
  • 网络Marketing Resource
  1. 基于客户价值细分的营销资源配置研究

    Research of marketing resource allocation based on customer value segmentation

  2. 介绍了企业市场营销资源管理的概念。产生背景及模块构架;

    This paper introduces the concept , background and modules of marketing resource management .

  3. 优化配置营销资源&谈我国超市的差异化营销

    Optimizing Marketing Resources : How Chinese Supermarkets Implement Differentiated Marketing Strategy

  4. 关于保险网络营销资源整合的探究

    Probes into the Integration of Marketing Resources of the Insurance Network

  5. 针对客户商品,提供影视娱乐营销资源。

    Based on client 's need to provide entertainment marketing resources .

  6. 基础营销资源是企业取得卓越绩效的必要条件。

    Basic marketing resources are the essential conditions for obtaining super performance .

  7. 加强营销资源整合。

    The strengthening of conformity of resources in pushing sales .

  8. 出口企业所具备的营销资源水平能够显著的影响其出口绩效。通常来讲,其营销资源的水平越高越能够提高其出口绩效。

    An export firm 's superior marketing resources are positively related to export performance .

  9. 市场营销资源探析

    A Probe into the Marketing Resources

  10. 利用模糊数学方法对采集到的营销资源需求进行描述和转化。

    By using the fuzzy mathematics method to describe and convert the collected marketing resource requirements .

  11. 出口企业所面临的一般出口环境中包含的文化交流以及法律政治等因素对营销资源和出口绩效的关系产生负面的影响。

    The socio-cultural and political factors in exporting environment have a negative effect on export performance .

  12. 要想赢得21世纪的市场,必须运用综合手段整合营销资源,充分发挥网络营销的功能和长处。

    The functions and opportunities should be fully exploited so as to win the market in the 21st century .

  13. 市场资产由两种类型构成,一种是市场关系资产,一种是市场智力资产。5.营销资源通过层级递进机制实现向企业绩效的转化。

    Market-based assets include two types , one is market-based relational assets , another is market-based intellectual assets . 5 .

  14. 将资源指标分为技术资源、营销资源、战略组织资源、实物资源、关系资源,将核心能力分为外部关联能力、市场整合能力、技术整合能力、战略管理整合能力。

    The resources are divided into technological resource , marketing resource , strategic resource , material resource and relational resource .

  15. 但也存在营销资源分散、内部品牌相互冲突的弊端。

    On the other hand , There the problem of marketing resource distribution and the conflict of internal different brands exist .

  16. 营销资源管理具有组织,建立管理和优化营销预算,过程和资源的一系列功能。

    Marketing Resource Management is a set of capabilities designed to organize , manage and optimize marketing budgets , processes and resources .

  17. 研究的结果给商业银行合理分配营销资源,针对性开展营销策略提供帮助。

    The result of research can offer help for commercial bank to allocate marketing resource reasonable and to draw up differentiation cross-selling strategy .

  18. 国际上的文化冲突、新贸易保护主义、高端营销资源缺乏;

    However , we are facing international challenges like conflicts among diversified cultures , new trade protectionism , lack of high end market .

  19. 营销资源管理功能通常包括市场营销规划和预算编制,优化营销预算,营销活动的绩效管理和工作流程和协作。

    Marketing Resource Management capabilities typically include marketing planning and budgeting , marketing budget optimization , marketing performance management and campaign workflow and collaboration .

  20. 主要体现对整个营销资源进行管理的思想、体现精心服务的思想、体现了集成管理思想。

    It mainly reflects the whole idea of marketing resource management , reflecting idea of serving well , reflecting the integration of management thinking .

  21. 营销资源配置理论与方法一直沿着定性研究和定量研究两条路径发展。

    The theory and method of marketing resource allocation develop along two routes . One is qualitative research , the other is quantitative research .

  22. 基础营销资源是指企业拥有或能够取得的、作为营销活动输入而不包含营销活动产出(如市场资产)的经营要素。

    Basic marketing resources are defined as the operation factors working as marketing input not as marketing output , owned or obtainable by the firm .

  23. 另一方面要关注营销资源使用的高效化,合理规划资源使用,提升资源投向的回报效益。

    The other hand , we should enhance the efficient of the resources , plan the resource rationally , and enhance the effectiveness of marketing .

  24. 根据企业营销资源的分类标准,建立了汽车营销资源分类体系。

    According to the classification standards of enterprise marketing resources , the author established an automobile marketing resources classification system and studied the marketing resources quantitative method .

  25. 随之从组织架构、营销资源、销售渠道、人力资源几个方面对中农集团公司营销现状及问题做了分析。

    Second , it analyses its current marketing status and problems from the point of its organizational structure , marketing resources , sales channels and human resources .

  26. 我国企业由于认识和资金投入的限制,浪费了大量网络营销资源,如何利用有限的资金换来更多的资源?

    Chinese enterprises have wasted a lot of e-marketing resources as impercipient and financing limits . How to make use of limited capital to get more resources ?

  27. 营销资源管理软件是公司为满足企业需求,提升企业整体营销水平和市场竞争力而建设的管理系统。

    Marketing resource management software was a system established by Tianjin Biochem Pharmaceutical Co. , Ltd. In order to satisfy demands of company and develop marketing capability .

  28. 合理分配企业营销资源既能保证对不同的目标市场进行统筹兼顾,又能保证对新开拓的市场进行重点培育。

    Reasonable allocation of corporate marketing resources can guarantee the overall consideration of the different target markets , but also ensures that the focus on fostering new markets .

  29. 动力因素包括获取营销资源、提高营销能力、获取技术资源、提高技术能力等八项;

    Dynamic factors of the driving force include access to marketing resources , improving marketing capability , access to technology resources and enhancing the technical capabilities and so on .

  30. 用混合遗传算法求解具体汽车企业实际构建出的汽车企业营销资源配置模型,指出汽车企业的营销资源分配策略。

    Hybrid genetic algorithm for a specific auto companies actually build a car enterprise marketing resource allocation model , pointed out the auto companies of the marketing resource allocation strategies .