
mín shì quán yì
  • civil rights and interests
  1. 第五条公民、法人的合法的民事权益受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵犯。

    Article 5 The lawful civil rights and interests of citizens and legal persons shall be protected by law ; no organization or individual may infringe upon them .

  2. 其他侵犯他人合法民事权益的。

    Other acts that infringe upon the civil rights and interests of others .

  3. 完善刑事被害人民事权益保障制度的思考

    Discussion of civil safeguard mechanism for criminal victims improvement

  4. 中国法律保护残疾人的财产权和其他民事权益。

    Chinese law guarantees the property rights and other civil rights and interests of the disabled .

  5. 农村社会成员的权利意识开始复苏和强化,民事权益纠纷不断增加。

    With the increasing of the social members ' right consciousness the disputes about civil right is also increasing .

  6. 2010年实施的《侵权责任法》规定民事权益为它的保护对象。

    The implementation of 2010 " Tort Liability Act " provides " civil rights " as its object of protection .

  7. 一方面,它能够迅速、高效解决民事权益争议,提高办案效率,促进纠纷双方息事宁人。

    One side , It can efficiently solve civil rights disputes , and promote disputes between the both mended soonest .

  8. 盼望已久的《侵权责任法》第二条中多达18项民事权益中仍然没有知情同意权。

    Long-expected Article 18 " Tort Liability Law " still does not include the civil rights and rights of informed consent .

  9. 第五章从民法角度出发,提出了对我国残疾人民事权益保护的建议。

    Chapter 5 makes proposals for protecting the civil rights of persons with disabilities from the perspective of the Civil Code .

  10. 第二章深入考察了目前我国商业搬迁中民事权益实现的困境。

    The second chapter makes a deep investigation about the difficulties in realizing the civil rights and interests during business move .

  11. 广义的刑事被害人救济制度,是刑事被害人民事权益恢复和补救制度的总称。

    The criminal victim generalized relief system , is a general term for criminal victims of civil rights restoration and recovery system .

  12. 论第三人侵害消费者权益时经营者的责任完善刑事被害人民事权益保障制度的思考

    On the Third Person Against the Interests of Consumers of the Responsibility of the Operator Discussion of civil safeguard mechanism for criminal victims improvement

  13. 这里的民事权益具有高度的概括性和较大的包容性,能够适用于较为广泛的对象。

    Here the " civil rights and interests " highly generality and greater tolerance and can be applied in a wide range of object .

  14. 它能够及时、彻底地解决民事权益争议,提高办案效率,减少诉讼成本。

    Mediation system can rapidly and completely resolve civil disputes , then improving the efficiency of dealing with cases and reducing the cost of litigation .

  15. 公民、法人的合法的民事权益受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵犯。

    The lawful civil rights and interests of citizens and legal persons shall be protected by law ; no organization or individual may infringe upon them .

  16. 第四章具体探讨了新的商业搬迁模式下,对各主体的民事权益的保护。

    The forth chapter makes a particular discussion on protecting the civil rights and interests of the parties to business move , in the new mode .

  17. 在外资运营的民事权益保护和司法行政救济方面已经基本实现了国民待遇,但在宏观经济管理方面的国民待遇尚未完全实现。

    In administration of justice and civil rights protection area , national treatment is already realized while in macro economic administration area , there are still some gaps .

  18. 信托受益权是在信托法中受到保护的民事权益,因此以侵权法保护没有任何理论障碍。

    Trust beneficial interest is civil rights and interests which is under protection of trust law , thus there is no theoretical obstacle on protection under tort law .

  19. 缓和拆迁矛盾,优化城市发展,需要构建以保护民事权益为重点的商业搬迁制度。

    To relax conflicts in removing and optimize the urban developments , we need a construction of business move system which focuses on protecting the civil rights and interests .

  20. 在档案开放、公布与利用中涉及多方面的民事权益,主要包括隐私权和著作权的保护。

    Civil rights and interests are related to many aspects while archives is open , announced and utilized include the protection of the right of privacy and copyright mainly .

  21. 为了置民事权益受损害之人以更为优越的法律地位,加重共同侵权行为人的责任,惩戒民事违法,减少社会危害因素,解决司法实践中的一些疑难问题,应加深对该问题的研究。

    We should deeply research on this problem , so as to protect right of the infringed and punish unlawful act , and resolve some complicated problems in judicatory practice .

  22. 继而出现国有企业高管在被依法追究刑事责任或行政责任后,仍能合法享有非法侵占国有资产所得的民事权益的滑稽现象。

    Then , after they being held the criminal liability or administrative liability , there appears a ridiculous phenomenon that they legally enjoy the civil rights and interests through illegally infringing the state-owned assets .

  23. 在我国的国内法中,在对外资的民事权益保护、司法行政救济方面己经给予了与内资相同的待遇,只是在外资管理法方面还处在超国民待遇和低国民待遇并存的局面。

    In our domestic law , we have given national treatment to foreign investment on these two aspects : judicatory and administrative remedy , civil rights interests , and only not on macroscopic management aspect .

  24. 随着经济发展,因环境污染、产品质量、虚假广告等引起的侵犯众多当事人民事权益的纠纷不断增多。

    Along with the economical development , the disputes of infringing multitudinous people 's civil rights and interests unceasingly increase because of the environmental pollution , the product quality , the false advertisement and so on .

  25. 社会矛盾和利益纠纷的调整需要一系列制度、规则所共同形成多元的、多层次的解决机制,刑法无疑是民事权益最强有力也是最后的保障。

    Adjusting social contradiction and conflict needs diversified , multi-leveled resolution mechanism that is formed by a series of systems and rules . The criminal law is definitely the most powerful as well as the last insurance of the civil rights .

  26. 运用公权力对刑事被害人受损的民事权益进行救济是世界各国都存在的一个法律问题,各个国家都制定了相关的刑事被害人救济制度。

    It is a legal problem to all the countries in the world that the public power is used to compensate criminal victim for his loss in the civil rights and interests . And each country has set up the related relief system for criminal victim .

  27. 人民法院在依照本章程序审理案件的过程中,发现本案属于民事权益争议的,应当裁定终结特别程序,并告知利害关系人可以另行起诉。

    Where the people 's court finds the case being handled according to the procedure prescribed in this chapter is a dispute over civil rights and interests , it shall make a ruling to terminate the special procedure and inform the interested parties to start a separate action .

  28. 第一部分:精神损害的本质及其含义。这部分通过对损害本质的理解,认为精神损害的本质为民事主体权益遭受侵害所产生的不利益事实。

    Through the comprehension of injury 's essence , the thesis takes for that it 's essence of mental distress is the state of disadvantage , in which rights and interests of civil subject were violated .

  29. 为维护公共安全,充分保护民事主体的权益,我国法律应确立准共同侵权行为制度。

    In order to maintain the public safety and fully protect the interest of the civil subjects , the institution of the quasi joint tort should be established in the law of our country .

  30. 侵权责任能力制度具有多种法的价值,有利于侵权法衡平各民事主体的权益,并使其在理论上能够形成完整的体系。

    Value of tort liability system with a variety of law capacity , is conducive to equitable interests in various civil tort law subjects , and it is theoretically possible to form a complete system .