
xínɡ zhènɡ dān wèi
  • administrative unit
  1. 在各个市县一级的行政单位分别建立二级FDC,其主要职能就是:短期仓储、果蔬流通加工、中转运输。

    Establish a second class FDC in each administrative unit of towns . Their main functions are short-term storage , circulation and process and transfers .

  2. 除此之外,这一概念实际上涵盖了所有行使公共权力的行政单位。

    Otherwise the concept includes virtually every administrative unit exercising public authority .

  3. 本文从农村行政单位业务和日常办公流程需求上面进行了深刻的调研,针对农村行政单位的业务复杂性和数据实时性的需求设计出一款适合农村行政单位的OA办公管理系统。

    Researched profoundly from the administrative units in rural areas and daily office business process needs , the administrative unit for rural business complexity and demand for real-time data to design a rural administrative units for the OA management system .

  4. 文章论述了面向行政单位的开发数据软件系统的需求分析,数据库设计,软件体系结构,以及VFP作为客户端开发工具,ORACLE作为数据库服务器的物理实现。

    This article discusses the demand analysis , database design and software system structure of development on data process software design for administrative units . The author also interds to apply VFP to customer development tool and ORACLE to database server .

  5. 论行政单位国有资产的管理

    The management of state-owned assets of administrative can not be ignored

  6. 行政单位暂存款科目使用中的问题及建议

    Problems and Suggestions in the Use of Temporary Deposit in Administrative Units

  7. 而在中国,县域作为最普遍的基层行政单位。

    In China , counties is the more popular region .

  8. 本文采用调查问卷和深入访谈的研究方法,以金华市本级为样本,对行政单位临时聘用人员工作状况进行调查。

    In this paper , the research method is questionnaires and in-depth interviews .

  9. 面向行政单位的开发数据处理软件设计

    Development on data process software design for administrative units

  10. 郡分区,县分区英国和美国等国的一种行政单位。

    An administrative division of some counties in England and the United states .

  11. 对广州市3个行政单位中青年知识分子不良生活方式进行干预的应用研究

    Research on intervention apply of Guangzhou 3 Administrative unit middle aged intellectual bad life style

  12. 目的探讨适合机关、行政单位鼠害防制的有效措施。

    Objective To discuss the valid measures which adapt to administration department to control rat infestation .

  13. “这个公社有11个行政单位或称大队,”他说。

    " There are11 administrative units , or brigades , in this commune ," he said .

  14. 档案管理对行政单位的发展起着至关重要的作用。

    The file management system plays a vital role in the development for many government departments .

  15. 省级范围及以下行政单位的区划还处于起步阶段。

    Divisions of province and below the provincial level administrative units are still in its infancy .

  16. 新财政体制下行政单位财务管理研究:问题及对策

    A Study on Financial Management of Government Departments under the New Financial System : Problems and Countermeasures

  17. 为保持记录和其它秘书职责负责的行政单位;尤指国际性的。

    An administrative unit responsible for maintaining records and other secretarial duties ; especially for international organizations .

  18. 目前,系统已经开发完成,并且正在各区县行政单位运行。

    Currently , the system has been developed and is running at all the county administrative units .

  19. 根据上述研究结论,本研究针对教育行政单位、国小校长提出具体建议。

    Based on the conclusions , the study suggests some implications of the educational authorities elementary schools'principals .

  20. 乡镇政府作为我国基层的行政单位,主要承担着政策执行的职能。

    As the grassroots administrative unit in China , Township government is mainly responsible for the policy implementation .

  21. 编图人员是编图机构的基本组成元素,同时也是铁路行政单位的一部分。

    They are the basic elements of train diagram establishment institutions , also part of the railway Administrative unit .

  22. 但随着新的预算会计制度将事业单位会计和行政单位会计相分离,对事业基金必须站在新的高度进行再认识。

    However this understanding is to be updated as the new budget system makes the difference between institutional and administrative units .

  23. 为评价县级行政单位土壤侵蚀的严重性,提出了土壤侵蚀严重性指数及计算方法,并在计算我国各县级行政单位土壤严重指数数值的基础上,讨论了土壤侵蚀严重指数的分级。

    The authors defined an index of soil erosion severity , calculated its value for each county , and analyzed index classification .

  24. 在财政的支出方面,作为地方行政单位的陕西路保持财赋的上供,以体现其政治上的向心性。

    In terms of financial expenditure , Shaanxi road remains as a local administrative unit of finance available to reflect its political nature .

  25. 其中,政府会计核算主体可以大致包括行政单位、事业单位(指主要接受国家预算拨款的事业单位)、政府性基金。

    The accounting subject includes administrative institutions , public institutions ( mainly refers to institutions receive the national budget ), and government funds .

  26. 我国随着市领导县体制的推行,市级行政单位逐渐取代地区成为地级管理层的主体。

    With the implementation of the municipal lead the county system , municipal administrative units gradually become the main management of the county .

  27. 地级市或地区行政单位所在县(市)的社会可持续能力高于周遍县,呈现出从城区向农区递减的规律。

    Social sustainable capacity is higher in most urban of region and county where administration departments stay while lower in the farming area .

  28. 地方政府是国家为了管理的需要,划分地区设置的地方行政单位。

    It divides the local administrative unit that the area set up for the need of management that the local government is the country .

  29. 行政单位部门预算是省级预算的重要组成部分,行政管理支出在整个政府预算支出中占较大比重。

    The administrative unit department budget is an important part of provincial budget , administrative expenses in the government spending represents a significant proportion .

  30. 但城市作为一级地方行政单位的城市型政区则要晚的多,萌芽于中世纪的城市运动。

    However , city which is as the urban-based administrative distract of local administrative unit came into later , and germinated from the medieval city-movement .