
  • 网络Target market strategy
  1. 在此基础上,提出了ZE医院的目标市场战略,和以构建核心竞争力为主的市场竞争战略;

    Fourthly basing on the target market strategy and market competition strategy aiming to construct core competency of ZE Hospital is proposed .

  2. 目标市场战略和市场营销组合策略共同构成了华柴公司市场营销战略。

    The target market strategy and marketing mix tactics form the marketing strategy .

  3. 我国保险企业目标市场战略选择

    The Strategic Market Targeting of Insurance Enterprises in China

  4. 中国大型零售企业跨国营销的目标市场战略

    The Target-Market Strategy on the Large Retail Enterprises of China in the Multinational Marketing

  5. 中房柳州公司目标市场战略研究

    A Study on Target Market Strategy of China Real Estate Group Corporation Liuzhou Branch

  6. 保险企业目标市场战略选择是保险企业搞好营销的前提和基础。

    The strategic targeting of insurance enterprises is the fundament and basis for insurance marketing .

  7. 营销战略的分析包括国有商业银行的市场细分战略、目标市场战略、市场定位战略以及竞争战略、关系营销战略和营销国际化战略。

    The marketing strategy analysis includes the market segmentation , targeting and position as well as the market competition , relationship marketing and international marketing .

  8. 本论文基于营销组合策略,目标市场战略及信息化建设三个层面制定了广钢林德的差异化营销策略和低成本营销策略,也可为同类企业营销策略的制定提供参考。

    This thesis bases on marketing mix strategy , STP strategy and information technology to formulate differentiated marketing strategy and low cost marketing strategy of Linde GISE .

  9. 在此基础上,本文从目标市场战略、业务拓展战略、金融创新战略、规模拓展战略以及我国银行的配套改革等五个方面对我国银行跨国经营战略选择提出了自己的见解。

    Accordingly , my own opinions about aspects as target market strategy , business expand strategy , finance innovative strategy , scales expand strategy and coordinated reforms of China 's banks are offered in this thesis .

  10. 第五,围绕目标市场战略,系统拟定了战略实施的营销组合策略;最后,对营销战略的实施提出了具体的保障措施。

    Fifth , the article focus on the target market strategy developed a strategy for the implementation of the marketing mix strategy ; Finally , the article formulates the specific safeguards to the implementation of marketing strategies .

  11. 在消费者群体划分、人口统计变量分析的基础上,进行了市场细分,将品牌定位于中高端,并确定了A无缝内衣企业的差异化集中目标市场战略。

    Market segmenting was carried out based on statistical analysis of consumer group division and demographic variables . The brand target was positioned on high-end customers . And then a focused differentiation strategy for A Seamless Underwear Company was confirmed .

  12. 服务目标市场营销战略

    Service target marketing strategy

  13. 企业治理包括根据业务方针建立遵从性目标和市场战略。

    Enterprise governance includes establishing compliance goals , its strategy within the marketplace , according to its principles of doing business .

  14. 论文还特别论述了新疆中基实业股份公司从区域内市场走向国际市场采取的竞争战略,主要阐述了成本领先战略、目标市场细分战略和品牌战略等,以及上述战略实施后取得的效果。

    , ltd from local market to international market , mainly demonstrating strategy of cost in the lead strategy subdivided in objective market and brand strategy and so on and effect after implementing strategies mentioned above .

  15. 信息时代对企业意味着竞争由以生产为中心、销售产品为目标的市场战略逐渐转变为客户为中心、服务为目标的市场战略。

    For enterprises , the information era means a change of their market strategies . This change is the gradual transfer from the market strategy of taking production as center and products selling as goal to the strategy of taking customers as center and services as goal .

  16. 接着在对常州商行内部资源、核心能力及SWOT分析的基础上,提出了常州商行的战略目标、市场追随者战略、低成本战略、差异化战略、资本经营战略。

    Based on the study of the internal resources , core competence and SWOT analysis of the commercial bank , this article puts forward the strategic target : market follower strategy , low cost strategy , differentiation strategy and capital management strategy .

  17. 项目市场分析及企业战略通过对行业市场的分析,运用SWOT确定了公司战略,并使用波特的五力理论作了竞争分析,从而获得了对整个市场全面的认识,明确了目标市场、竞争战略。

    Project Marketing Analysis and Company strategy : analyzing the industry market , developing the company strategy by use of SWOT , making the competitive analysis on the bases of Michael Porte 's theory , identifying the whole market , especially the targeted niche market .

  18. 易通科技(公司)目标市场分析与战略研究

    Target Market Analysis and Strategy Study to YiTong Science & Technology Corporation

  19. 介绍顾客满意理论,目标市场差异化战略,营销组合的发展。

    Recommending customers to be satisfied with the theory , the difference strategy of market of the goal , the development made up in marketing .

  20. 战略环境分析包括一般环境分析、行业环境分析、竞争对手分析、企业自身分析、目标市场分析,战略环境分析应做到知天、知地、知彼、知已、知顾客。

    Strategic environment analysis consists of general environmental analysis , industrial environment analysis , competitor analysis , as well as the analysis of the company itself and the target market .

  21. 目标市场营销是现代战略营销的核心,分为三个步骤:第一步是细分市场。

    Target marketing has three steps .

  22. 科技型企业市场营销策略制定的战略依据是目标市场和市场定位战略,要通过保龄球模式进行市场细分,征服关键顾客、各个击破,扩大市场。

    The strategy foundation for the marketing strategy constituting of high & new-tech enterprises is target marketing and marketing orientation strategy .

  23. 将普通用户和低端用户这两个细分市场,做为次要的目标市场,采取价格战略和促销战略。

    Ordinary users and low-end users are as the secondary target market of Tianjin CTT , take the pricing strategy and promotional strategy .

  24. 种成熟商品样本可用于测试商品的定价策略、目标市场细分、广告战略、包装、分销渠道,等等。

    A fully developed product sample can be used in terms of pricing policy , target market segment , advertising strategies , packaging , distribution channel , etc.

  25. 以生活型态来细分市场,能够帮助企业更清楚地认识消费者的真实面貌,进而瞄准有效的目标市场,制定营销战略。

    To analyze the market according to the life styles can help the enterprises to aim at the target market and in turn make effective marketing strategies .

  26. 第四层面是进行市场细分,确定目标市场,确定营销战略步骤。

    The Fourth chapter include the market segmentation , the selection of target market , and make out the marketing strategy , the Marketing tactics about Mending Mountain .

  27. 在此基础上,根据企业自身状况动态调整细分市场的数量和规模,寻找目标市场,为企业战略决策、产品定位和营销提供一定依据。

    On this basis , the quantity and size of market can be adjusted dynamically according to enterprise status and the objective market can be found in order to help the enterprise to make decision .

  28. 本章分析旨在为国产品牌在竞争中如何进行细分市场选择与营销策略选择提供基础。第六章:国产手机厂商目标市场选择与营销战略选择。

    This chapter is designed to analyze the domestic brands how to select market segments and marketing strategies . Chapter ⅵ: The suggestion of how Domestic mobile phone manufacturer to select market segments and marketing strategy .

  29. 公司需要在2008年年初业务整合的基础上,对今后发展制订相应的战略行动措施。本文对企业如何以行业领导者的身份,在特定目标市场上的发展战略进行研究。

    The company needs to draw a future development plan of corresponding measures of the strategic action based on integrate operations beginning in early 2008.This research is focused on the future development strategies of the company as the marketing leader in a specific target market .

  30. 进行目标市场细分,定位目标市场,选择合适战略方案。

    Carries on the goal market to subdivide , localization goal market , choice appropriate strategy plan .