
  • 网络Business license
  1. 有效单位营业执照副本及复印件(或其他有效法人资格证明原件及复印件),三资企业还需提供企业批准证书原件及复印件。

    The original and copy of the valid Duplicate of Business License or other qualified certificate of legal person for recipient organization .

  2. 国际船舶运输经营者的名称、注册地、营业执照副本、主要出资人;

    Name , place of registration , copy of business license , and main capital subscribers of the international shipping operator ;

  3. 申报者的营业执照副本和生产企业授予的代理注册的委托书。

    Qualification Certification and business license of applicant and Power of Attorney about registration .

  4. 属投资者,须提供外商投资企业批准证书、营业执照副本等有关证明文件;

    For the applicant the investor , evidences such as approval of foreign investment enterprise , business license ( duplicate ) are required .

  5. 个人独资企业根据业务需要,可以向登记机关申请核发若干营业执照副本。

    A wholly individually-owned enterprise may , according to the requirements of its business , apply to the registration authority for issuing duplicate of its business license .

  6. 外商投资合伙企业及其分支机构根据业务需要,可以向企业登记机关申请核发若干营业执照副本。

    If necessary , a foreign-funded partnership enterprise or any branch officer thereof may apply to the registration organ for two or more copies of the business license .

  7. 提交企业批准证书、营业执照副本或代表机构登记证、组织机构代码证的原件及复印件;

    Submitting the original and the copy of the Certificate of Approval of Enterprise , the Duplicate of Business License of the Representative Agency Registration Certificate and the organization code ;

  8. 接待单位公函(要求法人代表签名,加盖公章)、接待单位营业执照副本复印件;

    Official Letter issued by the hosting unit ( signed by the legal representative and chopped by public stamp ), and the photocopy of business license ( duplicate ) of the hosting unit .

  9. 营业执照副本代码证书单位介绍信法人代表或单位负责人身份证单位公章或合同章承租方经办人身份证及驾照。

    Duplicate of business license , code certificate letter , ID card of Corporation reprseentative or unit principal , unit 's cachet or contract seal , lessee 's translator 's ID card and driving license .

  10. 工商行政管理部门颁发的法人营业执照(副本)。

    A copy of legal person business license issued by the administration of industry and commerce .

  11. 但中国工商行政管理机关出具的营业执照(副本)除外。

    But the business license ( copy ) issued by the department of industry and commerce administration of China shall be the exception .

  12. 登记主管机关可以根据企业法人开展业务的需要,核发《企业法人营业执照》副本。

    The registration authority may , after a check-up , issue duplicates of the Business License , if the enterprise as a legal person needs them for its business operations .

  13. 需要带,营业执照正副本,法人代码证、税务登记证、法人身份证、公章、财务章、法人章。

    Need belt , business charter carbon , ID of the card of legal person code , duty Wu card that register , legal person , official seal , financial regulation , legal person chapter .

  14. 国家工商行政管理局颁发的《中华人民共和国企业法人营业执照》及副本;

    Business License for Legal Person of the PRC issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce .

  15. 《企业法人营业执照》(副本)或《企业营业执照》(副本)及复印件;

    The Business license of Enterprise Legal Person ( counterpart ) or the Business License of Enterprise ( counterpart ) and the copy thereof ;

  16. 7企业注销登记时,应交回营业执照正、副本。营业执照被登记机关吊销后即自行失效。

    For the logout registration , the enterprise should return the original and copy . The Business License would be invalid automatically when being withdrawn by the register department .

  17. 公司营业执照的正、副本具有相等的法律效力吗?

    Of company business charter , does carbon have equal legal effectiveness ?

  18. 办理注销登记,应当交回《企业法人营业执照》正本和副本。

    When the operation being cancelled , the Business License should be returned ( including the original and the copies ) .