
  • 网络Daily consciousness;everyday consciousness
  1. 第二部分主要从日常意识、理性意识的特征方面来研究意识形态。

    The second part is to study the characteristics of everyday consciousness , rational consciousness ideology .

  2. 第三部分主要论述了意识形态有理性形式走向日常意识的必然性。

    The third part discusses the ideology of rational forms toward the inevitability of everyday consciousness .

  3. 注意力眨眼现象展示出了在日常意识体验中的幻觉部分。

    What the attentional blink demonstrates is the illusory component of our everyday experience of consciousness .

  4. 在人们的日常意识中,噪声往往是和令人讨厌的字眼联系在一起的。

    The word ' noise ' in our daily consciousness is associated with the term ' hindrance ' .

  5. 最后一部分主要阐述了意识形态由理性形式走向日常意识形式的主要途径。

    The last part of the main the ideology forms of rationality to the day-to-day forms of consciousness .

  6. 艺术语言中的审美意识与普通语言中的日常意识有很大区别,它具有超越性和创造性,审美意识是艺术语言内部构成的要质,它让语言拥有了人格的魅力。

    In artistic language , the aesthetic awareness , which includes transcendence and creativity , is quite different from the common consciousness in daily language .

  7. 一方面,在日常意识层面上,由现代性启蒙赋予合法性的自我意识逐渐演化成无视他者存在的个体主义谵妄。

    On one hand , on the usual conscious level , the ego consciousness which has been given legality from the modernity has gradually evolved to the arrogant and conceited individualism and takes no cognizance to others .

  8. 而这种日常生活意识的形成与她的童年经验、孤独体验不无关系。

    The form of the consciousness are connected with her childhood experience and lonely stories .

  9. 日常生活意识的凸现

    The Protruding of Daily Life Consciousness

  10. 而王安忆创作之前的艺术体验,尤其是她的童年体验、孤独体验对王安忆的日常生活意识的形成有重大作用。

    It is of great importance for us to understand Keats himself and his poetry writing from his lonely experience .

  11. 崇尚儒教的朝鲜朝,其日常伦理意识也同样作用于男性,特别是两班士大夫们。

    In the Chosen Dynasty that advocated Confucianism , the male were restricted by the daily ethical consciousness of the doctrine , especially officials .

  12. 王安忆创作的一系列上海题材小说的特征表现为对上海市民日常生活意识的凸现。

    In a series fiction on Shanghai themes , the consciousness of common people 's daily life is expressed obviously from Wang Anyi 's visual angle .

  13. 因此,进入21世纪,以自觉的日常生活意识建构一个女性主义日常生活诗学体系,就是时代对我们提出的要求。

    Therefore , in the 21st century , it is the requirement raised by the age for us to establish a feminist daily life poetics system based on the self-conscious awareness of daily life .

  14. 日常的有意识的欲望应该看作是一种象征。

    Every conscious desires are to be regarded as symptom .

  15. 它凭其物质化、通俗化、图像化的文化质性植入人的日常生活,建构人的日常意识,从而助成社会权利结构的再生产。

    It implants people 's daily life and leads people 's daily consciousness through its materialization , popularization and visualization , thus helps the reproduction of social rights structure .

  16. 王安忆小说有自己独特的视角,那就是透过上海这城市声色繁华的表象及日常生活的琐碎平淡,着力凸显弄堂生活和市民阶层的日常生活意识。

    Wang tries to express the lane life and daily life consciousness of common people through the images of prosperity and trivial and plain daily life .