
  • 网络Civil compensation
  1. 对CPA民事赔偿制度的思考

    Thinking to CPA Civil Compensation

  2. 不实诉讼民事赔偿制度初探

    The Preliminary Exploration in the civil compensation System of Untrue Litigation

  3. 董事责任保险(D&O),是董事和高级职员责任保险(Directors'andOfficers'LiabilityInsurance)的简称,是指以公司董事和高级职员向公司或第三者承担的民事赔偿责任为标的的一种保险。

    D & O is the abbreviation for directors ' and officers ' liability insurance . The insurance object is the civil compensate liability by the company 's directors and the senior officers for the company or a third party .

  4. B.民法中的公平原则与保险法中的损失补偿原则是奠定保险代位求偿权制度的两大基石;保险人依法可向负有民事赔偿责任的第三者请求赔偿。

    The insurer can claim damages from the third party of civil liability . B. The fair principle in civil law and the damage compensation principle in insurance law lay good foundations for the system of the right .

  5. 招股说明书中虚假陈述的民事赔偿责任与法律救济

    Civil Compensation Liability and Legal Relief of False Statement in Prospectus

  6. 我国《证券法》没有规定内幕交易的民事赔偿制度。

    Civil liabilities of insider trading are lacking in our country .

  7. 证券民事赔偿制度与投资者利益的保护

    Civil Compensation System of Securities and Protection of Investors ' Benefits

  8. 建立可行的证券民事赔偿额度计算方法;

    Establishing a practical calculation method for civil compensation quota ;

  9. 证券投资者利益保护的诉讼法视角&论证券民事赔偿诉讼制度

    How to protect the investors of securities in civil procedure

  10. 包括:细化退市标准,建立完善场外交易市场,完善民事赔偿制度,建立股本保险。

    Improving civil compensation system ; establishing share capital insurance .

  11. 建立健全民事赔偿机制,加大惩治力度。

    To perfect the civil compensation mechanism and strengthen the punishing power .

  12. 论工伤保险与民事赔偿的法律适用

    On the Choice of Laws between Workers ' Compensation and Civil Damages

  13. 该功能发挥的程度取决于民事赔偿制度完善的程度。

    How well the system functions depends on the perfection of it .

  14. 证券市场审计民事赔偿制度体系初探

    A Study on Audit Civil Liability System Setup in The Security Market

  15. 环境侵权及其民事赔偿范围研究

    A Study of Environmental Tort and Its Extent of Compensation

  16. 本文重点要讨论的是公证民事赔偿责任。

    This paper is to discuss the notarial civil liability for compensation .

  17. 虚假陈述民事赔偿原告问题研究&评证券投资基金不起诉现象

    Researches on Plaintiff in Securities Civil Suit Resulting from Misrepresentation

  18. 我国证券民事赔偿司法解释的得与失

    The Lose and Gain About Judicial Interpretation to Securities Compensation

  19. 市场欺诈理论是虚假陈述证券民事赔偿因果关系认定的理论基础。

    Fraud-on-the-market-theory is the theoretical basis of the causation of securities civil compensation .

  20. 论证券虚假陈述民事赔偿制度的缺陷与完善

    On the Disfigurement and Consummation of Negotiable Securities Mendacious Statement Civil Compensation System

  21. 刑事附带民事赔偿应确立五项原则。

    The penal action damage should establish five rules .

  22. 论国有环境资源损害的民事赔偿

    The civil compensation of State owned environmental resource damage

  23. 浅析证券市场虚假陈述的民事赔偿问题

    An Analysis of the Civil Compensation in stock Market

  24. 虚假会计信息引发的民事赔偿问题探析

    Analysis on civil compensation 's matter of listed company for false accounting information

  25. 证券民事赔偿诉讼中的代表人诉讼制度的完善

    Perfection of the Representative Action System in the Civil Compensation Lawsuit of the Securities

  26. 第二部分为证券欺诈民事赔偿概述。

    Chapter 2 is the brief explanations of the civil compensation of securities fraud .

  27. 论工伤事故中工伤保险与民事赔偿关系

    On the Relationship between Civil Compensation and Work Injury Insurance in Accidental Work Injury

  28. 论注册会计师证券市场虚假陈述民事赔偿责任

    On CPA 's Liability for Civil Compensation of False Statement in the Capital Statement

  29. 对证券民事赔偿案件适用最新法律的理解

    A Comprehension of Civil Case Indemnification on Securities Markets Suitable for the Newest Law

  30. 火灾事故民事赔偿研究

    The Research of Fire Accidental in Civil Compensation