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  • angry;furious;vigorous;raging
  • anger;rage;fury
  • 生气,气愤:~色。~视。~叱。~骂。恼~。息~。

  • 气势盛:~涛。~火。心花~放。

  • 中国少数民族,主要分布于云南省:~族。

  • 谴责:“若不可教而后~之”。


(生气; 发怒) angry; furious:

  • 横眉怒目

    face others with frowning brows and angry eyes; dart fierce looks of hate;

  • 恼怒

    angry; indignant; furious


(形容气势很盛) vigorous; raging; violent:

  • 草木怒生

    plants burst out in profusion;

  • 狂风怒号。

    A violent wind is howling.


(愤怒) anger; rage; fury:

  • 勃然大怒

    fly into a rage; flare up;

  • 发怒

    get angry; fly into a rage [passion];

  • 息怒

    cease to be angry; calm one's anger;

  • 众怒难犯

    you cannot afford to incur public wrath; it is dangerous to incur the anger of the masses

  1. 将子无怒。

    Please don 't be angry with me .

  2. 这位在1992年以《蒙古精神》(urga)获得金狮奖的俄罗斯电影前辈,非常令人吃惊地选择了翻拍《12怒汉》。

    A Russian Cinema veteran who won the Golden Lion for Urga in 1992 , Mikhalkov has chosen , rather startlingly , to remake 12 angry men .

  3. “你不知道我是谁吗?”她怒喝道。

    ' Don 't you know who I am ? ' she stormed .

  4. “坐着别动!”她怒喝道。

    ' Sit still ! ' she thundered .

  5. 他一言未发,怒冲冲地走了。

    He stalked off without a word .

  6. 花了这么长的时间才弄清楚究竟发生了什么事,这让我怒向胆边生。

    I am furious that it has taken so long to uncover what really happened .

  7. 他怒冲冲地离开了房间。

    He left the room in a huff .

  8. 阿Q照例地发了怒,他怒目而视了。

    Ah Q would rise to the bait as usual , and glare furiously .

  9. 空怒(airrage)是飞机飞行期间,乘客和空乘人员引发的捣乱或暴力行为统称。

    Air rage is the general term for disruptive and / or violent behavior perpetrated by passengers and crew of aircraft , typically during flight .

  10. Wraprage或packagerage均指遇到很难打开的物品包装时不断加剧的愤怒和挫败感,即“包装怒”或“开箱怒”。

    Wrap rage , also called package rage , is the common name for heightened levels of anger and frustration1 resulting from the inability to open hard-to-open packaging .

  11. 她今天在办公室发了一大通怒。

    She 's got a horrible case of office rage today .

  12. 那头发怒的动物以最快的速度向我们冲过来。

    The irate animal made for us , coming at a full jump .

  13. 屏怒几乎是每个人都做过的事。

    Screen-rage is something almost everyone has experienced .

  14. 女医生一听,怒问:“能不能什么?”

    On hearing this , the woman-doctor asked angrily : " What do you want me to do ? "

  15. “怒退”(玩游戏时队友不给力,被对方铲杀,愤怒退出)不久前才被收入牛津在线词典,不过“屏怒”一词被收录的可能行似乎并不大。

    Though ‘ rage-quit ' was recently added to OxfordDictionaries.com , screen rage 's chances look less than stellar .

  16. Hangry指很饿但是又没有东西可吃的时候感到的气愤和沮丧情绪,简称为“饿怒”。

    Hangry describes the situation when you are so hungry that your lack of food causes you to become angry , frustrated or both .

  17. 2006年,《消费者报告》杂志为包装最难打开的产品创立了牡蛎奖,同时承认了“包装怒”这样现象的存在。

    In 2006 , Consumer Reports magazine recognized the wrap rage phenomenon when it created the Oyster3 Awards for the products with the hardest-to-open packaging .

  18. “屏怒”指打电话跟人发生争执或者对转播的比赛结果不满时对着电子设备的屏幕回骂、大喊或咒骂的情况。

    Screen rage means to talk back , yell or curse at a digital screen after a very unpleasant phone conversation or upset about a match result .

