
  • 网络right to nominate
  1. 本章对主席团职权的介绍仅是一般性的,大概可分三个方面:即提案权、提名权及质询程序中的权力。

    The power of the presidium can be simply divided into three parts : overture , nomination and the power in the procedure of inquiry .

  2. 试论副职领导必备的能力和素质论领导情境与副职领导干部配备方式&以深圳大学实行正职对副职提名权的做法为例

    Capacity and Qualification of Deputy Cadres The Leader 's Situation and the Choice of the Subsidiary Leader & An Analysis of the Reform in Shenzhen University

  3. 而村委会选举制度是规范村委会选举的规则和原则的总称,主要包括以下几个方面的内容:选举方式、选民资格、候选人提名权、选举过程、选举监督与选举救济。

    The system of village committee election ( short for SVCE ) is the floorboard of the rules and principles which supervise the election of village committee .

  4. 在这种情况下,立法者不妨考虑一下限制大股东对监事会和独立董事的提名权。

    On this condition , legislators may well consider to limit the right of shareholders to nominate , which can well avoid the exploitation from major share holders .

  5. 股东有选举权,但没有董事提名权,除非通过一项需要他们自己花钱通知股东的艰难程序。

    Shareholders have the right to vote , but not to nominate directors , except through a difficult process requiring them to mail shareholders at their own expense .

  6. 占中组织者希望公众以及政党获得提名权,并在上月就这个问题发起了非官方公投,此次公投吸引了近80万人的投票,但引来了北京方面的批评。

    Organisers of Occupy Central want the public and political parties to have the power of nomination and staged an unofficial referendum on the issue last month , which attracted almost 800000 votes but drew criticism from Beijing .

  7. 如今,候选人最初的提名官员也有权建议教皇给其候选人施行宣福礼。

    Now , the official who promotes a candidate in the first place also has the power to recommend him or her to the Pope for beatification .