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  1. 朝看水东流,暮看日西坠。

    Watch the water flows east toward sunset see day west , crash .

  2. 追随着太阳从日出到日西。

    Follow the sun from rise to set .

  3. 1958年8月4&12日西太平洋副热带高压减退过程的研究

    A study on the processes of the West Pacific subtropical high during Aug . 4-12 , 1958

  4. 是一种并肩共睹,朝阳东升、暮日西下;

    Is a shoulder to shoulder for everyone to see , Chaoyang Dongsheng , twilight day Nishishita ;

  5. 日已西斜。

    The sun declined toward the west .

  6. 2005年8月21日桂西大暴雨天气分析与降水模拟

    The Weather Analysis And Precipitation Simulation For The Rainstorm Of West Of Guangxi On August 21,2005

  7. 当黑子接近日面西边缘时,向中心一方的半影没有消失的趋势。

    When the spot approaches the west limb , the penumbra toward the disk-center has no tendency to disappear .

  8. 十二月十三日,西开地向一名村民开了三枪,打中鼠蹊、肚子、大腿。

    On13 December , Nishikaichi shot a villager three times : in the groin , stomach , and upper leg .

  9. 同年7月23日,西印度-太平洋汽船公司的克利斯托巴尔哥郎号,在太平洋上也碰到这样的事。

    Similar events were likewise observed in Pacific seas , on July 23 of the same year , by the Christopher Columbus from the West India & Pacific Steam Navigation Co.

  10. 其中两名护士护理了于5月22日在西爪哇万隆住院并于第二天死亡的兄妹,即一名10岁女孩和她的18岁哥哥。

    Two of the nurses cared for siblings , a10-year-old girl and her18-year-old brother , who were hospitalized in bandung , West java , on22 may and died the following day .

  11. 2003年10月7日,西气东输一期管道正式向上海供气。

    After a few years ' construction , the eastern section of the pipeline has been smoothly laid to Shanghai . In Oct. 7 , 2003 , the project , phase I was ready to supply gas .

  12. 2001年11月14日昆仑山口西M8.1地震前的缓慢地震事件

    The Slow Earthquake Event Occurring Before West to Kunlun Mountain Pass Earthquake of M_S 8.1 on November 14,2001

  13. 应用NOAA、AVHRR资料反演的地气长波辐射值OLR对2001年11月14日昆仑山口西81级地震进行了追踪研究。

    OLR inversed from the NOAA , AVHRR data is analysed for the west Kunlun Mountains earthquake with M s8 1 on 14 , Dec , 2001.The results show that OLR data are abnormal in Oct.2001 , and the abnormal area is closed to the epicenter .

  14. 该地区最后一次报告的禽流感暴发是3月16日在印度西孟加拉邦的暴发。

    The latest outbreak to be reported in the region was on16 March in India 's West Bengal state .

  15. 2001年11月14日昆仑山口西地震&一次面波震级未饱和的地震

    The November 14 , 2001 earthquake west of Kunlun Mountain pass : an earthquake with unsaturated surface wave magnitude

  16. 2009年7月15日新西兰南岛西海岸近海地震破裂过程快速反演

    Fast inversion of the rupture process of 2009 July 15 off west coast of South Island of New Zealand earthquake

  17. 分析了水平运动、应变场空间分布特征及其与强震的关系,并简要分析了2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级大地震的区域构造变形背景。

    The characteristics of spatial distribution of horizontal motion and strain field , and their relationship with strong earthquakes are analyzed .

  18. 2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级大震前徐州台数字化形变观测仪器记录的异常

    Anomalies recorded by the digital deformation observation instruments at the Xuzhou Seismic Station prior to the M8.1 earthquake of 14 Nov. 2001 to the west of the Kunlun Mountains ′ Pass

  19. 乔治在纽约和丽塔一家共度了几天,随后又在1945年的8月15日一早赶赴西海岸线。

    George stayed with Rita 's family in New York City for a few days before his return to the west coast in the early morning of August 15th , 1945 .

  20. 从2015年3月14日开始,西日本铁路公司运营的北陆新干线将时间缩短了一半。与之前的慢车一样,新干线同样会在金泽站停靠,那里被誉为全世界最美丽的火车站之一。

    Starting March 14 , 2015 , the new , direct Hokuriku Shinkansen ( bullet train ) run by West Japan Railway Company cut the travel time in half.And like the slower trains , it arrives at Kanazawa Station , often listed as oneof the world 's most beautiful .

  21. 梅里米尔韦导演。预告。2月12日开幕。(西公园长老会教堂,165W.86St.212-868-4444。)

    Merri Milwe directs . In previews . Opens Feb . 12 .( West Park Presbyterian Church , 165 W . 86th St . 212-868-4444 .)

  22. 1889年7月21日于波克郡西维克哈蒙苹果树庄园

    Apple Tree House , West Wickham , Berkshire . 21st July 1889

  23. 本文还提出了两个简单模式,以讨论扰日对流圈的西向旋转。

    Two simple models are suggested to interpret the westward rotation of the convection pattern during disturbed days .

  24. 1937年11月12日,随着国军西撤,孤岛正式形成。

    With the Kuomintang ' troops withdrawing to the west on November 12,1937 , the " GuDao " comes into being formally .

  25. 近代中日两国社会在西力东渐的冲击下,改变了自身运动的发展方向,被强迫纳入世界资本主义体系。

    Facing the powerful impact of Western culture in modern times , China and Japan had to alter their respective orientation for development and they were forced to bring themselves into the system of world capitalism .