
mín zú ɡǎn qínɡ
  • national sentiment
  1. 不同民族在社会传统、历史知识、民族感情、社会风俗等等都反映出文化的差异。

    Different nations have different social tradition , historical knowledge , national sentiment , custom and so on .

  2. 改了国籍,不等于就改了民族感情;

    The change of nationality doesn 't mean the change of national feeling .

  3. 不同的起源解释反映了民族感情的差异。

    Different interpretation reflects different national emotion .

  4. 他的演讲唤起了民族感情。

    His speech whipped up national feelings .

  5. 对中国有很强烈的民族感情。

    The Chinese have very strong feelings .

  6. 欧洲各国似乎煞费苦心,竭力避免伤及这些新来者身上独特的民族感情。

    For the most part European countries have bent over backwards to accommodate the sensibilities of the newcomers .

  7. 文化是维系民族感情的纽带,对文化的阐扬是精神文明建设和年轻一代人力战略的必然要求。

    Culture maintains the nation 's feelings , it 's an inevitable demand of constructing spirit civilization and manpower strategy .

  8. 不容任何外来干涉。他强调,台湾问题事关中国核心利益和中国人民民族感情。

    He has stressed that the Taiwan question concerns China 's core interests and the national bond of the Chinese people .

  9. 如果不了解对方国家的文化准则和文化习俗,在交流很容易会伤害交际对方的民族感情。

    We are likely to hurt the national feeling of whom we lack relevant knowledge about social rules and customs of the countries they are from .

  10. 20世纪三、四十年代,在抵抗日本侵略问题上,胡适表现出强烈的民族感情和坚定的民族信念。

    The 30s and 40s of 21st century , concerning resistance against the invasion of Japan , Hu Shi showed strong national sentiments and firm national faith .

  11. 然而死刑在我国的废除,绝非一蹴而就之事,目前我国应坚决有限制地保留死刑,这是由我国的历史传统、民族感情和现实国情决定的。

    Now we must stick to a limited reservation of the death penalty , which is associated with the historical traditions , national sentiments and current conditions of our country .

  12. 第三部分从政治、文化及民族感情等方面,论述古巴移民在美国的同化模式及族裔认同,指出其多样性的特征极其根源。

    Part ⅲ discusses the pattern of assimilation and the ethnic identity of Cuban-Americans From such aspects as politics , culture and national affection , and points out the characteristics and reason of their multi-culture .

  13. 鸦片战争后,外国教会势力对民风民俗的广泛冲击和破坏,极大地伤害了中国人民的民族感情,也埋下了中国人民复仇的种子。

    After the Opium War , the fatal and overwhelming influence of foreign churches upon Chinese folk customs not only hurt the racial feeling of the Chinese people greatly , but also buried a seed of hatred and revenge .

  14. 首先,上海租界一方面不断刺激着左翼和新感觉派爱国的民族感情神经,一方面也为他们的发展提供了自由的空间。

    First , the Shanghai concession on the one hand continuously stimulated leftist faction and the new sense of the national feelings of patriotism , on the one hand for them with the freedom to the development of the space .

  15. 后期,由于主动被动的因素,政治上认同趋向认同于认同当地社会,但在民族感情上、思想文化上风俗习惯上仍然和中国紧密的联系,有着相当强的认同性。

    Later stages , active and passive elements , tend to identify with the political recognition of local community identity , but as national sentiments , ideas and cultural customs are still strong links with China , has a very strong recognition of . Chapter ⅱ .

  16. 在传统聚落中,携刻着历史的痕迹、民族的感情、文化的渊源。

    In traditional settlements , there is preservation of historical memory and national feelings , cultural origins .

  17. 那些有反苏成见的人,借着诺蒙坎停战协定的订立和日苏互不侵犯条约的传闻,掀风鼓浪,挑拨中苏两大民族间的感情。

    People who are prejudiced against the Soviet Union are capitalizing on the Nomonhan truce agreement and on the talk about a Japanese-Soviet non-aggression treaty in order to make trouble and stir up ill feeling between the two great nations of China and the Soviet union .

  18. 刘大为写实人物画的绘画风格代表了一个时代群体的主流风貌,饱含他对民族和国家的感情。

    The realistic figure painting style of Liu Dawei represents the mainstream style of an age and a group , which is full of his affection for the nation and the state .

  19. 这首先是个民族问题,民族的感情问题。

    First of all , it is a national question , a question of national sentiments .

  20. 动画片是潜在的有效的教育资源,其生动的视觉语言背后,隐含着丰富的教育内容,有利于对青少年进行民族文化的熏陶和民族感情的培育。

    What is more , cartoon is potential and efficient education resource . It conceals abundant education contents and is beneficial for breeding and edification of national culture and national feelings .

  21. 陆在易在声乐作品的创作上硕果累累,他的艺术歌曲更是精益求精,创作手法多样,他注意我国的民族语言、民族气质和民族感情的表达方式,音乐与诗词融为一体,堪称音画合一。

    He pays attention to the use of national language , national character , and national emotion .

  22. 它们是日本小说作家以汉文字为叙述语言,描述日本本民族故事、反映日本人民民族感情的一种独特创作。

    They were particular produces by Japanese novelists who wrote them to narrate the Japanese national stories , reflected their national feelings in Chinese expression manner .

  23. 在维护和推动国家统一的过程中,文化是构筑民族共同心理、维系和发展民族感情、巩固国家统一意志的纽带。

    Culture is the tie of the state 's mentality , emotion and will in the process of safeguarding and promoting unification .

  24. 任何一个民族的传统文化都凝聚着这个民族的感情、意志、追求,在很大程度上通过教育来实现其传统文化传递的。

    Traditional culture of any nation condenses its emotion , will and pursuit , and transmission of culture was conducted by education to large extent .

  25. 爱国主义是民族国家永恒的话题,是各国人民民族感情最深刻的体现,是推动历史前进的巨大动力。

    Patriotism , the eternal topic of national states , is the most profound embodiment of national feelings of all nations and the strong impetus for the advance of history .

  26. 这种民族精神在当时极大地凝聚了中国人民的民族感情,鼓舞了广大人民的抗战热情,支撑着中国人民万众一心同仇敌忾取得了抗日战争的伟大胜利。

    This great national spirit in the pool at the national feelings of the Chinese people , encouraged by the enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people of war , supporting an enemy of the Chinese people of one mind made the Victory .

  27. 然而市场经济也对民族传统文化构成巨大冲击,在开发利用中常出现侵害少数民族传统文化知识权利、伤害民族感情的事。

    The market economy , however , brings a great shock to traditional national culture , and the intellectual property of traditional culture of minority nationalities is often infringed and their national feelings are frequently hurt during such development .

  28. 民族认同是在民族互动为主题的社会比较背景下,个体或群体对自己民族身份的确认以及对于自己所属民族的认知和感情依附。

    Under the social comparative background of national interaction , national identity means individuals ' or groups ' confirmation and knowledge of their nationalities as well as emotional dependence on them .