
  1. 大荧幕上最著名的这两只巨兽曾在1962年的一部日本电影中交过手,但是新片的特效更强大,而且拥有一流的演员阵容(亚历山大·斯卡斯加德、丽贝卡·豪尔、米莉·波比·布朗),导演亚当·温加德对于影片的关键点也把握得很准确。

    Cinema 's two most famous behemoths fought each other in a Japanese film in 1962 , but the rematch has better effects , a classy cast ( Alexander Skarsg å rd , Rebecca Hall , Millie Bobby Brown ) , and a director , Adam Wingard , who has the right idea about one crucial point .

  2. 自2012年以来,大型日本电影已经3年没有在中国大规模上映。而这部3D电影打破了僵局。

    The 3-D film is the first major Japanese movie in three years to be given a wide screening in China since 2012 .

  3. 《如何吃掉生命》一书的作者、日本电影导演TatsuyaMori认为,任何吃鱼和肉的人一生中至少要上一次生命课。

    Japanese film director Tatsuya Mori , the author of a book called How to Eat Life , believes that anyone who consumes fish and meat should take the Class of Life at least once in their life .

  4. 黑泽明,一直是日本电影业中的标志性人物。

    Akira Kurosawa is always a symbolic man in Japanese filmdom .

  5. 《车灵》是第一套首先在韩国公开上映的日本电影。

    Ghost Train is a Japanese horror film released in2006 .

  6. 我尤其认为法国电影比日本电影更吸引人。

    I particularly find French movies much more fascinating than Japanese ones .

  7. 这些是那位日本电影制片家那里的模型。

    These are the models from the Japanese film maker .

  8. 在空中飞来飞去的日本电影。

    About Japanese people flying through the air .

  9. 日本电影类型探析

    Study on the Type of Japanese Movies

  10. 为了使聚集在洛杉矶地区的个人谁是关于日本电影的热情。

    To bring together individuals in the Los Angeles area who are passionate about Japanese film .

  11. 这不是黄海第一次和备受瞩目的日本电影合作。

    This isn 't Huang Hai 's first time to work with a high-profile Japanese film .

  12. 一款智能机器人在一部即将上映的日本电影中担任主角。

    An android robot is also be used as the lead in a new Japanese movie .

  13. 20世纪60年代,千叶真一开启了他在日本电影和电视领域的职业生涯,之后进入了国际观众的视野。

    Chiba began his career in Japanese film and TV in the 1960s before reaching international audiences .

  14. 这些影片展示了对日本电影历史更为悠久、由角色带动情节的人文主义传统的传承。

    These films show the continuance of an older , more character-driven , humanist tradition of Japanese film .

  15. 中日文字因缘下的日本电影名&关于日本电影名中汉字词的翻译

    JAPANESE MOVIE TITLES IN THE AFFINITY OF CHARACTERS & On the Translation of Chinese Characters in Japanese Movie Titles

  16. 通常我更喜欢日本电影,因为至少我能更明白些。

    I usually prefer Japanese movies because I can understand Japanese more than chinese . I speak a little Japanese .

  17. 论日语高级视听课之日本电影欣赏课初级中学朝鲜语文语法教育现状研究

    A Study on Teaching Japanese Majors Through Japanese Films ; The Study of Korean Language Grammar in the Secondary Education

  18. 剧院经常放映各种类型的日本电影,也有舞蹈演出,音乐和戏剧表演。

    The theater often hosts all sorts of Japanese films , as well as dance , music , and theatrical performances .

  19. 至此,将一种别具风格的日本电影推上世界舞台的时机已经成熟。

    The time would have been ripe for a very different sort of Japanese film to arrive on the global stage .

  20. 日本电影中,也常有描写日本本土即将沉没,人们脸上表情惶惶不安。

    Japanese films also often describe the forthcoming disaster that the homeland suffering sinking , ordinary people is in tremendous fear .

  21. 日本电影制片商选用机器人作为领衔女主演,塑造了一位机器人电影明星。

    Japanese film-makers have created a robot movie star - by casting an android ' actress ' in a lead role .

  22. 这部日本电影出自法籍越南裔导演陈英雄之手,准备在国内影院公映。

    The Japanese film is the creation of Vietnam-born French director Tran Anh Hung . It is ready for release at national cinemas .

  23. 比起当时,这是日本电影导演所制作的规模最大的电影作品,电影在创作上体现了精湛的技术,而且是一部富有创造力的巨作。

    It was the single largest movie ever made by a Japanese filmmaker at the time and was a technical and creative masterpiece .

  24. 以机器猫为主题的日本电影《哆啦A梦》日前在中国上映,短短几天就刷新了中国动画电影票房纪录。

    Doraemon , a Japanese film featuring the robotic cat , has become the highest-grossing animated film in China just days after opening in theaters .

  25. 世纪末日本电影时期,大岛渚对性的关注愈发明显,性的探讨从一个元素变为整个主题。

    During the late Japanese film , Oshima on the " sex " concerns more apparent , from an element of nature into the whole theme .

  26. 作为亚洲最大的电影市场,日本电影的发展总是能够引起亚洲地区的普遍关注并引领电影发展的潮流。

    As the biggest movie market in Asia , the development of Japanese movies always can sets off a universal attention and lead a new trend .

  27. 我有一个亚洲电影梦&日本电影学院院长、著名影评家佐藤忠男专访

    I Have a Dream About Asian Film - a Special Interview Mr. Sato Tadao , President of the Japan Film Academy and a Famous Film Critic

  28. 不到两年前所播出的日本电影「再见了!可鲁」使拉布拉多成为最受欢迎的品种,然而的销售量已经下滑。

    Sales of labradors , however , have declined , after the Japanese film quill made them among the most popular breeds less than two years ago .

  29. 高仓健因经常在日本电影中饰演不法之徒与坚忍英雄而成为影星,他于11月10日于东京逝世,享年83岁。

    Ken Takakura , who became a star playing outlaws and stoic heroes in scores of Japanese films , died on Nov. 10 in Tokyo . He was 83 .

  30. 《魔法公主》高居日本电影史上卖座片的第二名;而《龙猫》不仅吸引了大批观众,而且还在另一个领域取得巨大成功。

    Princess Mononoke is the second-biggest box-office hit in Japanese movie history , and My Neighbor Totoro , as well as attracting huge audiences , was successful in another way .