
gōng zhāng
  • official seal;common seal
公章 [gōng zhāng]
  • [official seal] 公家的印章

公章[gōng zhāng]
  1. 村委会公章,是村级公共权力的象征。

    The village committee official seal , is the symbol of village-level public authority .

  2. 电信发票由地税局预印,预印完成的发票印有统一的税务公章及编号。

    The telecom invoice is then printed by the local tax bureau and will bear the unified tax official seal and number .

  3. 最后,通过介绍CA系统与电子公章的关系,研究分析了电子公章系统的原理,并实现了电子公章系统。

    Finally , according to introducing the relation of CA system and the electronic seal , it studies and analyzes the theory of the electronic seal system , and the electronic seal system is implemented .

  4. 以上材料一式二份盖公章,用A4纸打印复印,用黑色水笔签字,盖章需清晰完整。

    Above all information with A4 paper print copy , with a black pen , signed and sealed is clear and complete .

  5. 对于在猪扒是寻常餐食选择(chops,既可指公章也可指猪扒——译者注)的法律管辖区做生意的任何人来说,这听起来或许不是什么大事。

    That may not sound like a big deal to anyone doing business in jurisdictions where a chop is a carnivorous meal option .

  6. 最终,市政府给tpg一方发放了另一枚公章这项决定在法庭上遭到了前管理层的质疑。

    Eventually , the city government issued another chop to the TPG side , a decision that the former management is disputing in court .

  7. 并且加盖公章的电子公文的打印份数也进行了控制。

    It also controls the printing copies of the sealed documents .

  8. 我们开具的发票加盖公章可以吗?

    Can we use our company 's stamp when issuing invoices ?

  9. 和签字相比,中国人更重视公章。

    The Chinese pay more attention to official seals than signatures .

  10. 请在此处盖上公司的公章。

    Please stamp here with the official seal of your company .

  11. 公章是中文的,只在当地有效。

    The seal was in Chinese and was used locally .

  12. 代办公章、财务章、法人章。

    Apply for company chop , financial chop and director 's chop .

  13. 没有公章,他怎么能经营公司呢?

    How could he operate the company without the chops ?

  14. 电子公章是非常具有中国特色的密钥应用。

    Electronic seal is a Chinese characteristic cryptography application .

  15. 本保险凭证经本公司审核并加盖公章后方可生效。

    This Certificate takes effect after be underwritten and stamped by our company .

  16. 买票看戏或出去旅行,通常都需要公章。

    Getting tickets to the theatre or to travel often required official stamps .

  17. 请填写这份开票申请,并加盖公章。

    Please fill out the application form and stamp with your company seal .

  18. 成绩单上如果改善学校的公章会被认为有效。

    Transcripts are considered official if they have the university 's official seal .

  19. 我们的质量表明书盖公章方为有效。

    Our Certificate of Quality is made valid by means of the official seal .

  20. 我们能在两小时内制成你们公司的公章。

    We can make up a stamp of your company name within two hours .

  21. 此举被媒体赞为是“创造了历史上最牛的公章”。

    This is praised as " the coolest cachet in history " by media .

  22. 按要求提交复印件的材料,应由申请人加盖公章,并注明与原件一致。

    Required duplicates materials , it should applicant stamp and identical with the original .

  23. 所有财务交易都需要公章。

    These are required for all financial transactions .

  24. 公司在登记地缴税,而非所在地。请填写注销税务登记表并加盖公章。

    Please fill out the tax cancellation return form with your company 's stamp .

  25. 劳动合同1份盖公章。

    Labour contract with company stamp on it .

  26. 负责人的私章有时也需要和公章同样保护。

    Personal seals of the persons in charge should also be protected as official seals .

  27. 请通过传真回传您的与会确认,签名并加盖您单位公章。

    Please sent back your confirmation by fax with the signature and stamp of your organisation .

  28. 英文“凭银行付款复印件加盖公章到财务部结算”怎么说?

    To settle the account in the finance sector with the bank payment order under seal .

  29. 单位或派出所出具的证明材料,须加盖公章。

    All the documents provided from the company or police station must add the official stamp .

  30. 乙方提供的文件为复印件的,必须加盖乙方公章。

    Copies of documents Party B provides shall be affixed with Party B 's official seal .