
  • 网络Early retirement;Early Retirement Incentive;protirement;earlyretirement
  1. 苏珊要提前退休。

    Susan is going to take early retirement .

  2. 几位职员自愿提前退休。

    Several staff members volunteered for early retirement .

  3. 4000多名教师被说服提前退休。

    More than 4,000 teachers were induced to take early retirement .

  4. 现在“提前退休”几乎就是裁员的委婉说法。

    The term ' early retirement ' is nearly always a euphemism for redundancy nowadays .

  5. 建筑估价师钱德勒先生和他的经济师妻子三年前提前退休。

    Mr chandler , a quantity surveyor , and his economist wife , took early retirement about three years ago .

  6. 亨利的公司要他提前退休,不过他能够用他们付给他的退休金归还抵押贷款。

    Henry 's company asked him to retire early but he was able to pay off his mortgage with the golden handshake they gave him .

  7. 根据调查,35岁以下的人15个当中就有1个已经“提前退休”了。

    According to research , one in 15 under-35s is already " protired " .

  8. “提前退休”指的是辞去已经没有吸引力的工作,转而追求更适合自己个性的事业或爱好。

    Protirement is retiring or quitting an unattractive job to pursue work or hobbies more suited to one 's personality .

  9. 她发现,长期厌倦感会“增加员工流动和提前退休的意愿,并且更有可能导致自我评估健康不良的情况和应激症状。”

    She found that chronic boredom " increased the likelihood of employees ' turnover and early retirement10 intentions , poor self-rated health and stress symptoms " .

  10. 例如,IBM有提前退休计划,AT&T为裁掉的员工提供求职帮助与职业指导。

    IBM for instance , offers early retirement . AT & T offers job search help and career counseling to displaced employees .

  11. 此外,在职业生涯开始前,我们还把时间花在了学习和旅行上,或选择提前退休,更不必说在工作时间游手好闲和上Facebook。

    And there is the time we spend studying and travelling before our careers , or in early retirement , to say nothing of the many hours spent goofing off at work and looking at Facebook .

  12. 1995年感恩节假期期间,威尔逊刚刚从安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young)加拿大分公司专业发展主管任上提前退休,正在考虑重返教师岗位,突然接到了光辉国际咨询顾问公司(Korn/Ferry)一位猎头打来的电话。

    He had left his job as national director of professional development and was thinking of returning to teaching when he got a call from a Korn / Ferry headhunter during the Thanksgiving Day holiday in 1995 .

  13. 在他迫使Turner先生提前退休之后,人们认为Olver先生将与过去做出果断的决裂,选择一位局外人来推动他的改革运动。

    After he pushed Mr Turner into early retirement , it was assumed that Mr Olver would make a clean break with the past by choosing an outsider to carry forward his crusade .

  14. 上个月,gkn宣布整个英国汽车零部件业务将进一步裁员550人,但它还向自愿离开的工人开放了现有的相对慷慨的提前退休计划该计划很快就不再执行了。

    Last month GKN announced it was cutting a further 550 jobs across its UK autoparts business , though it has held open existing relatively generous early retirement terms to workers volunteering to depart - which will soon no longer be on offer .

  15. EBRI发现,49%的员工表明,他们比原计划提前退休,主要有以下原因:健康问题或残疾(61%);照顾配偶或其他家庭成员(18%)。

    About half ( 49 percent ) of retirees say they left the workforce earlier than planned , often to cope with a health problem or disability ( 61 percent ) or to care for a spouse or other family member ( 18 percent ), EBRI found .

  16. 总统的一个专门委员会反对管制员提前退休。

    Presidential Commission turned down thumbs on early retirement for controllers .

  17. 如果你提前退休,那么退休金怎么算?

    What happens to your superannuation if you retire early ?

  18. 他找到了提前退休的极好的借口。

    He had found the perfect excuse for retiring early .

  19. 现在看来我不得不提前退休了。

    Now I feel like I 'm being forced into early retirement .

  20. 以专业、毫不后悔的方式,向面试官解释当初提前退休的决定。

    Explain your early-retirement decision to interviewers in a professional , unapologetic way .

  21. 她体弱多病,所以提前退休。

    She retired early on account of ill health .

  22. 职工提前退休的弊端及解决方法

    Problem of Employees ' Early Retirement and the Solution

  23. 大家都知道他要提前退休。

    Everyone knows that he 's taking early retirement .

  24. 直到1990年代末期,中国的做法一直是鼓励人们提前退休。

    Up to the late1990s , its practice was to retire people early .

  25. 哈佛在2月份表示,它将冻结员工薪资,并提议员工提前退休。

    Harvard said in February it would freeze salaries and offer early retirement .

  26. 他可以选择提前退休。

    He had the option of taking early retirement .

  27. 许多雇员辞职、被解雇、或者提前退休。

    Many employees have quit , been fired , or have retired early .

  28. 提前退休往往出乎意料,为不可预见的形势所迫。

    Many of these early retirements are unexpected and due to unforeseen circumstances .

  29. 她身体不好,迫不得已提前退休。

    Bad health forced her into taking early retirement .

  30. 监狱长因患精神病而提前退休。

    The warden retired prematurely with a nervous disorder .