
fāng táng
  • Sugar cube;cube sugar;lump sugar;sugar lump
方糖[fāng táng]
  1. 全自动方糖包装机的改造

    The Transforming of Automatic Cube Sugar Packaging Machine

  2. 您在咖啡里放几块方糖?

    How many sugars do you take in coffee ?

  3. 加一块方糖还是两块?

    One lump or two ?

  4. 这就相当于一天50g或十个方糖很容易就达到一杯碳酸饮料的含糖量了。

    That equates to around 50g or 10 cubes a day - easily reached with a bottle of fizzy drink .

  5. 方糖是糖晶体的聚合体。

    A lump of sugar is an aggregation of sugar crystals .

  6. 她在茶中放了几块方糖。

    She dropped several lumps of sugar into her tea .

  7. 你喝茶加几块方糖?

    How many lumps do you take in your tea ?

  8. 也许需要多加些糖,再来两块(方糖),好吗?

    Perhaps it needs some more sugar , two lumps ?

  9. 我在茶里放一块方糖。

    I take one lump of sugar in my tea .

  10. 他要方糖,他不要奶油。

    He wants some cubic sugar ; he do not want any butter .

  11. 请在我的咖啡里放两块方糖!

    Two sugars in my coffee , please !

  12. 他蠢得把一块方糖藏在一桶水里。

    He is stupid enough to hide a sugar cube in a bucket of water .

  13. 两块方糖足够了。

    Two cubes will be enough .

  14. 淋在方糖上用火点燃。融化的糖和酒就和之前的酒混合在一起。

    In the end , the sugar and wine will melt and mix with the pre-made wine .

  15. 一块方糖。

    A lump of sugar .

  16. 然后加入2-4块方糖,根据个人口味,充分搅拌至溶解。

    Then , put some suger in it according your own taste , mix it round to dissolve .

  17. 你知道的,我5年纪的时候,用方糖做了一个白房子。

    You know , when I was in fifth grade , I made the white house out of sugar cubes .

  18. 同时有个小女孩给警察的马喂了一块看上去像是方糖的东西。

    Meanwhile a little girl feeds , what look like a cube of sugar , to the policeman 's horse .

  19. 主治医师正用止血钳给病人止血。他用方糖夹钳砸碎了小玻璃容器。

    The physician-in-charge is using the hemostat to stop the patient 's bleeding . He broke the capsule with his tongs .

  20. 有家咖啡屋提供跪式服务,女服务员双膝跪下把牛奶和方糖搅拌加入顾客的咖啡里。

    At one cafe , maids get down on their knees to stir the cream and sugar into the customer 's coffee .

  21. 按照这一密度,可将美国国会图书馆的所有信息存放在一块方糖大的盘上。

    With this density , all the information of the US Congress Library can be stored in a disc with the size of a sugar cube .

  22. 如果直接用糖夹子或手把方糖放入杯内,有时可能会使咖啡溅出,从而弄脏衣服或台布。

    If the clip directly with sugar or sugar into cup in hand , in some cases may spill coffee , so dirty clothes or table cloth .

  23. 所以我让他站在洗手盆旁边看著我,我们聊著天南地北的话题,直至我把牛奶和方糖递给他。

    So I let him wash basin stood next to looked at me , we chatted the topic from different places , until I gave him milk and sugar .

  24. 店主和顾客都不知道如何在任何特定时间内给方糖块正确定价,因为这种虚拟货币的价值往往呈现大起大落之势。

    Neither the shopkeeper nor the customer would know how to correctly price the candy bar at any given time , since the value of the virtual currency undergoes such extreme highs and lows .

  25. 跟店里的人交代好后,我穿上大衣走出店子,不忘用个纸袋装起他的方糖和牛奶。

    With the accounts given by a good shop , I put on coat out of the shop in the child , not forgetting to use a paper bag loaded up his sugar and milk .

  26. 不能用咖啡匙舀着咖啡一匙一匙地慢慢喝,是不合规矩的,也不要用咖啡匙来捣碎杯中的方糖。

    Can not use a coffee spoon scoop a spoonful of a spoonful of coffee to drink slowly , is not in line with the rules , do not use the spoon to smash coffee cup of sugar .

  27. 在摄像机倾斜的镜头前,他用灵活的双手,把安戈斯图拉苦汁滴到厚重玻璃杯底的方糖上,轻柔地倒了两指宽昂贵的波本威士忌,用银勺加冰。

    With practiced hands , before the camera 's leering lens , he drips Angostura bitters on a sugar cube at the bottom of a heavy glass , gently pours two fingers of exquisitely priced bourbon , adds ice with a silver spoon .

  28. 这块区域的营业时间是周三至周日,下午茶的收费是每人55美金,其中包括经典下午茶的票价,配茶的三明治和烤饼,以及凯蒂猫主题小蛋糕,凯蒂猫造型的立体方糖。

    Here , they offer a $ 55-per-person afternoon tea service available from Wednesdays to Sundays . This will include classic tea time fare , including tea sandwiches and scones , along with themed treats like mini Hello Kitty cakes and Hello Kitty-shaped sugar cubes .

  29. 泡一杯红茶,放进两块方糖,不断搅拌,直到糖溶化,加上一片柠檬和一些冰块,一杯甘甜的冰茶就做成了。

    Brew a glass of black tea , put in two cubes of sugar , keep stirring the tea until the sugar dissolves in it , add a piece of lemon and some ice cubes , and you get a glass of pleasantly sweet ice tea !

  30. 卡特尔船长觉得这是显示那些贵重物品的好时机,就向前走到餐桌跟前,在董贝先生身旁的餐杯中间清出一小片地方,取出了银表、现钱、茶匙和方糖箝子;

    Considering this a favourable moment for the display of the valuables , Captain Cuttle advanced to the table ; and clearing a space among the breakfast-cups at Mr Dombey 's elbow , produced the silver watch , the ready money , the teaspoons , and the sugar-tongs ;