
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào bù
  • advertising department
  1. 销售部、市场部、以及广告部关注的就是发行环境,他们要弄清楚该书籍的市场定位,怎样让书打入书店,以及如何让书评人写好评。

    Sales , Marketing are concerned with context : figuring out where the book sits in the market , how to get it into bookstores , and reviewed .

  2. 据半岛晨报报道,央视广告部最近同它的VIP广告商们进行了内部会议,为即将到来的黄金时段广告招标做准备。

    According to the Peninsula Morning Post , CCTV 's Advertisement Department has recently held an inside meeting with its VIP advertisers , preparing for the upcoming Prime-time Advertising Auction .

  3. 据半岛晨报报道,央视广告部最近同它的VIP广告商们进行了内部会议,为即将到来的“黄金时段广告招标”做准备。

    According to the Peninsula Morning Post , CCTV 's Advertisement Department has recently held an inside meeting with its VIP advertisers , preparing for the upcoming " Prime-time Advertising Auction . "

  4. 全体员工谨上亲爱的奥古斯汀:我们很高兴听说史密斯先生将要成为ABC公司的广告部主任。

    Yours , All the staff ABC Company Dear Augustine , We are so excited to hear from you that Mr. Smith has been on the way to become the director of Advertising Department of ABC Company .

  5. 3楼广告部的人都看了节目。

    All the ad guys on the3rd floor watched the show .

  6. 请接广告部。

    B : Please connect me with the advertising department .

  7. 你们广告部好像归营销部管的。

    It seems that your section is part of the Marketing Department .

  8. 央视广告部筹建绿色广告标识

    CCTV AD Department Deploys " Green AD ID " Firstly

  9. 我在广告部,希拉在营销处。

    I 'm in Advertising and Sheila 's in Marketing .

  10. 这阶段的工作和广告部无关。

    The Advertising Section isn 't involved at this stage .

  11. 广告部一般是作包装的外部设计。

    Advertising normally produces a design for the exterior of the container .

  12. 好极了!嗨,广告部的约翰看起来非常愉快。

    Wonderful ! Hey , John from advertising looks great .

  13. 她在就任总裁之前曾在公司广告部工作,后来步步高升。

    she had risen up through the ranks of the advertising division .

  14. 广告部的开支已经连续三年超过预算。

    The advertising department has overrun its budget three years in row .

  15. 他从广告部调到销售部。

    He 's moving from the publicitydepartmentto the salesdepartment .

  16. 难怪他们要有自己的广告部!

    No wonder they need their own advertising section !

  17. 你应该感谢广告部的人。

    You can thank your advertising people for that .

  18. 欢迎应届毕业生申请广告部实习生的职位。

    Welcome apply for trainee position in AD Department .

  19. 可是广告部的主管每次都不出声。

    But the manager from advertising never says anything .

  20. 露丝把大卫介绍给广告部主任。

    Ruth introduces David to the section head .

  21. 我姓朗,是广告部的。

    My name 's Long , Advertising Section .

  22. 是迪斯克工程公司广告部的。

    Of the Advertising Section of Disc Engineering .

  23. 前苹果广告部副总裁安迪•米勒追忆乔布斯以及自己的风投生涯。

    Former Apple VP of advertising Andy Miller on jobs and becoming a venture capitalist .

  24. 他刚来这家商行时,人事室派他在广告部工作。

    The personnel office attached him to the advertising department when he first joined the firm .

  25. 品牌化经营的新启发&与央视广告部合作感言

    New Elicitation of Brand Management

  26. 我认为是广告部宣传成效不彰,导致市场能见度不高。

    I think the advertising department 's promotions were ineffective , so our market visibility was low .

  27. 成功背后的经营哲学&南方电视台广告部王穗凤主任采访实录

    Management Philosophy behind Success

  28. 露丝正带着大卫和希拉去广告部和营销处上班。

    Ruth is taking David and Sheila to their new jobs in the Advertising Section and the Marketing Department .

  29. 广告部和销售部经理都要求员工必须有良好的英语口语能力。

    As for as an Advertising and Sales Manager is concerned , excellent oral English is also a necessary requirement .

  30. 第二天早上九时整,大卫来到办公室,径直去广告部。

    David arrives at the office punctually at nine o'clock the following morning and goes straight up to the Advertising Section .