
  • 网络state actor
  1. 国家行为体的自我利益需求使该国在其特定文化观念中形成孤立与不结盟的外交倾向;

    Self-interest demand of state actor makes it form foreign policy tropism of isolation and nonalignment under the special culture ideas .

  2. 传统的国家安全观主要关注的是主权国家行为体。

    Sovereign state actor is the object of study in traditional national security .

  3. 世界能源问题中的非国家行为体研究

    Study on Non-state Actors in International Energy Resource Issue

  4. 非主权国家行为体在环境外交中的参与度和重要性越来越不可忽视,同时也不能报以过高的期望。

    The participation degree and importance of non-state actors becomes more and more unneglectable .

  5. 另一方面,它还面临着来自非国家行为体和社会层次的反击。

    Also for another , it faces the counterattack from non-state actors and social levels .

  6. 近年来,非国家行为体在文明融合中的作用日渐扩大。

    Non-state actors ' role has been expanded in the integration of civilizations in recent years .

  7. 随着跨国交往和相互依赖的加深,非国家行为体的作用日益突出。

    With the development of transnational communications and inter-dependence , non-nation participants play an increasingly important role .

  8. 一方面,它会受到来自国家行为体和地区国际体系层次的制衡。

    For one thing , it faces the challenges from some countries and the regional international system .

  9. 第一节将从国际法、利益、行为、灵活性四个方面系统地比较跨国公司与国家行为体的区别。

    The differences between them are systematically compared from law of nations , interest , behavior and agility .

  10. 如今,核武器扩散至非国家行为体的威胁,不亚于在国家之间扩散的威胁。

    Proliferation to non-state actors is now as much of a threat as the spread of nuclear weapons among states .

  11. 这种治理的理念假定非国家行为体可以在国家的基础上渐次成为治理的重心。

    This idea of governance presumes that non-state actor can become the focus of the governance through influencing national policy-making .

  12. 当前,各个国家行为体以克服危机,恢复经济为优先战略。

    At time being , the nations take the overcoming the crisis and restoring the economy as their priority strategies .

  13. 而冷战后出现的一些弱势非国家行为体,逐渐成为这一极端行为的主要实施者。

    Some political non-state actors , appearing in the post-Cold War , become the main perpetrators of the extreme behaviors .

  14. 巴基斯坦否认政府机构和印度孟买袭击事件有任何关联。巴基斯坦说,可能有一些“非国家行为体”卷入了这起袭击事件。

    Pakistan denies any link between the attack and government agencies , but says " non-state actors " might have been involved .

  15. 对于欧洲,我们选择德国和英国作为对比的案例分析,因为他们同样是欧洲地区重要的国家行为体。

    We select Germany and the United Kingdom for the contrasting case study because they are the most important actors in Europe .

  16. 国家行为体基于不同的认知形成不同的认知共同体,从而出现盟友与敌人的不同外交政策;

    State actors form different knowing community basing on the different knowing , and result into different diplomatic policy tropism of ally and enemy .

  17. 但是,海盗行为是由非国家行为体执行的,这些非国家行为体虽然同国家相比相对弱势,但他们仍然能够持续制造混乱。

    However , piracy has been carried out by non-state actors who have continued to cause havoc despite their relative weakness in comparison to states .

  18. 因此,跨国公司在成为全球化浪潮最重要和最主要载体的同时,也就成为了国际关系中重要的非国家行为体。

    Therefore , when TNC becomes the most important carrier in the tide of globalization , it also becomes the important entity of non-nation within international relation .

  19. 在德国,存在传统的六大政治基金会,作为参与外交活动的一类德国非国家行为体,他们是独特和神秘的。

    There are six traditional political foundations in Germany . Among German non-state actors that involved in foreign relations , political foundations are unique and at times enigmatic players .

  20. 但是,政府失灵和全球问题对世界发展的危害程度逐步加深使国际非政府组织等超国家行为体的迅猛发展成为了可能。

    Government failure and global problems which hold back the world development , however , have maken it possible for INGOs ( also called supranational actors ) to develop so qucikly .

  21. 按照建构主义的观点,文化认同是指不同国家行为体经过国家间互动而共同构造并认同的国际规范和国际制度,是一种集体知识,即共同观念。

    The constructivism thinks that culture is an international doctrine and international system that admit together under country to build . It is a kind of collective knowledge , namely common idea .

  22. 本文认为,所谓非传统安全是指非国家行为体采用非军事手段对主权国家的生存、发展和国民人身安全、社会稳定形成的威胁。

    The so-called nontraditional security is the threat that non-state actor imposes upon the survival , development , personal security of citizens , social stability of sovereign state ( s ) with non-military means .

  23. 如同历史上任何一种新兴技术的出现一样,高歌猛进的信息技术同样对国际体系中最主要的行为体:国家行为体产生了重大的挑战。这一挑战的核心问题,就是国家信息安全问题。

    As a result , the information technology , as other new technologies did in history , launches to the state actors a serious challenge , the core issue of which is national information security .

  24. 伴随全球化的拓展,全球性问题越来越多,非国家行为体的地位显著提高,国际合作成为国际关系的主流。

    Following the development of globalization , there are more and more global problems , the status of non-national behavior bodies is greatly improved , and the international cooperation becomes the mainstream of the international relations .

  25. 在国际关系行为主体的多元化趋势下,越来越多的非国家行为体参与到和能源相关的领域中,并对世界能源问题的形成、发展产生着不可低估的影响。

    With the diversification of international behaviors , more and more non - national behaviors set foot in the energy or related realms , and they have far-reaching impacts on the emergence and development of the world energy problem .

  26. 新阶段的美国国防战略更加重视来自国家行为体的威胁,强调反恐的中心地位,更加重视预防性措施、对盟国与友邦的合作和网络中心战。

    The new defense strategy of the United States of America pays more attention to the threat of state actors , emphasizing the central role of anti-terrorism , attaching more importance to the preventive measures and cooperation with allies and friends as well as net-centered warfare .

  27. 另一方面,在当今世界日益全球化、经济一体化的时代,它又有着缺乏国际正义感、偏执于国家行为体、眷恋历史经验等局限性。

    On the other hand , with its putting undue stress on the country role , having a preference for the historical analogy , it also has some limitations at present time when the world becomes increasingly globalized , economy integrated and the interdependence among countries deepened .

  28. 在当代,推动政党作为非国家行为体介入外交领域的因素很多,其中国内政治需要、国家利益、政党意识形态、全球问题等是突出的几个方面。

    In the contemporary era , there exist numerous factors promoting the political party as a non-state actor getting involved in the field of diplomacy , among which the need of domestic politics , national benefit , political party ideology , the global issue are the outstanding ones .

  29. 在国际关系中,三个国家或行为体之间形成作用和反作用关系,一般称为三边关系或三角关系。

    In the field of international relations , the action and reaction among three states or actors are generally called trilateral relations or triangle relations .

  30. 国家是国际行为体的重要组成部分,主导者国际政治体系的结构和进程。

    The international community is an important part of international political system , and leaded the structure and processes .