
duì wài ɡuān xì
  • external relation;foreign relation
对外关系 [duì wài guān xì]
  • [foreign relations;external relations] 主权国家之间的关系;对外政策的明显结果;泛指国际的相互作用和反作用的领域

  1. 从藩属国到殖民地论越南对外关系转型(18041885)

    From Vassal State to Colonial Nation & on Vietnam s Foreign Relation ( 1804-1885 );

  2. 由此,新形势下的全球化与国家利益的关系问题成为我国对外关系中不容回避的课题。

    Therefore globalization relation with national benefit issue under the new situation become subject that can 't avoid in the of our country foreign relation .

  3. 一个例子是,一个更为传统的智囊机构美国对外关系委员会(councilonforeignrelations)也协办了save峰会。

    The save summit , for example , was co-sponsored by a more traditional think-tank , the Council on foreign relations .

  4. 今天在座的有参议员理查德·卢格(RichardLugar),对外关系委员会(ForeignAffairsCommittee)资深成员。

    We have Senator Richard Lugar here , who 's our Ranking Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee .

  5. 正如智囊机构欧洲对外关系委员会(EuropeanCouncilonForeignRelations)在一份有关欧中关系的最新报告中所言,中国已经学会利用欧盟成员国之间的分歧。

    As the European Council on Foreign Relations think-tank puts it in a new report on EU-China relations : China has learned to exploit the divisions among EU member-states .

  6. 辛格在去年11月向美国对外关系委员会(councilonforeignrelations)表达了自己的一些关切,称他担心中国在该地区已变得更为“武断”。

    Mr Singh shared some of his concerns with the US Council on foreign relations in November , saying he feared that China had become more " assertive " in the region .

  7. 正如欧洲对外关系委员会(europeancouncilonforeignrelations)的丹尼尔列维所说:“公开要求并吞的右翼势力不断崛起,是此次以色列选举中最明显的一个特征。”

    As Daniel Levy of the European Council on foreign relations says : " the most striking feature of this Israeli election is the growing strength of openly annexationist rightwing forces . "

  8. 美国对外关系委员会(councilonforeignrelations)7月份发布的一项报告研究显示,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国央行购买的“两房”债务有所减少。

    The Council on foreign relations in July released a study showing that purchases of Fannie and Freddie debt by the central banks of Brazil , Russia , India and China had declined .

  9. BradSetser是纽约对外关系理事会地缘经济方面的成员。

    Brad Setser is a fellow for geoeconomics at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York .

  10. 她为防止性暴力行动,美国对外关系委员会和联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(UNHCR)做了诸多贡献。

    She 's a noted advocate for many causes , including the Prevent Sexual Violence Initiative , the Council on Foreign Relations , and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) .

  11. 上述报告由欧盟贸易专员彼得曼德尔森(petermandelson)和欧盟对外关系专员贝尼塔费雷罗-瓦尔德纳(benitaferrero-waldner)于昨日提交,旨在构建北京与欧盟间广泛、新型合作伙伴关系与合作协议的基础。

    The paper , which was presented yesterday by Peter Mandelson , EU trade commissioner , and Benita Ferrero-Waldner , EU external relations commissioner , is intended to form the basis for a new , extended partnership and co-operation agreement between Beijing and the EU .

  12. 国内的动荡使他有意从对外关系中寻求和平。

    Domestic unrest inclined him to seek peace in external relations .

  13. 他们在对外关系上奉行的是霸权主义的路线和政策。

    It pursues a hegemonist line and policy in foreign relations .

  14. 欧洲对外关系委员会的奥拉夫·博涅克同意此观点。

    Olaf Boehnke of the European Council on Foreign Relations agrees .

  15. 论1801&1814年的美国对外关系

    On the Foreign Relations of the U.S.A. from 1801 to 1814

  16. 新世纪之初中国对外关系的建构

    On China 's Diplomacy in the Beginning of the 21st Century

  17. 重新解读黑格尔的对外关系理论

    A New Exploration of Hegel , s Theory of Foreign Relationship

  18. 埃及对外关系体现了文明交往。

    Third , the Egyptian Foreign Relations reflects the civilized communications .

  19. 略论朝鲜社会主义的内政框架与对外关系

    The Internal Framework and External Relations of Socialism of North Korea

  20. 利比亚对非洲外交:撬动利比亚对外关系转变的杠杆

    Libyan Diplomacy towards Africa : Key to Lever Its Foreign Relations

  21. 宗教对古希腊城邦对外关系的影响

    The Influence of Religion on the Foreign Relationship of Ancient Greek Poleis

  22. 明代是中国对外关系发展史上的重要时期,处于西南的滇、桂两省与周边各国山水相连。

    The Ming Dynasty enjoyed important development in China 's foreign relations .

  23. 张学良时期东北的对外关系

    Foreign Relations in the Northeast of Zhang Xueliang 's Time

  24. 国际旅游在国家对外关系中的作用分析

    Analysis of the Part International Tourism Plays in External Relations

  25. 他曾担任参议院对外关系委员会的主席。

    He was previously the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee .

  26. 独立后马来西亚对外关系研究

    A Study of Malaysian Foreign Policy After Its Independence

  27. 在处理对外关系方面坚决地维护民族的利益和尊严;

    Firmly safeguarding national interests and dignity in dealing with the foreign relations ;

  28. 可参阅有关对外关系的更多资料。

    More information on external relations can be found .

  29. 助理署长兼对外关系及评估与报告局局长

    Assistant Administrator and Director , Bureau of External Relations , Evaluation and Reports

  30. 国内&国际互动与中国对外关系展开

    Domestic-International Interactions and Expansion of China 's Foreign Relations