
  1. 会员应当自得知上述账户名单之日起五个交易日内,向本所提交书面自查报告。

    Members shall submit written report of self-inspection to the exchange within the five trading days from the date knowing the list of aforesaid accounts .

  2. 审阅、批准所有的经营日报表、月报表、财务总监自查报告和每月收入快报。

    To sign , signifying his inspection and approval of , all daily reports of operations , monthly reports , Director of Finance 's check list report and monthly flash report .

  3. 第六章是税收自查报告,主要用案例(Ⅲ)来讲明税收自查的实际工作程序,最终形成工作成果&税收自查报告。

    Chapter six is the tax self-examination report , it mainly talks about the actual procedures of tax self-examination using case ( III ), and ultimately the achievement is the tax self-examination report .

  4. 这家汽车制造商选择勇敢曝光自己的失误,并公开发布了一份自查报告。而日本气囊生产商高田公司却对气囊门三缄其口,转而把补救措施留给其深陷困境的客户本田和丰田来实施。

    While GM opted for something approaching full disclosure of its missteps , publishing an report into company-wide fumbles , Japanese airbag maker Tanaka chose to stonewall . It left any remedies up to its beleaguered customers , notably Honda and Toyota .