
From accessing to the WTO in 2001 , Chinese automobile industry had been brought into the international distribution rapidly . Chinese motor spare parts enterprises meet new development opportunity .
Outsourcing is an important strategy mode of global resource collocation implemented by transnational corporations to increase their core competence and an important way for the developing countries to get involved in the international system of labor division .
On Defect of International Division and Countermeasures of Developing Countries
China 's Position in the New International Division of Labor-from the Perspective of Value Chain
Furthering international industrial division system ;
With highly open of Chinese industry , China will participate in international work - divided system from all fields .
As more and more nations merged into the international economic division system , international competition becomes more and more severe .
The technological development composed of innovation , introduction and spreading of the technology ; and the dramatically reformed job-division scheme domestic and foreign .
Most LDCs'affiliation status in international labor division system and its less developed situation in history lead to its subordination and passive status in international monetary system .
Nowadays , the system of labor division has changed a lot , overseas expansion become an important way that a country Survive in new international economic environment .
From the strategic standpoint , he analyzes the necessity of this cooperation to participate the system of international division and to merge in the circulation of international economy .
It is concluded by the significance for economic integration in East Asia and China 's position in the International Production and Distribution Networks in East Asia and its policy options .
With the global labor specialization system constantly improving , the intra-product trade of our country also has enlarged , and has formed the processing trade model which focused on manufacturing industry .
With such constant enlargement of the open degree of the respect as goods , technology and investment , etc. , the manufacturing industry of our country incorporates in the international division system day by day .
With the accelerating pace of economic globalization , the role which developing country firms play in international labour division system has been fundamentally changed , more and more developing country firms are incorporated into global production and supply networks .
Japan , as the only country in the Eastern Asia who has completed modernization and industrialization has been playing a very important role in the regional economic development and in the existing international division of labor in the region .
Making use of compare advantage and scale economy in working procedure , developing country enterprise is able to broadly participate in higher technology International specialization system with higher technology , and the structure changes of overall economy thereby realized .
However , with the evolution of international division system , the form of intra-industry division in East Asia is increasingly prosperous , making the intra-industry influence mechanism becomes an important research direction in the field of business cycle synchronization between China and East Asia .
Due to the fact of being at the bottom of international system of labor division , lagging behind in economic development , and political instability , it is rather difficult for Africa to make use of acquired advantages to catch up with and surpass .
Based on which , the paper analyzes the position of our country in the international division of labor under the economy globalization , the cause of formation of the Three Centers of Manufacturing , the track of success of newly industrialized countries ' manufacturing .
As to the system of international division of labor in CMEA , a document named basic principles of ISDL ( international socialist division of labor ) was promulgated in 1962 . From the document , market and competition were excluded , but planning was advocated .
Leading to the production of labor-intensive low-end product , vertical international division system of the low end of the original equipment manufacturer ( OEM ) companies are even more severe .
China 'S Manufacturing Industries under New Worldwide Division Structure
The soaring growth of Chinese industries could never be separated from China 's fast opening-up to the outside world and its integration into the international division system .
With the accelerated development of economic globalization and the deepening adjustment of global industrial structure , the international division of production system is becoming more and more perfect .
In the process of economic globalization , the recombination of capital , resources , technology and labor to set up international division of labor system , countries with abundant capital and advanced technology transfer the domestic capital to achieve maximum benefits .
The new emerging countries play a tremendously important role in global tasks trading networks and have transformed their trading patterns inherently .
Tourism in West China is a dominant industry which can help to dispose resources rationally and can enter the division system of international trade level by developing export-oriented economy and service exportation .
With the huge differences among the regional economics development in China , and guided by multinational companies , international vertical specialization system has the significance on promoting technology transfer .
With the rapid development of the world economy and the information technology , outsourcing industries is playing more and more important role in the world economy and emerges as a growing phenomenon in the international trade , is changing the system of the international division of labour profoundly .