
yàn tai
  • inkstone;inkslab
砚台 [yàn tāi]
  • (1) [inkstone] 同砚

  • (2)

砚台[yàn tai]
  1. 你没见过这样的砚台吧?

    Have you ever seen an inkstone like this before ?

  2. 房间要保持整齐清洁,墙壁要保持干净,自己的书桌要保持整洁,毛笔砚台要端正。

    I will keep my room neat , my walls uncluttered and clean , my desk tidy and my brush and inkstone properly placed .

  3. 孩子们在盒子里放不同的东西,比如书、画笔、砚台和纸。

    Kids put different things like books , brushes , ink stonesand paper in the boxes .

  4. 我甚至还基于这方砚台的原型设计了一个茶馆。

    I even designed a teahouse based on the prototype .

  5. 这块石头是“砚”,叫做砚石或砚台。

    And this piece of stone we call it ink stone or ink slap .

  6. 端砚是中国所有的砚台之中最好的一种。

    Duan ink slab is the best among all the ink slabs produced in china .

  7. 你的书桌要整洁,毛笔砚台要放的正。

    Your desk tidy and your brush and ink stone ( 11 ) properly placed .

  8. 肇庆还以砚台、牙雕、骨雕、檀香扇等而闻名。

    Zhaoqing is also famous for ink stones , ivory and bone carvings and sandalwood fans , etc.

  9. 歙县以歙砚出名,是砚台(写书法时必备的一种工具)中最受欢迎的一种。

    She County is famous for the She Inkstone , one of the most preferred types of inkstones ( a required tool in traditional calligraphy ) .

  10. 董斜川也向跑堂的要了一支秃笔,一方砚台,把茶几上的票子飞快的书写着。

    Tung also asked the waiter for a brush and ink stone , took the menu from the tea table , and quickly leafed through it .

  11. 眼前的湖叫做砚池,因为它的形状像中国古代文房四宝中的砚台。

    The pool turns up in the front named Inkstone Pool , because it is shaped like an ancient Chinese inkstone of the four treasure of study .

  12. 在使用过程中,人们就会对其尺寸有一定的要求,因而,砚台尺寸的人机工程学研究就显得特别重要。

    In the course of use , people will have certain request of its size ; therefore , the ergonomics study on its size is of particular importance .

  13. 因为它位于丽江盆地的中部,看起来像一个大砚台,在中国的读音是“研”。

    Because it is in the middle of Lijiang basin , and the Lijiang basin looks like a big inkstone , and in Chinese the pronunciation of that is " yan " .

  14. 我们往砚台中倒一些水,在它上面磨墨,然后我们就可以得到用来写字作画的墨汁。

    And we pour some water into it , and we rub the ink stick , and then we can get the liquid ink we are gonna use in painting and writing .

  15. 他在桌上摆放了砚台,墨,几枝毛笔,一小瓶水,几本书和几张印上大方格的白纸。

    Brand new on a desk were an ink stone , ink stick , a few calligraphy brushes , a small bottle of water , a few books and paper with vertical lines or big squares .

  16. 本文通过对中国各历史时期中砚台资料的收集,从研磨器产生的石器时代开始,一直延续到清代,再将这些材料进行综合整理和分析。

    The paper collects information about ink-slab in the various historical periods of China , which is from the Stone Age when people started to produce grinders to the Qing Dynasty , and then consolidate and analyze it .

  17. 上方有一方型大砚台,足有一尺见方,砚池里已有磨好的浓汁,一支磨去四分之一的胳膊粗的上等好墨,搁在砚角上。

    Above there is a large square with beeswax , a foot square , inkstone pond has been grinding good thick juice , a mill to a quarter of his arm a good rough on the ink anchorage point .