
  • 网络calcite crystal
  1. 通过对比不同电压、温度和时间条件下天然方解石晶体电注入吸收谱,得到方解石晶体电注入着色最有效条件为温度480℃、1200V电压和注入时间270min。

    The most effective condition , at temperature 480 oC , voltage 1200 V and electrolysis time 270 min , of the electrolytic coloration of the natural calcite crystal is gained by contrasting to the absorption spectra of the electrolytically colored calcite crystals at different voltage , temperature and time .

  2. 本文介绍一种光环瞄准镜的原理和设计,它是用方解石晶体薄片和偏振器件组成。

    Principle and design of a ring sight consisting of calcite crystal plate and polarized elements are proposed .

  3. BP神经网络拟合方解石晶体色散方程

    Curve Fitting of Calcite Crystal Based on BP Neural Network

  4. 27d后突然转变为方解石晶体的沉积。

    Abrupt transition to the deposition of calcite again was found 27 days later .

  5. 本文报道在一定的设计条件下得到的色散介质方解石晶体中的共心CARS和CSRS的实验。

    In this paper we report an experiment of concentric coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering ( OARS ) and coherent Stokes Raman scattering ( CSRS ) achieved in the dispersive medium calcite crystal under certain properly designed condition .

  6. 提出天然方解石晶体电注入着色机理。

    Mechanism of electrolytic coloration of natural calcite crystals is given .

  7. 方解石晶体的低压冲击压缩特性

    The Impact Compression Properties of Calcite at Low Pressure

  8. 方解石晶体则主要呈平行发育的柱状、板状和各种状态的菱面体等。

    Calcite crystals are mainly parallel developed columnar , laminal or rhombohedron shapes .

  9. 温度较低时则可能会造成碱性成岩环境,促进方解石晶体的生长。

    In contrary , relative low temperature could generate alcaline diagenetic environment which accelerated growth of calcite .

  10. 为了探讨珍珠辐照改色的机理,对天然的文石和方解石晶体也进行了辐照实验。

    Natural aragonite and calcite crystals have also been treated in irradiation in order to investigate the colouring mechanism .

  11. 8天后在方解石晶体表面出现文石晶体突起,15天后出现明显的堆垛型文石片层。

    There was a transition from calcite to aragonite 8 days later , and obviously aragonite tablets appeared 15 days later .

  12. 经分析后推知,天然方解石晶体电注入过程历经两个过程。

    After analyzing the curve , it is known that that the electrolytic coloration of the natural calcite crystal undergoes two processes .

  13. 利用电注入方法首次对天然方解石晶体成功着色,在着色晶体产生多种色心。

    Natural calcite crystals are successfully colored electrolytically at the first time . Several kinds of color centers are produced in colored crystals .

  14. 其横截面由围绕不同轴心成层螺旋生长的柱纤状方解石晶体规则排布而成;

    The cross sections of the Corallium elatius samples are distributed by numerous calcite crystal being spiral growth surrounding the different axis centers .

  15. 这种蛋白将碳酸钙转换为构成蛋壳的方解石晶体,每24小时生成6克蛋壳。

    The protein converts calcium carbonate into calcite crystals which makes up the egg shell , creating six grammes of shell every 24 hours .

  16. 例如,加入负电性有机染料分子作为控制剂,可以得到具有特定颜色和形貌的方解石晶体。

    For example , calcite crystals with specific morphology and color could be obtained with negatively charged organic dye molecules as the organic controlling agents .

  17. 论文初步分析了晶体表面形貌形成的原因,证明晶体中的各种缺陷也影响了晶体生长,由此得出方解石晶体表面形貌的形成是二维成核生长机制与缺陷生长机制共同作用的结果。

    Analyzing the formation of growth morphology , the research proves that the crystal defects affect crystal growth . It can be concluded that the 2D nucleation and crystal defects control calcite growth .

  18. 本文介绍在暖温带河口悬移质中发现的石膏颗粒及其表面的新生方解石和霰石晶体。

    In the study of the suspended matters in the Loire estuary in France , some of crystals of gypsum in suspension have been found and analysed under SEM .

  19. 实验发现,恐龙化石表面和截面的拉曼光谱,均为典型的方解石(CaCO3)晶体的拉曼谱,并未发现有其他成分的拉曼谱。

    Raman experimental results found out the primary compounds of fossil surface and section are calcite ( CaCO 3 ), and are not others .