
mù biāo yǔ
  • target language
  1. 基于DOP技术的目标语生成机制

    Implementing target language generation based on DOP technique

  2. RodEllis(19851987)将错误定义为目标语形式的一种偏离(deviation)。

    According to Rod Ellis ( 1985 , 1987 ), an error can be defined as a deviation from the norms of the target language .

  3. 通过SWOT分析和客户档案的建立来制定现实的目标语宗旨。

    Realistic goals and objectives are developed from the SWOT analysis and customer profile .

  4. 通过把某种语言中的词汇映射到ontology中的概念,可以支持在源语言分析时进行歧义消解和目标语生成时的词汇选择,并可以作为源语言和目的语言之间的中介表示的概念来源。

    By mapping words in a specific language to concepts in the ontology , the system can support disambiguation in source language analysis and words chosen in target language generation .

  5. 实验证明,这种自主的文化学习模式(ACL)能比传统的教学吏有效地帮助学生掌握目标语的文化和迅速发展学生的跨文化交际能力。

    It is verified that the strategy of autonomous learning can greatly help students to master the target culture and rapidly develop the students ' intercultural communicative competence .

  6. Lado(1957)指出学习者通常会将母语的语言结构和词序迁移到目标语中。

    Lado ( 1957 ) figures that learners usually transfer the structure , meaning and word order of their native language to the target language .

  7. 在语言课堂中,教师话语起到了目标语的示范性作用,其数量和质量会直接影响到甚至决定课堂教学的成败(Hakansson,1986)。

    The amount and quality of teacher talk in the language classroom has direct effect on the teaching and even determines its success ( Hakansson , 1986 ) .

  8. 作为一个英语学习者,目的就是要达到目标语的水平,特别是要平衡发展口语的三个方面,包括流利度、复杂度和准确度(Skehan1996a,1996b,1998)。

    As an English learner , to reach the target-language-like level is a learning goal . Especially , three aspects of oral performance should be developed in a balanced way , including fluency , complexity and accuracy ( proposed by Skehan 1996a , 1996b , 1998 ) .

  9. 基于目标语词汇组合合理性评价的译文选择模型

    Translation Selection Modeling Based on Feasibility Evaluation of Target Word Combination

  10. 婴儿呀呀语偏向目标语之音高研究

    The Pitch Contours of Babbling Adapting to the Target Language

  11. 理论上说,英语学习者在学习目标语的过程中,也必然接触隐喻表达。

    English language learners will encounter metaphorical expressions in the learning process .

  12. 原语文化意识与目标语载体的交融整合

    Harmonious Conformity of Home Culture Awareness and Target Language Carrier

  13. 基于双语语料的单个源语词汇和目标语多词单元的对齐

    Alignment of Single Source Words and Target Multi-word Units from Parallel Corpus

  14. 强制性认定及源语言分析与目标语生成同步进行。

    Targer language is generated in the process of source language analysis .

  15. 互动是运用目标语的重要方式。

    Interaction is the important method for using target language .

  16. 语言交际能力的培养必然涉及到目标语的文化介入。

    The development of communicative competence involves the integration of target culture .

  17. 本族语、目标语和中介语三语相交的二语习得理论模型

    A SLA Model of Multi-Union of Native Language , Target Language and Interlanguage

  18. 土家语对目标语迁移问题初探

    An Analysis of Transferring Tujia Language to Target Language

  19. 基于目标语统计的译文选择的研究

    Research on Translation Selection Based on Target Language Statistics

  20. 这一系统是不断发展,逐步向目标语接近的。

    Interlanguage is always in its development and is approaching to the target language .

  21. 中国大学校训翻译不仅要尽可能的保留源文本的特征,更要做到满足目标语读者期望。

    University motto translation should not just keep source text features but also meet ?

  22. 老师应该能流利地和恰当地使用目标语。

    The teacher should be able to use the target language fluently and appropriately .

  23. 它为学生用目标语进行交流提供机会。

    It offers students an opportunity to use the target language to achieve communicative goals .

  24. 文学作品的翻译是沟通目标语读者和源语言文化的桥梁。

    Translation of literary works serves as a bridge linking target readers and the source-language culture .

  25. 然后,译者要用目标语进行再表达,再创作,扮演着作者的角色。

    Thirdly , he / she should express and reproduce in target language as a writer .

  26. 尤其,后现代广告拥有更多语言精华,承载了更丰富的异国文化,如果只以目标语文化为准绳,势必不利于人类文化的交流。

    In particular , postmodern advertisement has more language shinning points and carries richer foreign cultures .

  27. 事实上,不同的学习者对目标语的不同的熟练程度引起了广泛的关注。

    In fact , different proficiencies of different learners in their target-languages have caused widely concerns .

  28. 翻译不仅要忠实原文更要忠实目标语文化。

    Translation should not only be faithful to the source text but also to the target context .

  29. 双语词典的中心任务就是在目标语中寻找对等词。

    The main task of a bilingual dictionary is to find an equivalent in the target language .

  30. 该机制通过对源语语句的句法分析树进行线性化操作,生成目标语译文。

    This mechanism applies DOP technique which is used in language analysis traditionally into target language generation equally .