
mù xuàn
  • dazzle;dizzy
目眩 [mù xuàn]
  • [dazzle;dizzy] 失去清晰视觉;视觉变得模糊,尤指看太亮日光时的眼花

  • 灯光强烈,令人目眩

目眩[mù xuàn]
  1. 我不禁目眩神迷,不知道守在哪根鱼竿旁边的才是我自己。

    I felt dizzy anddidn 't know which rod I was at the end of .

  2. 反射的太阳光令人目眩。

    The reflected sunshine make us dizzy .

  3. 河面上银波粼粼,令她目眩。

    The light bounced off the river and dazzled her .

  4. 这辆汽车的前灯灯光令人目眩。

    The car 's headlights are dazzling .

  5. 灯光强烈,令人目眩。

    The light is too dazzling .

  6. 玻璃墙上反射的太阳光令人目眩。

    The reflection of the sun on the glass wall was blinding .

  7. v.以强光使目眩在黑暗的乡村道路上,汽车照耀的灯光使我目眩。

    dazzle The bright light of the motor car on the dark country road dazzled my eyes .

  8. 但丁写道,上帝不仅是令人目眩的光辉景象,最重要的是,他是“I'amorchemoveilsoleel'altrestele”……

    Dante writes that God is not merely a blinding vision of glorious light , but that He is , most of all , l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle ...

  9. 但实际上,CEO的薪酬通常仅根据短期内能让分析师和投资者目眩神迷的几个指标,但实际上这些指标却根本无法反映公司基本面或未来的绩效潜力。

    But in practice , CEO pay is often based on only a few metrics that may dazzle analysts and investors in the short run but may not reflect true business fundamentals or likely future performance .

  10. 结果与TMJ疼痛有相关性的症状包括头痛、背痛、手麻抖、肩颈痛、失眠、目眩、听力下降、眼痛和易疲劳(P<0.05)。

    Results The chronic symptoms related to the TMJ pain at the base line were headache , back pain , numbness of hand , neck and shoulder pain , insomnia , dizziness , reduced hearing ability , eye pain and fatigue ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 然而,经过调整的格雷厄姆-多德(Graham-and-Dodds)市盈率一种使用10年平均收益计算、经受住了时间考验的估值指标仍然达到令人目眩的50倍。

    However , the adjusted Graham-and-Dodds price-to-earnings ratio a time-tested indicator of value which uses an average of 10 years ' earnings remains at a dizzying 50 times .

  12. 这是一场令人目眩神迷的盛会,到场的全是媒体和艺术界的大腕。当这部电视剧的创作者阿伦•索尔金(AaronSorkin)温和地宣布,这部作品是给传媒界的“情书”时,来宾们发出会心的轻笑。

    This was a glitzy , fascinating affair , full of big names in the media and arts , who duly purred with pleasure when Aaron Sorkin , the series ' creator , silkily declared that his show was intended as a " love letter " to the media world .

  13. 根据CoreLogic的分析,截至2013年第二季度,菲尼克斯、拉斯维加斯和迈阿密的房价仍较它们令人目眩的价格峰值分别低39.9%、50.2%和42%。

    According to a CoreLogic analysis , Phoenix , Las Vegas , and Miami were , as of the second quarter , still 39.9 % , 50.2 % , and 42 % , respectively , below their vertiginous price peaks .

  14. 宝贝,你现在令我目眩神迷。

    You knock me off of my feet now , baby .

  15. 她后背和肋骨的疼痛依然令她目眩。

    The pain in her back and ribs is still blinding .

  16. 目眩的;茫然的他躺在地上,头昏眼花,浑身无力。

    dazed He lay on the ground , dazed and weak .

  17. 下棋是如此难懂及令人目眩的复杂游戏。

    Chess playing is a game of such abstruse and dazzling complexity .

  18. 直接看太阳会使人目眩。

    To look straight at the sun dazzled the eye .

  19. 使男人们目眩,使女人们倾心

    Which steals men 's eyes and women 's souls amazeth

  20. 汽车前灯使我目眩。

    I was dazzled by the car 's headlights .

  21. 经济重构以令人目眩的步伐进行着。

    The economic restructuring proceeded at a dizzying pace .

  22. 走上舞台时,聚光灯光令我感到目眩。

    I was dazzled by the spotlights as I walked onto the stage .

  23. 那行星的出现就如同银色新月令人目眩。

    The planet appeared as a dazzling silver crescent .

  24. 这里看不到田野,天上也没有云,眼前只有大海那令人目眩的一片蔚蓝。

    There was no land in sight and no clouds in the sky .

  25. 明亮的光使我一时目眩。

    The bright lights blinded me for a moment .

  26. 这汽车的灯光使我目眩。

    The bright light of the car dazzled me .

  27. 在演讲台上,佩林的魅力令人目眩。

    On stage , Palin dazzled with charisma .

  28. 因此,他前进的速度很快。以令人目眩的速度行进

    Because of this , he made rapid progress . travel at a giddy speed

  29. 使观众目眩乏味的表演;

    A boring performance that benumbed the audience ;

  30. 但这里的确像宝石一样:它用自然界的各种色彩令人目眩神迷。

    Gemlike , yes : a dazzling display of nature 's way with color .