
  • 网络Goal congruence;Goal Alignment;Consistency of Purpose
  1. 一个组织的经营是不可能自动达到目标一致性状态的。

    Goal congruence will not come about automatically .

  2. 合作竞争机制是多元主体实现目标一致性的制度基础。

    Cooperative competition mechanism is the base for the mutiple subjects to realize the goal congruence .

  3. 天坛的建筑结构很别致。浅议资本结构和治理结构目标一致性

    Objective Consistence between Capital Structure and Governance Structure

  4. 研究结果表明:在客户关系成熟期,感知差异、期望负差异和决策分歧三个因素与渠道冲突水平呈正相关;沟通顺畅性、目标一致性和资源可获得性与渠道冲突水平呈负相关。

    The result indicates that in maturity , perceive difference , expectation difference and decision difference & three factors are the most important factors contribute to channel conflict level .

  5. 美育由于在思想政治教育的过程中具有不可替代性、终极目标一致性等特性,可以很好地用于加强大学生思想政治教育。

    Due to the characteristics of aesthetic education , such as non-substitutability , consistency of ultimate goals and so on , it can be applied to the ideological and political education efficiently .

  6. 另外,伙伴关系得以长期维系必须倚靠防卫事后机会主义的三种治理模式:双边特定关系投资、信任与共同规范、目标一致性。

    Besides , to maintain the relationships , three different governance mechanisms against the poisonous effects of opportunism ex post are suggested : bilateral idiosyncratic investments , goal congruence , and interpersonal trust .

  7. 主张地理教案是在学案设计基础上进行的,设计策略主要有五个方面,分别是:目标一致性策略、整体设计策略、动态设计策略、灵活实用策略、集体设计策略。

    The design of teaching plan is based on the design of studying plan . Design Strategies include five sides : Target compatibility strategy , overall design strategy , development design tactics , nimble pragmatic tactics , design collectively tactics . 5 .

  8. 即认为产品生命周期环境成本管理具有符合战略成本管理思想的一些特征(源流控制、全方位管理、成本效益原则等),并且两者在对企业持续竞争力的追求上存在目标一致性。

    That is , environmental costs management based on PLC with some characteristics that in line with the strategic cost management thinking , like origin control , all-round management , cost-effective , etc. And both are in pursuit of sustained competitive consistency .

  9. 结构效度的分析进一步显示科研能力和教育技术能力、目标一致性和决策科学性、区位特征和其它社会关系分别对人力资本、结构资本和关系资本有更大的贡献率。

    The analysis of structural validity further indicates that research capability and educational technology skills , target conformity and scientific decision making , geographic features and other social relationship have heavy standardized regression weights on human capital , structural capital and relationship capital respectively .

  10. 论校园文化和德育目标的一致性

    A discussion on the consistency between the campus culture and the object of moral education

  11. 生态安全与可持续发展具有内涵和目标的一致性;

    The connotation and aims of ecological security are consistent to that of sustainable development ;

  12. 试论高校体育课程建设与人才培养目标的一致性

    On the identity between the construction of College PE courses and the aim of talent cultivation

  13. 建设基于脚本解析器的绩效考核系统,可以使企事业单位对于员工工作目标有一致性的理解。

    The performance evaluation system based on Script Parser will make the institutions and employee consistent with the standard performance .

  14. 确定不同的业务点可以帮助业务和IT团队保持目标的一致性,并更有效地管理变更。

    The identification of business points of variability can help business and IT align their goals and manage changes more efficiently .

  15. 通过文献检索和实地调查,论述了教育与景观设计两者目标的一致性。

    Through literature survey and practice , this text described the consistency of the educational objective and the landscape design objective .

  16. 在进行公司绩效评价体系的设计,绩效指标应该注意保持目标的一致性、可接受性、可控性和信息的及时性、客观性、准确性以及反映组织的特征、评价系统的应变性。

    Keep the information timely , object and exact ; reflect the characteristics of the organization and adaptability of the evaluation system .

  17. 结论:①分心物数量增加及其形状与目标的一致性对被试追踪和识别目标产生了一定影响。当目标与分心物形状和颜色均不一致时,分心物没有表现出干扰效应。

    CONCLUSION : ① There was distractive effect when the number of distractors increased while the shape and color of distractor and target were different .

