
duì yì
  • play chess
对弈 [duì yì]
  • [play chess] 下棋

  1. 那个棋手在下到一半时走了几步不合常规的棋,弄得与他对弈的计算机无法应付。

    The chess player confused the computer by making some irrational moves halfway through the game .

  2. 位于北京的中国欧盟商会(EuropeanChamberofCommerceinChina)周二发布了一份长达70页、题为《中国制造2025:产业政策对弈市场力量》(ChinaManufacturing2025)的报告,批评中国的产业政策。

    The EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing on Tuesday released a 70-page critique of China 's industrial policy , known as China Manufacturing 2025 .

  3. 综合运用数字图像处理、串口通信和PLC技术实现了人和机械手面对面的象棋对弈系统。

    A man and manipulators face to face chess-playing system is developed by using technology of image processing , serial communication and PLC programming .

  4. 韩国九段棋手李世石(LeeSe-Dol)表示,在周三举行的首场对弈中败在机器手下,使他处于震惊之中。

    Lee Se-Dol said he was in shock at losing to a machine after it beat him in the first game on Wednesday .

  5. 作为一名13岁就获得国际象棋大师称号并参加了智力奥运会(MindSportsOlympiad)的选手,他因在赛场间奔跑、同时与不同选手对弈而被人铭记。

    A chess master by age 13 and a competitor at the Mind Sports Olympiad , he is remembered for dashing between matches to battle various competitors at once .

  6. 为了推动围棋教学的发展,提高围棋的普及率,本文基于多点触控技术,在Android平台上设计开发了一款用户体验良好的围棋对弈软件。

    In order to improve the go teaching and popularize go playing , the paper aims to develop a good UE go app based on multi-touch technology .

  7. 谷歌(Google)的人工智能程序AlphaGo刚刚在5局的围棋对弈中击败或许称得上目前最优秀的棋手李世石(LeeSe-dol)。

    Google 's AI , AlphaGo , has just finished a five-game series of Go against Lee Se-dol , perhaps the best player of the game alive .

  8. IBM的一位高管在最近的一次会议上表示,1997年超级计算机“深蓝”(DeepBlue)与加里•卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)进行国际象棋比赛,在对弈到一半时,“深蓝”由于软件故障走了一步闲棋。

    An IBM executive told a recent conference that when supercomputer Deep Blue was halfway through its 1997 chess match with Garry Kasparov , it made a random move , due to a software bug .

  9. 中国国家围棋队主教练俞斌表示,这位身份不明玩家的无敌模式、以及几乎每5秒就下一棋的速度使得人们怀疑和他们对弈的其实是一个AI程序。

    Yu Bin , head coach of China 's national Go team , said the unidentified player 's invincible patterns and speed in taking a move almost every five seconds raise suspicions of an AI program at work .

  10. 研究象棋数据结构设计、搜索算法、评估函数等;开发基于VC的象棋对弈程序;提出提取象棋棋子坐标方法。2、图像处理及特征提取研究。

    Studying the design of chess data structure , searching algorithm , evaluation function , etc. Develop chess program based on VC . Propose a method of extraction coordinates of chess pieces . 2 、 Research on image procession and feature extraction .

  11. 上周,这位韩国棋手与谷歌(Google)旗下的英国公司DeepMind研发的人工智能计算机程序AlphaGo展开对弈。

    This week , the South Korean took on an artificially intelligent computer program called AlphaGo created by DeepMind , a British company owned by Google .

  12. 突破的时刻在上周三来临——在3个半小时的对弈之后,李世石向AlphaGo认输。

    That moment came on Wednesday when , after three-and-a-half hours play , Mr Lee conceded to AlphaGo .

  13. AlphaGo则是通过自己跟自己大量对弈,学会了如何推测对手可能的走法。

    Instead , AlphaGo learned to recognise promising moves by playing huge numbers of Go matches against itself .

  14. 在这场于首尔举行的五局对弈中,AlphaGo目前以3:1领先。

    In the series of five matches in Seoul , the machine is winning , taking a 2-0 lead in the contest .

  15. 10年来保持着世界排名第一的韩国棋手李世石(LeeSe-Dol)对自己的首场胜利感到高兴,尽管AlphaGo已经稳拿这轮五局对弈的100万美元奖金。

    Lee Se-dol , the South Korean who has been the top Go player for a decade , was delighted at his first victory , although AlphaGo had already clinched the $ 1m prize in the best-of-five series .

  16. 去年10月,AlphaGo在与欧洲围棋冠军樊麾的对弈中以5-0完胜——之前专家们预计10年后机器才会赢。

    In October , AlphaGo beat Fan Hui , the European Go champion , by five games to zero - a feat experts had predicted would take a decade .

  17. 由于本月初谷歌人工智能程序AlphaGo对弈韩国围棋大师李世石取得历史性的胜利,互联网巨头们就人工智能的前景展开了热烈讨论。

    Internet tycoons had heated discussions on the promise of artificial intelligence ( AI ) following the historic victory earlier this month for Google Inc 's AI-powered AlphaGo over South Korean Go master Lee Se-dol .

  18. 为了教会该系统,DeepMind让两个围棋程序彼此对弈,使用一种被称为“强化学习”的技术,帮助该技术反复迭代和演化。

    To teach its system , DeepMind set two Go-playing programs against each other , using a technique known as " reinforcement learning " to help the technology iterate and adapt .

  19. 选取剪枝效率较高的搜索引擎结合静态搜索提高棋力,让这些新的搜索引擎对弈,证明了剪枝效率最高的PVSHNTIQ搜索算法的棋力也最高。

    Select the search engine which pruning more efficient inject quiescence search to improve playing strength , play game with each other , proved the most efficient pruning search algorithm & PVSHNTIQ playing strength is highest .

  20. 其中,学习子系统和对弈子系统是关键所在。

    And both learning subsystem and playing subsystem are pivotal subsystems .

  21. 实时环境下的对弈机器人控制系统设计与分析

    Design and analysis of the chinese-chess robot in real time environment

  22. 基于图像处理的人和机械手象棋对弈系统实现

    Development of Man and Manipulator 's Chess-playing System Based on Image Processing

  23. 增强学习与人工神经网络结合在对弈中的应用

    Application of Combining Reinforcement Learning With Artificial Neural Network to Playing Chess

  24. 国际象棋大师和从街上闲逛进来的普通老百姓对弈。

    Grand masters play against average joes who wander in off thestreet .

  25. 中国象棋对弈的计算机辅助分析

    The Computer Aid Analysis for Game of Chinese Chess

  26. 我只是去和他再对弈一盘。

    I just went there to play him again .

  27. 正在首尔举行的此次对弈,受到了极大关注。

    The contest is being staged in Seoul and has generated huge interest .

  28. 对弈必胜策略的符号化模型检测

    Symbolic Model Checking Winning Strategies in Games

  29. 预算博弈中对弈一方的行为剖析&基于三种不同激励报酬计划

    Behavior Analysis of One Side in the Budgeting Gambling & under Three Different motivation Compensation Schemes

  30. 被害人谨慎义务的对弈思考&以控制犯罪成本为视角

    On the Prudent Obligation of Victim : In the View of the Cost of Controlling Crime