  19. 这就是我们所说的“收银台怒”或者“收银台排队怒”,其实就是在超市收银台前排队结账时等待时间太长,或者因为发生了别的状况而感到异常恼怒的状态。

    Here comes the checkout rage or checkout line rage , which refers to extreme anger caused by a perceived wrongdoing or a lengthy2 wait in the supermarket checkout line .

  20. “自行车怒”的表现包括冲其他道路使用者大喊大叫,做出下流手势或者威胁他人,打人等等,少数情况下还有更加暴力的行为。

    Bike rage can consist of shouting at other road users , making obscene gestures or threats , hitting or punching , or in rare cases , even more violent acts .

  21. 据英国最近一项针对1600位网民所做的调查显示,网怒现象处于上升态势,主要表现为易怒,甚至有攻击倾向。这里的攻击倾向倒不一定是针对身边的人,多半表现为砸键盘以及猛击鼠标。

    According to a recent survey of 1600 Internet users in the UK , web rage is on the increase , causing short-temperedness and even physical aggression bashing of keyboards and over-zealous mouse-clicking !

  22. “自行车怒”指的是骑自行车的人和自行车道或车行道的其他使用者之间发生的言语动作冲突或身体攻击,包括行人、其他骑车人、骑摩托车的人、或者司机。

    Bike rage refers to acts of verbal or gestural anger or physical aggression1 between cyclists and other users of bike paths or roadways , including pedestrians2 , other cyclists , motorcyclists , or drivers .

  23. 引起网怒的首要原因是网页慢速下载时导致的烦躁情绪,其它原因还有:图片无法打开,某些网站需要安装制定软件才能运行,登录某个网站前要求提交个人信息,以及不能提供任何帮助的“帮助”按钮。

    The top cause of web rage is the frustration are images that don 't load , websites that require specific software to run , requests for personal details before being allowed into a site , and ' help ' buttons which don 't really ' help ' .

  24. 结果:情志因素(怒志)能够影响高血压患者和大鼠心血管神经内分泌系统及血管内皮功能(P0.05)。

    Results : Emotional factors can influence the neuroendocrine of the cardiovascular system and vascular endothelial of healthy people and rats . ( P0.05 ) .

  25. 怒、恐应激大鼠脑内c-fos与CRHmRNA表达差异性分析

    Analysis on c-fos 、 CRHmRNA in Rat Brain Induced by Anger and Fear Stress

  26. 结果CTP主要症状为气促、心悸、胸闷及腹胀,体征主要为颈静脉怒张与下肢水肿;

    Results The main symptoms of CTP were pant , palpitation and abdominal distention . And the main sign included jugular vein dilatation , legs edema .

  27. 我们还计画在巫妖王之怒中加入PVP区域,冬拥湖,有着世界性PVP任务以及攻城武器。

    We have plans in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion for a world PvP zone , Lake Wintergrasp , which will feature world PvP objectives and siege weapons .

  28. 该公司首席执行长丁磊(WilliamDing)在上周的电话会议上说,公司正在努力,以求尽快把《巫妖王之怒》提交给政府审批。

    William Ding , chief executive of NetEase , said in a conference call last week that the company is working hard to submit'Wrath of the Lich King'for government review as soon as possible .

  29. Sail表示,如果科学家能揭开大脑激发饥饿或愤怒感的确切分子机制,也许能找到缓和“饿极成怒”现象的方法。

    Salis says that if scientists can identify the exact ' molecular mechanisms ' in the brain that triggers the sensations of hunger and hanger , they may be able to come up with a solution to mitigate its negative impact .

  30. Strega飞往连同另一雷诺车手,海怒马可福音20教练机“无畏”,其中担任了一段时间与缅甸空军。

    Strega flew together with another Reno racer , the Sea Fury Mk20 trainer " Dreadnought ", which served for a time with the Burmese air force .