
  • 网络Carbon Credit
  1. 我们还与Nori合作,这是一个类似eBay的平台,他们想成为碳信用交易的eBay。

    We 're also partnered with Nori , it 's a platform like eBay , and they want to be the eBay of carbon credit trading .

  2. 我们的第一个客户是微软公司,他们正在使用这个碳信用。

    Our first customer was Microsoft , and they 're using this for carbon credit .

  3. 通过投资高效能的工厂,它可以节余很多宝贵的碳信用额来出售给更富有、更浪费的国家。

    By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier , more wasteful nations .

  4. 按照cdm机制,联合国(un)向发展中国家的减排项目授予碳信用额。

    Under the CDM , the UN awards carbon credits to emissions-reducing projects in the developing world .

  5. 该公司董事吴柏年(pat-niewoo)表示,中央纺织正致力于大量改善能源效率的项目,每年减排量可能达到2万吨,他希望将这些减排量作为碳信用加以出售。

    Pat-nie woo , director , said central textiles is working on a number of projects to improve energy efficiency that could result in reducing up to 20000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually , which he hopes to sell as carbon credits .

  6. 碳信用可以鼓励这些国家实施减少天然气燃除的项目。

    Carbon credits encourage those countries to undertake gas flaring reduction projects .

  7. 该公司对在新兴市场创造碳信用额的项目进行投资。

    This company invests in projects that produce carboncredits in emerging markets .

  8. 每个碳信用额当前的交易价格约为10至15美元。

    The credits are currently trading at about $ 10 to $ 15 each .

  9. 碳信用能够帮助平衡这些回报。

    Carbon credits help even out the returns .

  10. 开发新的合同构架,为碳信用生产者递送更多的价值而设计。

    Development of new Contracting structures designed to deliver more value to the generators of carbon credits .

  11. 欧盟将允许公司使用联合国碳信用额来满足其一半的排放削减量。

    The EU will let companies meet half of their emission cuts by buying UN carbon credits .

  12. 分配给各国的碳信用额也将在2008年后进一步削减。

    The level of carbon credits allocated to each country will also be cut further after 2008 .

  13. 该项目将在5年后获得碳信用额度,然后农民将获得这些信用额度。

    The project will begin earning carbon credits after five years , which will be distributed among the farmers .

  14. 《京都议定书》制定了在全球范围内流动的以碳信用为标志的无形商品的贸易体系。

    The Kyoto Protocol established a trading system for intangible goods flowing worldwide which are typified by carbon credit .

  15. 一些公司正在尝试以实施这种计划为方式,通过贩卖“碳信用”来赚钱。

    Several companies are now trying to put this into practice and thus make money by selling carbon credits .

  16. 这些项目,例如风力发电场和太阳能等,将得到联合国授予的碳信用。

    These projects , such as wind farms or solar power , are granted carbon credits by the United Nations .

  17. 这是与土壤健康研究所和许多环境团体合作,以创建一个碳信用。

    This is partnered with the Soil Health Institute , with many environmental groups , to create a carbon credit .

  18. 同时,正如我所说,他们是我们的碳信用额度的第一个客户。

    And at the same time , as I said , they were our first customer for our carbon credits .

  19. 作为碳信用的主要卖方和创造者,项目所有人可以借此获得额外收入来源。

    Project owners , as the primary sellers and creators of these credits , gain an additional source of revenue .

  20. 发达国家企业可以利用这些碳信用完成自己的减排任务,也可以通过交易来牟利。

    These credits can be used by companies in developed countries to meet their emissions reduction requirements , or traded for profit .

  21. “农民们可以在碳信用额股票市场将存储在树里的碳卖掉,”古耶特称。

    " Farmers can sell the carbon they have stored in their trees through a carbon credit stock market ," Guyette said .

  22. 最常见的问题是,项目不能产生预期的碳信用额度数量,即已核证的减排量。

    The most common problem is that projects do not produce the promised number of credits , known as certified emission reductions .

  23. 垃圾填埋气体回收等防止废物排放的项目,获得全额碳信用的可能性最小。

    Projects to prevent emissions from waste , such as landfill gas capture , are the least likely to get all their credits .

  24. 音乐,艺术,一张选票,碳信用额等其他资产,发送一份副本真是个糟糕主意。

    music , art , a vote , carbon credit and other assets -- sending you a copy is a really bad idea .

  25. 他正在与芝加哥气候交易委员会合作为这些村民们提供碳信用额来维持这些新的炊事方法。

    He is currently working with the Chicago Climate Exchange Commission to provide the villagers with carbon credits to sustain these new cooking methods .

  26. 一心追求环保的企业和个人已经在碳信用项目上花费了大量资金,然而,这些项目带来的环境益处却寥寥无几。

    Companies and individuals rushing to go green have been spending millions on carbon credit projects that are yielding few if any environmental benefits .

  27. 就像20美元一吨的碳信用,它本身就是一个更直接的支付。

    it 's like 20 dollars a met ton for carbon credit , so it 's a more direct line payment for that in and of itself .

  28. 除了企业需要碳信用额,很多森林所有者也来到交易所,希望用他们的绿色资产来做生意。

    Aside from companies asking for carbon credits , many forest owners have also approached the Exchange , in the hope of doing business with their green assets .

  29. 但不要搞错:在快速增长的碳信用市场上,这位北京清华大学的学者,是全世界最有权势的人物之一。

    But make no mistake : this academic at Tsinghua University in Beijing is one of the world 's most powerful players in the rapidly growing market for carbon credits .

  30. 据政策分析者说,议会的一个建议是给可能进口的联合国碳信用额设置质量管制,这可能会挽救和委员会的谈判。

    A parliament proposal to place quality restrictions on the type of UN credits that can be imported is likely to survive the negotiations with the council , according to policy analysts .