
rì běn hǎi shànɡ bǎo ān tīnɡ
  • Japanese Maritime Safety Agency
  1. 在国会支持者的帮助下,他们购买一艘名为“樱花一号”(no.1cherryblossom)的船只,并将旅行称为渔民培训,从而绕过了日本海上保安厅对进入该水域的限制。

    With help from supporters in the diet , they were able to get around Coast Guard restrictions on access to the area by buying a boat , the No. 1 cherry blossom , and describing the trips as fisherman training .

  2. 日本海上保安厅元旦在有争议的尖阁诸岛(SenkakuIslands,中国称这些岛屿为钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿)附近海域救起了一名落水的中国热气球驾驶者。此人曾试图降落到其中的一个岛屿,但没有成功。

    Japan 's coast guard plucked a stranded Chinese balloonist out of the sea near the disputed Senkaku Islands on New Year 's day after the man tried and failed to land on one of the islands .

  3. 日本海上保安厅船只到中国的同时带来了船。

    The Japan Coast Guard ship brought alongside to a Chinese ship .

  4. 在日本海上保安厅的工作人员登上它。

    The staff of the Japan Coast Guard boarded it .

  5. 根据现行法律,在警察到来之前,日本海上保安厅的人员只能等在一边。

    Under current law , the Japan coast guard have to stand by until the police arrive .

  6. 在确定许帅军的国籍后,日本海上保安厅将他移交给附近的一艘中国海警船。

    After ascertaining Mr Xu 's nationality , the coast guard handed him to a nearby Chinese ship .

  7. 2004年中国抗议者上次成功登上钓鱼岛时,日本海上保安厅就是这么做的。

    That 's what happened back in 2004 - the last time Chinese protesters successfully landed on the island .

  8. 但据日本海上保安厅介绍,到了周三,多数中国渔政船已经离开。

    By Wednesday , however , most of the boats had moved away , according to the Japan Coast Guard .

  9. 周六晚上,日本海上保安厅得到火灾通报后,马上派出飞机及巡逻船前去救援。

    The Japan Coast Guard has dispatched aircraft and patrol vessels Saturday night after it was informed of the fire .

  10. 周一,日本海上保安厅说,三艘中国海监船进入争议岛屿附近的日本领海。

    On Monday , the Japan Coast Guard said three Chinese maritime surveillance vessels entered Japanese territorial waters near the islands .

  11. 中日两国的紧张关系有所升级,原因是一艘中国渔船与日本海上保安厅巡逻船相撞,事发地点位于有争议的钓鱼岛水域。

    Tensions between the two countries have increased after a Chinese fishing boat collided with Japanese coast guard patrol ships in waters claimed by both sides .

  12. 2010年,一艘中国渔船在争议岛屿附近冲撞日本海上保安厅巡逻船后,日方逮捕了渔船船长,对此中国作出了愤怒反应。

    China reacted angrily when Japan arrested a fishing boat captain in 2010 after his ship struck a Japanese coast guard patrol boat near the islands .

  13. 自民党还向政府提交了一份声明,要求政府发布日本海上保安厅拍摄的活动人士船只的画面。

    The LDP also submitted a statement to the government , asking them to release footage taken by the coast guard of the activists ' ship .

  14. 日本海上保安厅周四晚间表示,已将九名活动人士交给冲绳县那霸市羁押。

    The Japan coast guard said Thursday night that they have handed over custody of nine of the activists to immigration officials in Naha , Okinawa prefecture .

  15. 中日关于钓鱼岛的长期争端在9月份突然升级,当时日本海上保安厅扣押了中国一艘渔船的船长,据称他用自己的船撞击了日方的一艘巡视艇。

    The long-running dispute over the islands flared up in September when Japanese coastguards arrested a Chinese fishing boat captain after he allegedly rammed one of their boats .

  16. 双方还谈到了在日本海上保安厅和中国国家海洋局之间建立热线,以在拥挤的海洋上进行搜救合作。

    There is talk of establishing a hotline between the Japan Coast Guard and the China National Oceanic Bureau , to co-ordinate search-and-rescue missions in an increasingly crowded sea .

  17. 据报道,一艘台湾海钓船及四艘海巡舰在前往钓鱼岛途中遭到日本海上保安厅的阻拦,并被迫回航。

    The Japanese Coast Guard is said to have turned back a Taiwan fishing boat and four coast guard ships in the middle of a trip to the Diaoyu Islands .

