
  • 网络plan
  1. 长春国投700公顷农业用地综合利用项目方案策划

    The Project Plan of CCGT on 700 Hectare Agricultural Land Comprehensive Utilization

  2. 重点针对在营销方案策划过程中可能受到的主要约束影响因素,系统地提出相应的保障措施与对策。

    This part focuses on the restrictive factors during the implementation of the postal express marketing plan and systematically puts forward corresponding protective measures .

  3. TP财产保险公司成都分公司营销方案策划

    TP Insurance Company ChengDu Branch Marketing Strategy Design

  4. 耕作土壤动力学的三维离散元建模和仿真方案策划

    Modeling and methodological strategy of discrete element method simulation for tillage soil dynamics

  5. 在既有建筑改造项目中,绿色施工管理策划主要包括组织策划、方案策划、目标控制和评价管理等。

    In reconstruction project of existing building , management planning of green construction mainly includes organization planning , program planning , target control and management evaluation .

  6. 提供房地产开发项目的前期策划,包括市场定位策划、开发策略策划、开发计划策划、规划设计方案策划、营销方案策划等。

    Project Planning : Providing preplanning services of real estate project , including market positioning , development strategy and schedule , construction planning , marketing , etc.

  7. 房地产前期策划是指一个开发商从拿地开始,进行市场研究、目标客户分析、项目方案策划、经济性分析的全过程战略策划与战术部署工作。

    Real estate advanced planning refers to the tactics arrangement and the whole strategy planning on the market study , target customer analysis , project planning , economic analysis since the land agent get the land .

  8. 基于前面几个方面的分析,提出了烟台邮政直邮整合营销传播方案策划的流程、传播目标、传播工具选择及整合营销传播方案框架。

    It puts forward the planning process , the communication target , the choice of the communication tools and the structure of the integrated marketing communication proposal for the direct mail of Yantai Post on the basis of the analysis of the above parts .

  9. 试论建筑设计方案的策划

    An Initial Discussion on the Strategy of Design Plan

  10. 膜结构建筑方案的策划与咨询;

    Scheming and consultation of film-work construction project ;

  11. 整体包装方案的策划和实施;

    Packaging overall program planning and implementation ;

  12. 但在提供信用额度的问题上,台湾企业的代表们表示,该方案的策划存在问题,因为它是出于政治原因制订的。

    But in the case of the credit line , Taiwanese company representatives said the programme was ill-designed because it was established for political reasons .

  13. 教师要在研讨题目的制订、方案的策划以及跟踪搜集整理信息等方面发挥中心控制者的职能。

    The teacher should serve as a central director in setting topics for discussion , making plans , and tracking , collecting and arranging information gained .

  14. 物流、货运、运输、托运、配送、回程车-整车-零担-配载、装卸、搬家、信息处理、物流方案设计策划。

    Logistics , freight , transport , shipping , distribution , return trip vehicle-vehicle-0-loading , handling , moving , information processing , logistics programme design planning .

  15. 网上网络营销传播主要职能是网络营销方案的策划、收集和整理信息、设计制作主页、根据反馈调整网络营销方案进而进行新一轮的网络营销传播。

    The primary function of online net marketing spread is to plan , collect and clear up information of net marketing project , devise and make homepage , take a new round net marketing spread according to feedback and adjust net marketing project .

  16. 它包括立法模式的选择、公司章程相关规定的细化、遵循权责统一原则的确定、无效认定制度的设立、类别股东保护具体方案的策划。

    It includes the choice of the legislative mode , the refinement of the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association , the determination of following the unifying the powers and the responsibility , the formulating of a null system and the planning of specific programs to protect shareholders .

  17. 成本控制方案是成本策划的结果,应针对提高成本因素和成本优势逐一制定。

    Cost control scheme is planned results , should cost to increase cost factors and cost advantage for one .

  18. 本文基于此,以大同上郡商业项目作为分析的主体,在对该项目所处的环境充分调研的基础上,分析了其所处的营销环境,对其营销实施方案进行了策划。

    Based on this , this thesis takes the " Datong Shangjun " commercial square as the main analysis . Based on the full research of the project , the thesis analyzes its marketing environment and plans the marketing implementation program .

  19. 通过信息建设具体设计方案、网站策划的相关技术问题、网站建设应达到的技术指标及指标分析,对形成一个较完整的信息平台和农业工程信息体系进行了探讨。

    By the concrete design plan of the information construction , the technical problems related to the website planning , the technical targets for website construction and the analysis of the targets , this article probes deeply into the more integrated information platform and agricultural engineering information system .

  20. 而随着当今市场环境的变化,设计也从单纯的方案设计转变为策划设计。

    With the development of the market , the furniture design changed into a planning behavior .

  21. 主要对地震现场工作队应急演练的策划内容进行了探讨,包括对演练的科目、场所、规模及演练方案等方面的策划。

    The subject , place , scale and project for emergency exercise of the earthquake field work team have been introduced , and the writing of the exercise scheme has been discussed in this paper .

  22. 主要职责是宣传方案,促销方案的策划,直邮DM单的设计等。

    Its important duty is plan propagandizing project and promotion project , design the Direct Mail etc * 4 .