
  • 网络transfer price;transfer pricing;transferred price
  1. 使用通则可计算A、B两部门的转移价格

    Using our formula , the transfer price between Division A and Division B would be

  2. 只要B部门每单位的转移价格能达到$25,A部门则愿意在内部销售它所有的产品。

    So long as Division A receives a transfer price of $ 25 per unit from Division B , it will be willing to sell all of its output internally .

  3. 面向市场化的商业银行内部资金转移价格机制

    Market Oriented Mechanism of Internal Capital Transfer Pricing for Commercial Banks

  4. 供应链产品转移价格突变分析

    Analysis on Catastrophe of Production Transfer Price in a Supply Chain

  5. 合理制定转移价格使公司税负最小化

    Fixing the Suitable Transfer Prices to Maximize the Company 's Profit

  6. 企业集团内成员企业间产品转移价格的研究

    Study on price of product transfer among enterprise group ' affiliates

  7. 在这种情况下可以这样计算转移价格。

    Under this circumstance , the transfer price will be computed .

  8. 国外跨国公司内部转移价格的运作及启示

    The Operation of the Internally - transfered Price and its Enlightenment

  9. 我国企业跨国经营中转移价格策略研究

    The Research on Chinese Enterprises ' Transfer Price Strategy in Multinational Operations

  10. 内部资金转移价格在国内商业银行的应用研究

    Application of Internal Fund Transferring Price to Domestic Commercial Banks

  11. 转移价格在跨国公司中的作用及其限制&揭开跨国公司巧取豪夺的面纱

    The Function of Transfer Price for A Transnational Corporation and Its Restriction

  12. 基于作业成本的内部转移价格的制订

    Formulation of Internal Transfer Price Based on Processing Costing Method

  13. 外资企业转移价格有效管制的探讨

    Exploration About Effective Control to Transfer Price of Foreign-funded Enterprises

  14. 生产组织形式决策中供应链及转移价格研究

    Research on Transfer Price in Supply Chain and Producing Organized form Decision

  15. 转移价格确定和共同费用的分摊。

    Confirm the transformation of price and share out the common expenses .

  16. 企业集团内部转移价格的制定策略

    The strategy of making transferring price in the business Croups

  17. 论三资企业转移价格的法律管制

    Legal Administration on Price Transfer of Enterprises with Foreign Investment

  18. 内部转移价格有很多制定原则。

    Lots of principles should be followed while making internal transfer price .

  19. 企业预算编制中内部转移价格的确定方法

    Determination of Internal Transfer Price in Enterprise Budget Compilation

  20. 标准成本、作业成本与企业内部转移价格的结合成因

    The Integrated Cause of Standard Cost , Activity-Based Cost and Inner Transfer Price

  21. 论公司内部转移价格及其选择

    On Enterprises ' Internal Transfer Prices and Their Choices

  22. 转移价格在我国跨国企业中运用的现状及对策

    The Current Situation and Countermeasure of Transfer-pricing That Used in Chinese Transnational Enterprises

  23. 跨国公司盈余管理中的转移价格

    The Transfer Prices in the Earnings Management of MNCs

  24. 公司资本结构与控制权转移价格的实证研究

    Capital Structure and the Price of Corporate Control Transfer : An Empirical Analysis

  25. 企业产权交易定价研究论若干因素对制定企业内部转移价格的影响

    Research on the Pricing of Enterprise Property Rights Transaction Some Factors to Transfer Pricing

  26. 这也就是为什么转移价格问题存在研究意义的原因。

    It is why the transfer - price has the significance of study in g.

  27. 基于预期机制的供应链产品转移价格混沌预测研究

    Study on Chaotic Prediction of Transfer Price in a Supply Chain under Rational Expectation

  28. 中间产品转移价格确定的计算方法研究

    A Study on Transfer Pricing of Intermediate Product

  29. 在此原则的基础上,论文探讨了责任核算机制中的两个典型问题&转移价格与成本分配。概括了代理理论下转移价格机制与成本分配机制的特别,主要包括:要遵循风险分担原则;

    Based on this principle , this article studies transfer price and cost allocation .

  30. 本文以我国外商投资企业转移价格作为研究对象。

    Transfer price of foreign funded enterprises in China is discussed in this paper .