  18. 2012年夏季,数名来自香港的活动人士登上其中一座岛,并在岛上插上了中国国旗,随后他们被日本海上保安厅逮捕。

    In the summer of 2012 , several activists from Hong Kong were detained by the Japan Coast Guard for landing and planting a Chinese flag on one of the islands .

  19. 日本海上保安厅说,该男子现年35岁,是北京附近河北省的一名厨师,他于周三早间从中国南部的福建省出发。

    The protester , a 35-year-old male cook in Hebei province near Beijing , took off from China 's southern province of Fujian on Wednesday morning , according to the coast guard .

  20. 去年,在一艘中国渔船和日本海上保安厅巡视船在有争议的钓鱼岛(日本称为尖阁列岛)附近水域发生冲突后,中方叫停了有关联合天然气开发的商讨。

    Beijing halted discussions on joint gas development last year after a Chinese fishing boat clashed with Japanese coastguards near disputed islands known as the Senkakus in Japanese and the Diaoyus in Chinese .

  21. 海上保安厅说,在收到台湾相关部门发来的搜寻一名失踪男子的请求后,日本海上保安厅位于冲绳县那霸的地区总部派出两艘巡逻船及一架直升飞机。

    It said that the regional headquarters in Naha , Okinawa Prefecture , sent two patrol ships and a helicopter after receiving a request from Taiwanese authorities to search for a missing man .

  22. 在过去,双方一般都寻求避免讨论分歧,但詹其雄与日本海上保安厅之间的冲突让隐藏的紧张关系浮出了水面。

    In the past , both sides have generally sought to avoid discussion of the dispute , but the clash between Mr Zhan and the Japanese coast guard has brought submerged tensions to the surface .

  23. 周二,日本海上保安厅发现12艘中国渔政船在钓鱼岛附近海域出没,其中3艘船进入了日本海域。

    On Tuesday , 12 Chinese patrol boats were seen by the coast guard to be moving in and out of waters adjacent to the islands , and three of these patrol boats entered Japanese waters .

  24. 日本海上保安厅表示,中国船只本月有5天进入其领海或尖阁诸岛附近的毗连区,相形之下,之前4个月每月的这个数字都为20至24天。

    The Japanese coast guard says Chinese vessels have entered its territorial waters or the surrounding contiguous zone on five separate days this month , compared with 20 to 24 days in each of the previous four months .

  25. 但贸易商们表示,相关发货在中国港口一再遭到拖延而且没有任何解释,其背景是一艘中国渔船在东海与日本海上保安厅发生冲突后两国关系发生紧张。

    Traders say , however , that shipments from Chinese ports have been repeatedly delayed without explanation , this amid tensions following a clash between a Chinese fishing boat and Japan coast guard in the East China Sea .

  26. 尽管日本海上保安厅负责保卫日本的海岸线,但如果局势被认为超出了海上保安厅的应对能力,那么防卫大臣可以下令派遣自卫队实施保障海上安全的军事行动。

    While the Japan Coast Guard is responsible for protecting Japan 's coastlines , the defense minister can order the Self-Defense Forces to be deployed for maritime security operations if the situation is considered beyond the coast guard 's capabilities .

  27. 中日围绕东海一个有争议群岛的纠纷周三出现一个新的转折,北京方面誓言保护台湾渔船(台湾也宣称拥有相关海岛的主权)不受日本海上保安厅的驱赶。

    The Sino-Japanese dispute over a contested group of islands in the East China Sea took another turn on Wednesday when Beijing vowed to protect fishing boats from Taiwan – which also claims the islands – from the Japanese coast guard .

  28. 据日本海上保安厅法律部门的一位官员说,提出这项法案的起因是2010年一艘中国渔船与两艘日本海上保安厅巡逻船相撞的事件。当时此事引发了近几年来中日之间最激烈的一场外交争端。

    The bill 's proposal was prompted by the 2010 collision between a Chinese fishing vessel and two Japanese coast guard patrol boats that sparked the hottest diplomatic tiff in recent years , according to an official at the Japan Coast Guard 's legal department .

  29. 9月份,在日本扣押了与日本海上保安厅巡视船相撞的一艘中国渔船的船长后,中日关系骤然降温。

    Relations between Tokyo and Beijing plummeted in September after Japan detained a Chinese fishing boat captain whose vessel collided with a coast guard boat .

  30. 据日本媒体报道,中方船长感谢日本海上保安厅营救一名中国公民。

    According to Japanese media reports , the Chinese captain expressed gratitude to the coast guard for rescuing a Chinese citizen .