
  • 网络liberal conservatism
  1. 对“自由贸易保守主义者”来说,两者的差别比较细微,不过希拉里仍会胜出。

    For " free-trade conservatives " the contrast is more nuanced but Mrs Clinton still wins .

  2. 该作者没有将自由主义和保守主义相提并论。

    The author doesn 't equate liberalism and conservatism

  3. 浅析20世纪自由主义和保守主义的关系

    The Relations between Liberalism and Conservatism in the 20th Century

  4. 伦理代价:科技自由主义与保守主义之间的张力

    Ethical price : tension between sci-tech liberalism and conservatism

  5. 自由主义和保守主义的政治标签极少能与人们的个人特性联系起来。

    The political labels of liberal and conservative rarely track people 's personal attributes .

  6. 美国的政治思想:自由主义和保守主义

    American Political Thought : Liberalism and Conservatism

  7. 20世纪自由主义与保守主义关系变化趋势分析

    Changing Trend Analysis of in the Relationship Between Liberalism and Conservatism of the 20th Century

  8. 在传统与秩序中守望自由&严复保守主义思想的再认识与启示

    Seeking for Liberty from Tradition and Order : A New Research on Yan Fu 's Conservatism

  9. 《自由主义和保守主义对于1996年福利改革立法的影响》1998。

    Haskins , Ron . " Liberal and Conservative Influences on the Welfare Reform Legislation of1996 . " 1998 .

  10. 然而1%们的思维正如大多数选民一样并不开放灵活,常常同时支持自由主义和保守主义的观点。

    Still the rich , like most voters , have eclectic views , often supporting liberal and conservative positions simultaneously .

  11. 作为自由主义和保守主义外交思想的奇异结合,新保守主义将成为影响美国对外战略的长期性因素。

    As an odd mixture of liberalism and conservatism , neoconservatism will become a long term factor influencing American foreign strategy .

  12. 保守自由主义是保守主义与自由主义的混合体,它兼具二者的特点。

    Conservative-liberalism was the blending of both conservatism and liberalism , and it has the characteristics of both conservatism and liberalism simultaneously .

  13. 在格鲁姆看来,这里对传统价值观的回归,不是简单徘徊于自由主义与保守主义之间的钟摆式回归,而是在钟摆式基础上呈螺旋上升。

    To Groom the return to traditional values is not the simply pendulum hovering between liberalism and conservatism , but was rised on the spiral-type .

  14. 在谈到政府的作用和责任的时候,实在很难找到几个会欣然同意传统的自由主义或保守主义箴言的美国人。

    When it comes to government 's role and responsibilities , Americans who are really comfortable with traditional liberal or conservative dicta are quite rare .

  15. 在思想根源上它是美国两大政治思想&自由主义与保守主义冲突与妥协的产物;它自身反映了个人主义、自由、平等价值观在不同利益集团中的演绎。

    It roots in the two political thoughts of liberalism and conservatism ; and it itself reflects the pursuit of individual interests , liberty and equality within every interest group .

  16. 在与自由主义、保守主义、社会主义等当今主流意识形态的比较中,本文最后阐明了生态主义是一种新的政治意识形态,为我们的思想和行动注入了某些全新的要素。

    By comparing the main ideologies mentioned above , this dissertation finally expounds that ecologism is a new kind of political ideology and can infuse our ideas and actions with some fresh essentials .

  17. 当代西方的政治哲学总体上仍然只是自由主义与保守主义的较量对决,而且有意舍弃了马克思主义政治哲学传统或使之边缘化。

    But totally to speak , there is only argument between liberalism and conservatism , and the tradition of Marxism political philosophy which still give important force to modern society has been put away .

  18. 在美国政治思想中,自由主义和保守主义的界限模糊,它们都源于欧洲,在经济、社会、外交等方面各执己见,却又互相渗透。

    It is very difficult to distinguish between liberalism and conservatism in the American political thought . They both originated in Europe , but conflict with and infiltrate into each other in economy , society and foreign affairs .

  19. 本文从美国新保守主义与自由主义和保守主义的关系入手,分析了新保守主义的兴衰流变、基本思想和主张及其对布什政府外交政策的影响。

    Beginning with an analysis of the relations between American neoconservatism , liberalism and conservatism , this dissertation traces the rising and falling ofneoconservatism , sheds light on its basic ideas and arguments , and analyzes its impacton Bush administration 's foreign policy .

  20. 在众议院也有一个类似的法案正在讨论中,我本人也深受这种两党合作的鼓舞。这是一种进步,不是什么自由主义或保守主义的想法,而是解决我们所面临的挑战的办法。

    and reward prisoners with shorter sentences if they complete programs that make them less likely to commit a repeat offense . There 's a similar bill working its way through the House , and I 'm encouraged by these kinds of bipartisan efforts.This is progress-not liberal ideas or conservative ideas , but common-sense solutions to the challenges we face .

  21. 这种新自由主义和新保守主义的教育改革,将给日本的教育带来深远的影响。

    Such educational reform under the guidance of neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism will exert far-reaching influences on the education in Japan .

  22. 实践表明,类似古典自由主义、古典保守主义等都与中国的国情不相容,因此被中国所抛弃。

    Practice shows that something like classic liberalism or classic conservatism is incompatible with the Chinese condition , thus it was deserted .

  23. 吴振伟问政的核心理念为温和的社会文化立场,以及经济新自由主义与财政保守主义。

    Representative Wu 's core political tenets are characterized by his moderate social and cultural positions as well as neo-economic liberalism and fiscal conservatism .

  24. 该四个群体分别是:新自由主义、新保守主义、专制的民粹主义以及作为正呈向上流动趋势的专业和管理新中产阶级中的一个特殊部分。

    These elements include neo-liberals , neo-conservatives , authoritarian populists , and a particular fraction of the upwardly mobile professional and managerial new middle class .

  25. 因此对西方新自由主义和保守自由主义的国家观之间的分歧进行深入的研究,揭示双方在国家观方面争论的本质具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Thus to make a deeper research on the arguments between western new liberalism and conservative-liberalism to reveal the nature of their debates has significant theoretical and realistic meanings .