
mín shēnɡ wèn tí
  • livelihood issues;problems of the people's livelihood
  1. 解决民生问题,第一要有制度的保障。

    To improve people 's well-being , we need institutional guarantee .

  2. 其三,解决民生问题是个过程。

    Third , to resolve livelihood issues is a process .

  3. 药品安全也是其中重点强调的民生问题之一。

    Drug safety was one of the important people ' slivelihood problems .

  4. 从某种程度上说,教育已成为最大的民生问题。

    In a sense , education has become the largest livelihood issues .

  5. 民生问题已经是中国社会可持续发展的阻碍之一。

    Livelihoods problems have somehow hindered the Chinese continuous development .

  6. 东北老工业基地振兴进程中的民生问题

    Livelihood Issues in the Revitalization of the Old Industrial Bases

  7. 促进就业则是解决农民民生问题的重要途径。

    Promoting employment is the important way to solve livelihood issues of farmers .

  8. 民生问题事关广大人民群众的切身利益,与人民幸福安康息息相关。

    Livelihood issues are related to the welfare and wellbeing of the masses .

  9. 就业问题是一个重要的民生问题。

    Employment issue is crucial of the people living .

  10. 住房这一重大民生问题并未得到有效的解决。

    The major livelihood issue of the housing has not been effectively solved .

  11. 正是从此后,美国总统选举才开始重视国内民生问题。

    S.presidential race been so focused on domestic affairs .

  12. 因此重视民生问题的研究有着深刻的理论依据。

    The value livelihood of the people question research has the profound theory basis .

  13. 马克思主义哲学视阈下的民生问题研究

    Research on the People 's Livelihood Problem under the Marxist Philosophy Angle of View

  14. 革命往往从民生问题开始,而经济停滞的国家喜欢挑起与邻国的战争。

    Revolutions often start as bread riots , and economically-stagnant countries make belligerent neighbours .

  15. 解决民生问题是我国当前面临的一大紧迫问题。

    To solve the livelihood problem is an urgent problem faced by our country .

  16. 民生问题是社会利益和价值分配不协调的表现。

    Livelihood issues is uncoordinated distribution of social benefits and value of the performance .

  17. 住房问题关系国计民生,既是经济问题,更是重要的民生问题。

    Housing problems are not only economic issues , but also important livelihood issues .

  18. 这四项活动反映了最基本的民生问题,也无一例外地昭示着社会经济的飞速发展。

    These projects which show rapid development of social economy are basic livelihood issues .

  19. 这一切都告诉我们,民生问题是一切问题的核心。

    All this tells us that livelihood issue is the core of all problems .

  20. 住房问题关系到民生问题,目前,我国的社会保障住房形势十分严峻。

    Housing issues is related to livelihood issues .

  21. 民生问题一是关注收入问题,另一个就是消费问题。

    The problem is concerned about the livelihood of income issue , but also consumption .

  22. 解决保障性住房建设的供给问题就是解决重要的民生问题。

    Solutions to supply problems of government-subsidized housing construction are solutions to important livelihood issues .

  23. 我们将优先处理一些迫切的民生问题,包括教育、医疗保健和住屋的问题。

    We will start with the immediate issues , including education , healthcare and housing .

  24. 住房问题不仅是经济问题,而且还是影响社会稳定的重要民生问题。

    Housing problem is not only an economic issue , it also affects social stability .

  25. 他们建立了基层组织,解决一切民生问题。

    They 've set up infrastructure to provide all the basic amenities to the common man .

  26. 我国少数民族地区民生问题与责任政府建设

    Reflections on the Livelihood Issues of China ′ s Ethnic Regions and Establishing Their Responsible Governments

  27. 要实现人的全面自由发展首先要解决民生问题。

    To achieve the comprehensive and free development , livelihood problems should be solved at first .

  28. 弱势群体的民生问题,是任何一个崇尚公平与正义的社会必须正视的问题。

    The livelihood for disadvantaged group should be pay attention by fair and just in society .

  29. 食品安全问题是全局性的重大问题,同时也是最重要的民生问题。

    Food safety is a major global problem , but also the most important livelihood issues .

  30. 住房保障是关系社会和谐、经济发展的重大民生问题。

    Housing guarantee is a livelihood problem closely related to the social harmony and economic development .