
  • 网络target company;target corporation
  1. 公司法方面的规制主要是办j寸管理层、目标公司董事、目标公司大股东在管理层收购中的义务界定上做出的。

    Corporation law mainly regulates the actions of management , directors of the target company and controlling shareholders of the target company .

  2. 管理层收购(Managementbuy-outs,MBO)是目标公司的管理层通过杠杆融资完成对目标公司的收购。

    Management Buy-outs , ( MBO ) is the management of target ( company ) pass through the leveraged financing complete buying out the company .

  3. 在论文主体部分,作者从MBO目标公司、MBO运作、实施MBO后上市公司行为模式变化情况、MBO信息披露状况等角度对现阶段国内上市公司实施MBO的若干现象进行了研究。

    In the dissertation , I made the study of the features about the target companies , MBO operations , behaviors mode after having accomplished MBO and information disclosure of MBO .

  4. 运用ANOVA和Logit回归方法探求我国并购目标公司区别于非目标公司的财务特征,并对几种具有代表性的并购动机做出检验。

    This paper identifies the characteristics of takeover targets that is different from non-target companies by means of ANOVA and Logit regression , and examines some cross-sectional takeover motivations .

  5. 只有少量的数据与将我们的目标公司(AgriumInc.)引用为命名实体的信用违约掉期相关。

    Only a small amount of data relates to credit default swaps that reference our target company ( Agrium Inc. ) as the named entity .

  6. 国内MBO应该表述为以管理层为主的、与股权激励相联系的通过融资对目标公司部分股权进行收购并意在获取公司实际控制权的收购行为。

    The MBO in China can be defined as the buyout process carried out by managers . It is related with the shareholding inspiration and aims at obtaining the control of the target enterprise by means of financing .

  7. 随着MBO在实践中的发展,又出现了另外两种形式:一是由目标公司管理者与外来投资者或并购专家组成投资集团来实施收购,这种形式的MBO更易成功;

    With the development of MBO in practice , other two kinds of forms have appeared : One is that the managers in the targeted company combine with outside investors or acquisition experts to form investing group and implement MBO .

  8. 在实践中,目标公司管理层有时与外来投资者组成投资集团来实施MBO,以降低收购成本,分散投资风险。

    In practice , goal management teams usually implement MBO by uniting with outside investor sometimes , in order to reduce the cost of purchasing , disperse the investment riskIn practice , MBO is a topic of the extremely hot dispute .

  9. Logit回归模型的拟合预测得到718%的正确率,能够较好地拟合预测目标公司,但并不表明投资者能因此而得到超额收益。

    Though the logit model 's fitting prediction attains 71 8 % accuracy , and the model is capable of fitting target companies well , investors cannot gain abnormal returns by investing the predicted companies ' equities .

  10. 该公司创始人爱德华•沙利文表示,为目标公司每一个“有影响力”的团队单独准备营销材料,通过这种方式,公司成为了迪斯尼(Disney)和英格索兰公司(Ingersoll-Rand)的合作伙伴。

    Founder Edward Sullivan ( right ) says that once his company created separate marketing materials for each group of " influencers " in prospective firms , it won deals from Disney and Ingersoll-Rand .

  11. 管理层收购(MBO)是目标公司管理层利用借贷资本收购,进而控制,重组目标公司,获取预期收益的一种特殊形式的杠杆收购。

    Management Buy-outs is abbreviated to MBO . Through employing capital by loan , and in order to get expected profit from controlling or even reforming the Goal Company , MBO was carried as a especial type of LBO ( Leveraged Buy-outs ) by the manager of the Goal Company .

  12. 目标公司定价方法的选择与应用

    Choice and application of pricing the objectives in M & A

  13. 贷款人监督的缺失与目标公司治理的改善&来自沪、深两市交易所的相关证据

    Deficiency of Lender Oversight and the Corporate Governance of Listed Companies

  14. 针对恶意收购,很多目标公司都采取反收购措施。

    Regarding to hostile takeover , many target companies take anti-takeover measures .

  15. 收购方向目标公司发出非正式的并购意向;

    The buyer sends informal letter of intent to the target company ;

  16. 首次发现目标公司的时间概率服从指数分布。

    The time probability of first discovering target firm obeys index distribution .

  17. 上市公司反收购是针对上市公司收购而设置的一项重要制度,其目的就是为了帮助目标公司抵御乃至挫败收购人的收购行为尤其是敌意收购行为。

    Listed corporation anti-takeover is an important system built VS.

  18. 公司收购中目标公司价值评估法研究

    Study of market comparative method value assessment of target company in purchasing companies

  19. 企业并购绩效与目标公司选择研究

    Research on the M & A Performances of Enterprises and Target Firms Selection

  20. 确保把你的介绍信发送给目标公司。

    Make sure to send introduction letters to people at your target companies .

  21. 目标公司的参考账户在三个产品维度之间分开

    The reference account of the target company is split between three product dimensions

  22. 上市公司并购中的目标公司估值研究

    Research on Mergers and Acquisitions of Listed Companies in Valuation of Target Company

  23. 考虑目标公司的企业文化也同样重要。

    It 's equally important that you consider an employer 's corporate culture .

  24. 兼并收购中目标公司价值评估方法

    Value-assessing Methods of Target Company in Merging and Acquisition

  25. 论敌意收购中目标公司董事义务

    The Study on Directors ' Duty of Target Company in a Hostile Takeover

  26. 分析目标公司资产中存在的各种风险。

    Risk analysis for asset of acquiring the oil-company .

  27. 论目标公司反收购行为的决定权及其规制

    On the Decision-making Power of Target Corporation 's Anti-takeover Action and the Regulation thereof

  28. 目标公司反收购及政府规制相关问题研究

    Research on on the Anti-takeover of Target Company and the Related Governmental Regulative Mechanism

  29. 常常,几家不同的中国公司都盯上同一西方目标公司。

    Often , more than one Chinese firm has sniffed out the same target .

  30. 在上市公司收购中,目标公司的价值评估被认为收购交易行为的核心,评估结果往往决定双方的交易价格。

    And the evaluating results will usually determine the transaction price of both sides .