
  1. 开发出业界领先、拥有自主知识产权的信息管理系统;

    Golden cereal developed the information management system with its own intellectual property right , pioneering in the field .

  2. 目前,电源管理芯片市场被国外公司占据,开发具有自主知识产权的电源管理芯片已是形势所迫。

    Nowadays , foreign enterprises almost occupy the whole market of power management IC , so it is necessary to develop the power management ICs with own intellectual property .

  3. 说明我国自主知识产权的建筑施工管理软件信息产品已配套成龙,信息化施工技术是保证工程质量和成本控制的新工具。

    This paper illustrates that the construction management software with autonomous intellectual properties has formed a complete set in China . The informatization construction technology is the new assurance to construction quality and cost control .

  4. 从促进我国自主创新能力发展的战略目标出发,提出只有在深入分析自主创新和知识产权管理联系特征的基础上,才能设计系统有效的知识产权管理系统和政策。

    Starting with the strategic aim of promoting China 's capability of indigenous innovation , this paper proposes that the analysis on the relationship between indigenous innovation and intellectual property right management constitutes to constructing effective intellectual property right management system and related policies .