  18. 统一性主要体现在:目标的一致性、内容的融合性、方法的互借性、功能的互补性。

    The unity mainly embodies as follows : continuity of objectives , consistency of contents , mutual aid of methods , and complementarity of functions .

  19. 设计和开发输入和输出的充分性;输入和输出与策划目标的一致性;改进的潜力;未解决的问题。

    Adequacy of design and development inputs and outputs , consistency of inputs and outputs with planned objectives , potential for improvements , and unresolved issues .

  20. 在现代,奥林匹克运动与学校体育的发展出现了相互融合的趋向,彼此之间的融合存在着终极目标的一致性,内容方法的相似性及相互发展的协同性等特点。

    With the combination of Olympic Games and school 's physical education development , they share the characteristics of identical aims , similar content and coordinate development .

  21. 给出了具在线学习功能的复合控制器结构,并证明了神经网络学习收敛条件与最终控制目标的一致性。

    The construction of the controller with the online learning ability was given out . The consistency of learning convergence condition of neural network and final control target was proved .

  22. 美好的城市得以建立,目标的一致性也很重要,即当地政府、私营企业以及城市居民都要清楚什么是城市发展的最大困境。

    Building better cities also requires a partnership of purpose between those who understand what is most at stake in cities , including local government , the private sector and urban dwellers .

  23. 从现实角度分析,心理健康教育和思想教育、政治教育、道德教育的总体教育目标具有一致性,并且具有共同的主体,在工作上也相互渗透。

    Analyzed from the practical point of view , mental health education , ideological education , political education and moral education have the same objectives of consistency , common principal and mutual penetration .

  24. 这种不对称的货币政策和财政政策,带来了国家间目标不一致性的矛盾、经济发展的失衡、信用主体的缺失以及应对不对称冲击时的乏力。

    The asymmetry of monetary and fiscal policy has resulted in target inconsistencies among countries , the imbalance of economic development , the lack of credit subject , and being swamped with asymmetric shocks .

  25. 绩效评价是企业经营管理中用于衡量、预测企业经营绩效的一种评价工具,对确保企业各项生产经营活动和预期绩效目标的一致性起关键作用。

    Performance evaluation is a measure to evaluate and predict the performance of the enterprise . Its role is to ensure that the production and business activities of the enterprise are in line with the plans .

  26. 这一机制从根本上重视人力资本产权,赋予企业中人力资本的所有者剩余索取权与剩余控制权,达到激励的长期性和员工与企业目标的一致性。

    The system pays more attention to the human capital property rights fundamentally , and give the human capital owners residual claim rights and residual rights of control , to achieve long-term incentive and the consistency of labor aims and business goals .

  27. 设计了售价商定的联合契约来实现渠道之协调,确保了独立个体订购与定价联合决策与系统联合决策目标的一致性。

    The Combined Contract with Pending Prices ( CCPP ) is developed to achieve the channel coordination , and we prove that it can ensure the consistency in the jointed decisions of ordering and pricing for the decentralized retailer and for the whole system .

  28. 良好的教学情境、目标的一致性、明确的角色定位、师生相互了解与适应是影响体育与健康课教学中师生心理互动的重要因素;

    The good teaching situation , the goal uniformity , the explicit role localization , the teachers and students mutually understood and the adaption are the important attributes to affect the teachers and students ' psychology interaction in sports and the health class teaching ;

  29. 联产系统不同运行模式下的供电效率和总能利用效率的计算与分析表明,在满负荷串并联条件下的效率最高,验证了与联产系统的优化设计目标的一致性。

    The estimation and analysis of power supply efficiency and total energy using efficiency on different operation conditions denote that the highest efficient condition is full capacity and series-parallel style , and the optimization goal of the coal based co-production system is verified . 5 .

  30. 证明了描述逻辑中的所有推理问题都可转化为可满足性关系和目标的一致性检测关系,并给出两种关系的变形规则,理论证明显示变形后的规则更适合于知识库的逻辑推理。

    All reasoning could be converted into the problem of satisfiability and target consistency checking , which is proved . Deformation of the two relations of the rules is given , deformation theory of evidence that is more suitable for logic inference of knowledge bases .