossils can be obtained for far less .

  30. 自然条件下霸王发芽率最高的播深处理在覆沙小区为2cm、未覆沙小区为1cm;

    Xanthoxylum was obtained in 2 cm sowing depth treatment in the sand covered plot , and was obtained in 1 cm sowing depth treatment in the non-sand covered plot . The highest above biomass for the Z.